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Publications by Hilde Capjon

9 publications found

Original articles

Saetrang T, Bjørk IT, Capjon H, Rasmussen M (2018)
Parent-child communication and timing of interventions are challenges in the Duchenne muscular dystrophy care
Acta Paediatr, 108 (3), 535-540
DOI 10.1111/apa.14537, PubMed 30118557

Høiness PR, Capjon H, Lofterød B (2014)
Pain and rehabilitation problems after single-event multilevel surgery including bony foot surgery in cerebral palsy. A series of 7 children
Acta Orthop, 85 (6), 646-51
DOI 10.3109/17453674.2014.960141, PubMed 25191930

Capjon H, Bjørk IT (2010)
Ambulant children with spastic cerebral palsy and their parents' perceptions and expectations prior to multilevel surgery
Dev Neurorehabil, 13 (2), 80-7
DOI 10.3109/17518420903373511, PubMed 20222768

Capjon H, Bjørk IT (2010)
Rehabilitation after multilevel surgery in ambulant spastic children with cerebral palsy: children and parent experiences
Dev Neurorehabil, 13 (3), 182-91
DOI 10.3109/17518421003606151, PubMed 20450468

Skjeldal OH, Capjon H, Dahl A, Diseth TH (2008)
Therapy in a subtropical climate for children with cerebral palsy. Evidence of physical and psychosocial effects?
Acta Paediatr, 98 (4), 670-4
DOI 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2008.01114.x, PubMed 19006523


Capjon H (1998)
Habilitering av barnehagebarn med funksjonshemninger: den gode viljen - den vanskelige tverrfagligheten
Kompetansesenteret i fysioterapi, Oslo, 5 b.
BIBSYS 990189171

Capjon H, Haugstvedt KT (1996)
Barnets motoriske læring som gunnlag for meningsfylt mestring
[forfatterne], Oslo, 33, [30] bl.
BIBSYS 970988834

Book chapters

Capjon H (1994)
Motorikk og bevegelse: kompetanseheving i 20 barnehager i Bærum
In Barnestafetten, NFF's faggruppe for barne-og ungdomsfysioterapi, Oslo, 12(1994)nr 22, S. 17-22
BIBSYS 951048740


Capjon H (1997)
Foreldreperspektiv på funksjonshemmete småbarns læring ogmestring: noen konsekvenser for fysioterapifaglig praksis
H. Capjon, Oslo, 102 s.
BIBSYS 980111501
