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Publications by Håvard Moksnes

50 publications found

Original articles

Oronowicz J, Seil R, Hörterer H, Moksnes H, Ekas GR, Cabri J, Mouton C, Frenzel G, Tischer T (2024)
Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in elite ski jumping reliably allow return to competition but severely affect future top performance
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 32 (3), 616-622
DOI 10.1002/ksa.12076, PubMed 38363010

van Melick N, Dietvorst M, van Oort MIAM, Claessens RLA, Janssen RPA, Bogie R, Adolescent ACL Rehabilitation Group, Claussen W, Greenberg EM, Grindem H, Kearney S, van Keulen M, Lips M, Macrina L, McWilliam D, Moksnes H, Norris R, Paterno MV, Picot B, Piskulic D, Prato LF, Sayer TA, Sethi F, Silvers-Granelli H, Truong L et al. (2023)
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rehabilitation for the 10- to 18-Year-Old Adolescent Athlete: Practice Guidelines Based on International Delphi Consensus
Orthop J Sports Med, 11 (7), 23259671231172454
DOI 10.1177/23259671231172454, PubMed 37492781

Vagle M, Dalen-Lorentsen T, Moksnes H, Harøy J, Bjørneboe J, Andersen TE (2023)
Physical Performance Profiles in Norwegian Premier League Female Football: A Descriptive Study
Int J Sports Physiol Perform, 18 (7), 695-703
DOI 10.1123/ijspp.2022-0360, PubMed 37201905

Moksnes H, Ardern CL, Kvist J, Engebretsen L, Risberg MA, Myklebust G, Grindem H (2021)
Assessing implementation, limited efficacy, and acceptability of the BEAST tool: A rehabilitation and return-to-sport decision tool for nonprofessional athletes with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Phys Ther Sport, 52, 147-154
DOI 10.1016/j.ptsp.2021.08.011, PubMed 34492443

Reiman MP, Agricola R, Kemp JL, Heerey JJ, Weir A, van Klij P, Kassarjian A, Mosler AB, Ageberg E, Hölmich P, Warholm KM, Griffin D, Mayes S, Khan KM, Crossley KM, Bizzini M, Bloom N, Casartelli NC, Diamond LE, Di Stasi S, Drew M, Friedman DJ, Freke M, Gojanovic B, Glyn-Jones S et al. (2020)
Consensus recommendations on the classification, definition and diagnostic criteria of hip-related pain in young and middle-aged active adults from the International Hip-related Pain Research Network, Zurich 2018
Br J Sports Med, 54 (11), 631-641
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101453, PubMed 31959678

Mosler AB, Kemp J, King M, Lawrenson PR, Semciw A, Freke M, Jones DM, Casartelli NC, Wörner T, Ishøi L, Ageberg E, Diamond LE, Hunt MA, Di Stasi S, Reiman MP, Drew M, Friedman D, Thorborg K, Leunig M, Bizzini M, Khan KM, Crossley KM, Agricola R, Bloom N, Dijkstra HP et al. (2019)
Standardised measurement of physical capacity in young and middle-aged active adults with hip-related pain: recommendations from the first International Hip-related Pain Research Network (IHiPRN) meeting, Zurich, 2018
Br J Sports Med, 54 (12), 702-710
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101457, PubMed 31857334

Kemp JL, Risberg MA, Mosler A, Harris-Hayes M, Serner A, Moksnes H, Bloom N, Crossley KM, Gojanovic B, Hunt MA, Ishøi L, Mathieu N, Mayes S, Scholes MJ, Gimpel M, Friedman D, Ageberg E, Agricola R, Casartelli NC, Diamond LE, Dijkstra HP, Di Stasi S, Drew M, Freke M, Griffin D et al. (2019)
Physiotherapist-led treatment for young to middle-aged active adults with hip-related pain: consensus recommendations from the International Hip-related Pain Research Network, Zurich 2018
Br J Sports Med, 54 (9), 504-511
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101458, PubMed 31732651

Scott A, LaPrade RF, Harmon KG, Filardo G, Kon E, Della Villa S, Bahr R, Moksnes H, Torgalsen T, Lee J, Dragoo JL, Engebretsen L (2019)
Platelet-Rich Plasma for Patellar Tendinopathy: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Leukocyte-Rich PRP or Leukocyte-Poor PRP Versus Saline
Am J Sports Med, 47 (7), 1654-1661
DOI 10.1177/0363546519837954, PubMed 31038979

Ekås GR, Laane MM, Larmo A, Moksnes H, Grindem H, Risberg MA, Engebretsen L (2019)
Knee Pathology in Young Adults After Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Prospective Case Series of 47 Patients With a Mean 9.5-Year Follow-up
Am J Sports Med, 47 (7), 1557-1566
DOI 10.1177/0363546519837935, PubMed 31034243

Ekås GR, Moksnes H, Grindem H, Risberg MA, Engebretsen L (2018)
Coping With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury From Childhood to Maturation: A Prospective Case Series of 44 Patients With Mean 8 Years' Follow-up
Am J Sports Med, 47 (1), 22-30
DOI 10.1177/0363546518810750, PubMed 30476435

Heerey J, Risberg MA, Magnus J, Moksnes H, Ødegaard T, Crossley K, Kemp JL (2018)
Impairment-Based Rehabilitation Following Hip Arthroscopy: Postoperative Protocol for the HIP ARThroscopy International Randomized Controlled Trial
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 48 (4), 336-342
DOI 10.2519/jospt.2018.8002, PubMed 29607764

Ardern CL, Ekås GR, Grindem H, Moksnes H, Anderson AF, Chotel F, Cohen M, Forssblad M, Ganley TJ, Feller JA, Karlsson J, Kocher MS, LaPrade RF, McNamee M, Mandelbaum B, Micheli L, Mohtadi N, Reider B, Roe J, Seil R, Siebold R, Silvers-Granelli HJ, Soligard T, Witvrouw E, Engebretsen L (2018)
2018 International Olympic Committee consensus statement on prevention, diagnosis and management of paediatric anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries
Br J Sports Med, 52 (7), 422-438
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099060, PubMed 29478021

Ardern CL, Ekås G, Grindem H, Moksnes H, Anderson A, Chotel F, Cohen M, Forssblad M, Ganley TJ, Feller JA, Karlsson J, Kocher MS, LaPrade RF, McNamee M, Mandelbaum B, Micheli L, Mohtadi N, Reider B, Roe J, Seil R, Siebold R, Silvers-Granelli HJ, Soligard T, Witvrouw E, Engebretsen L (2018)
2018 International Olympic Committee consensus statement on prevention, diagnosis and management of paediatric anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 26 (4), 989-1010
DOI 10.1007/s00167-018-4865-y, PubMed 29455243

Wörner T, Thorborg K, Moksnes H, Eek F (2017)
Similar views on rehabilitation following hip arthroscopy among physiotherapists and surgeons in Scandinavia: a specialized care survey
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 26 (8), 2519-2526
DOI 10.1007/s00167-017-4676-6, PubMed 28808740

Skaara HE, Moksnes H, Gronvold D, Koppang OL, Stuge B (2017)
A therapeutic exercise programme for patients with surgical repair after proximal hamstring avulsion: a case report with 3-year follow-up
Eur. J. Physiother., 19 (1), 48-55
DOI 10.1080/21679169.2016.1243726

Eitzen I, Grindem H, Nilstad A, Moksnes H, Risberg MA (2016)
Quantifying Quadriceps Muscle Strength in Patients With ACL Injury, Focal Cartilage Lesions, and Degenerative Meniscus Tears: Differences and Clinical Implications
Orthop J Sports Med, 4 (10), 2325967116667717
DOI 10.1177/2325967116667717, PubMed 27766275

Ardern CL, Glasgow P, Schneiders A, Witvrouw E, Clarsen B, Cools A, Gojanovic B, Griffin S, Khan KM, Moksnes H, Mutch SA, Phillips N, Reurink G, Sadler R, Silbernagel KG, Thorborg K, Wangensteen A, Wilk KE, Bizzini M (2016)
2016 Consensus statement on return to sport from the First World Congress in Sports Physical Therapy, Bern
Br J Sports Med, 50 (14), 853-64
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096278, PubMed 27226389

Grindem H, Snyder-Mackler L, Moksnes H, Engebretsen L, Risberg MA (2016)
Simple decision rules can reduce reinjury risk by 84% after ACL reconstruction: the Delaware-Oslo ACL cohort study
Br J Sports Med, 50 (13), 804-8
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096031, PubMed 27162233

Johnsen MB, Guddal MH, Småstuen MC, Moksnes H, Engebretsen L, Storheim K, Zwart JA (2016)
Sport Participation and the Risk of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Adolescents: A Population-based Prospective Cohort Study (The Young-HUNT Study)
Am J Sports Med, 44 (11), 2917-2924
DOI 10.1177/0363546516643807, PubMed 27159313

Moksnes H, Grindem H (2015)
Prevention and rehabilitation of paediatric anterior cruciate ligament injuries
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 24 (3), 730-6
DOI 10.1007/s00167-015-3856-5, PubMed 26572630

Moksnes H, Engebretsen L, Seil R (2015)
The ESSKA paediatric anterior cruciate ligament monitoring initiative
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 24 (3), 680-7
DOI 10.1007/s00167-015-3746-x, PubMed 26249112

Johnsen MB, Eitzen I, Moksnes H, Risberg MA (2015)
Inter- and intrarater reliability of four single-legged hop tests and isokinetic muscle torque measurements in children
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 23 (7), 1907-16
DOI 10.1007/s00167-013-2771-x, PubMed 26284271

Funahashi KM, Moksnes H, Maletis GB, Csintalan RP, Inacio MC, Funahashi TT (2014)
Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in adolescents with open physis: effect of recurrent injury and surgical delay on meniscal and cartilage injuries
Am J Sports Med, 42 (5), 1068-73
DOI 10.1177/0363546514525584, PubMed 24634449

Skaara HE, Moksnes H, Frihagen F, Stuge B (2013)
Self-reported and performance-based functional outcomes after surgical repair of proximal hamstring avulsions
Am J Sports Med, 41 (11), 2577-84
DOI 10.1177/0363546513499518, PubMed 23989349

Moksnes H, Engebretsen L, Risberg MA (2013)
Prevalence and incidence of new meniscus and cartilage injuries after a nonoperative treatment algorithm for ACL tears in skeletally immature children: a prospective MRI study
Am J Sports Med, 41 (8), 1771-9
DOI 10.1177/0363546513491092, PubMed 23771955

Moksnes H, Engebretsen L, Eitzen I, Risberg MA (2013)
Functional outcomes following a non-operative treatment algorithm for anterior cruciate ligament injuries in skeletally immature children 12 years and younger. A prospective cohort with 2 years follow-up
Br J Sports Med, 47 (8), 488-94
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2012-092066, PubMed 23446640

Grindem H, Eitzen I, Moksnes H, Snyder-Mackler L, Risberg MA (2012)
A pair-matched comparison of return to pivoting sports at 1 year in anterior cruciate ligament-injured patients after a nonoperative versus an operative treatment course
Am J Sports Med, 40 (11), 2509-16
DOI 10.1177/0363546512458424, PubMed 22962290

Moksnes H, Engebretsen L, Risberg MA (2011)
Management of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in skeletally immature individuals
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 42 (3), 172-83
DOI 10.2519/jospt.2012.3608, PubMed 21891880

Grindem H, Logerstedt D, Eitzen I, Moksnes H, Axe MJ, Snyder-Mackler L, Engebretsen L, Risberg MA (2011)
Single-legged hop tests as predictors of self-reported knee function in nonoperatively treated individuals with anterior cruciate ligament injury
Am J Sports Med, 39 (11), 2347-54
DOI 10.1177/0363546511417085, PubMed 21828364

Eitzen I, Moksnes H, Snyder-Mackler L, Risberg MA (2010)
A progressive 5-week exercise therapy program leads to significant improvement in knee function early after anterior cruciate ligament injury
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 40 (11), 705-21
DOI 10.2519/jospt.2010.3345, PubMed 20710097

Eitzen I, Moksnes H, Snyder-Mackler L, Engebretsen L, Risberg MA (2010)
Functional tests should be accentuated more in the decision for ACL reconstruction
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 18 (11), 1517-25
DOI 10.1007/s00167-010-1113-5, PubMed 20411377

LaPrade RF, Johansen S, Agel J, Risberg MA, Moksnes H, Engebretsen L (2010)
Outcomes of an anatomic posterolateral knee reconstruction
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 92 (1), 16-22
DOI 10.2106/JBJS.I.00474, PubMed 20048091

Moksnes H, Risberg MA (2009)
Performance-based functional evaluation of non-operative and operative treatment after anterior cruciate ligament injury
Scand J Med Sci Sports, 19 (3), 345-55
DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2008.00816.x, PubMed 18510592

Risberg MA, Moksnes H, Storevold A, Holm I, Snyder-Mackler L (2009)
Rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament injury influences joint loading during walking but not hopping
Br J Sports Med, 43 (6), 423-8
DOI 10.1136/bjsm.2008.056846, PubMed 19273473

Moksnes H, Snyder-Mackler L, Risberg MA (2008)
Individuals with an anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee classified as noncopers may be candidates for nonsurgical rehabilitation
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38 (10), 586-95
DOI 10.2519/jospt.2008.2750, PubMed 18979658

Moksnes H, Engebretsen L, Risberg MA (2007)
Performance-based functional outcome for children 12 years or younger following anterior cruciate ligament injury: a two to nine-year follow-up study
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 16 (3), 214-23
DOI 10.1007/s00167-007-0469-7, PubMed 18157486

Review articles

Mouton C, Moksnes H, Janssen R, Fink C, Zaffagnini S, Monllau JC, Ekås G, Engebretsen L, Seil R (2021)
Preliminary experience of an international orthopaedic registry: the ESSKA Paediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Initiative (PAMI) registry
J Exp Orthop, 8 (1), 45
DOI 10.1186/s40634-021-00366-7, PubMed 34173077

Impellizzeri FM, Jones DM, Griffin D, Harris-Hayes M, Thorborg K, Crossley KM, Reiman MP, Scholes MJ, Ageberg E, Agricola R, Bizzini M, Bloom N, Casartelli NC, Diamond LE, Dijkstra HP, Di Stasi S, Drew M, Friedman DJ, Freke M, Gojanovic B, Heerey JJ, Hölmich P, Hunt MA, Ishøi L, Kassarjian A et al. (2020)
Patient-reported outcome measures for hip-related pain: a review of the available evidence and a consensus statement from the International Hip-related Pain Research Network, Zurich 2018
Br J Sports Med, 54 (14), 848-857
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101456, PubMed 32066573

International Olympic Committee Pediatric ACL Injury Consensus Group, Ardern CL, Ekås G, Grindem H, Moksnes H, Anderson AF, Chotel F, Cohen M, Forssblad M, Ganley TJ, Feller JA, Karlsson J, Kocher MS, LaPrade RF, McNamee M, Mandelbaum B, Micheli L, Mohtadi NGH, Reider B, Roe JP, Seil R, Siebold R, Silvers-Granelli HJ, Soligard T, Witvrouw E et al. (2018)
2018 International Olympic Committee Consensus Statement on Prevention, Diagnosis, and Management of Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
Orthop J Sports Med, 6 (3), 2325967118759953
DOI 10.1177/2325967118759953, PubMed 29594177

Moksnes H, Engebretsen L, Risberg MA (2012)
The current evidence for treatment of ACL injuries in children is low: a systematic review
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 94 (12), 1112-9
DOI 10.2106/JBJS.K.00960, PubMed 22717830

Other articles

Oronowicz J, Frenzel G, Hörterer H, Moksnes H, Ekas GR, Cabri J, Tischer T, Seil R (2024)
Sport-specific differences in ACL injury, treatment and return to sports-Ski jumping
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc (in press)
DOI 10.1002/ksa.12176, PubMed 38643402

Reiman MP, Agricola R, Kemp JL, Heerey JJ, Weir A, van Klij P, Kassarjian A, Mosler AB, Ageberg E, Hölmich P, Warholm KM, Griffin D, Mayes S, Khan KM, Crossley KM, Bizzini M, Bloom N, Casartelli NC, Diamond LE, Di Stasi S, Drew M, Friedman DJ, Freke M, Glyn-Jones S, Gojanovic B et al. (2020)
Infographic. Consensus recommendations on the classification, definition and diagnostic criteria of hip-related pain in young and middle-aged active adults from the International Hip-related Pain Research Network, Zurich 2018
Br J Sports Med, 55 (2), 115-117
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2020-102219, PubMed 32868314

Ardern CL, Ekås GR, Grindem H, Moksnes H, Anderson A, Chotel F, Cohen M, Forssblad M, Ganley TJ, Feller JA, Karlsson J, Kocher MS, LaPrade RF, McNamee M, Mandelbaum B, Micheli L, Mohtadi NGH, Reider B, Roe JP, Seil R, Siebold R, Silvers-Granelli HJ, Soligard T, Witvrouw E, Engebretsen L (2018)
Prevention, diagnosis and management of paediatric ACL injuries
Br J Sports Med, 52 (20), 1297-1298
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099493, PubMed 29773588

Seil R, Theisen D, Moksnes H, Engebretsen L (2018)
ESSKA partners and the IOC join forces to improve children ACL treatment
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 26 (4), 983-984
DOI 10.1007/s00167-018-4887-5, PubMed 29508018

Ardern CL, Glasgow P, Schneiders AG, Witvrouw E, Clarsen B, Cools AM, Gojanovic B, Griffin S, Khan K, Moksnes H, Mutch S, Phillips N, Reurink G, Sadler R, Gravare Silbernagel K, Thorborg K, Wangensteen A, Wilk K, Bizzini M (2017)
Infographic: 2016 Consensus statement on return to sport from the First World Congress in Sports Physical Therapy, Bern
Br J Sports Med, 51 (13), 995
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2016-097468, PubMed 28213400

Moksnes H, Engebretsen L (2015)
It takes more than timing: letter to the editor
Am J Sports Med, 43 (6), NP14-5
DOI 10.1177/0363546515585289, PubMed 26025937

Clarsen B, Moksnes H, Maughan RJ, Engebretsen L, Budgett R (2015)
The IOC Diploma programme in sports physiotherapy
Br. J. Sports Med., 49 (7), 424
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2015-094686

Book chapters

Moksnes H (2009)
Barn med fremre korsbåndsskade
In Norsk idrettsmedisin, NIMF, Oslo, 24(2009)nr 4, s. 25-27
BIBSYS 101539703

Moksnes H (2002)
Erfaringer med trening av adduktorrelaterte lyskesmerter ad modum Hölmich
In Norsk idrettsmedisin, Medborgeren, Oslo, 17(2002)nr 1, S. 7-9
BIBSYS 021042934


Moksnes H (2007)
Functional evaluation comparing non-operative treatment and ACL reconstruction in patients after anterior cruciate ligament injury: a prospective one year follow-up study
[H. Moksnes], Oslo, 48 bl.
BIBSYS 07137888x
