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Publications by Kari Steindal

3 publications found

Original articles

Helverschou SB, Steindal K, Nøttestad JA, Howlin P (2017)
Personal experiences of the Criminal Justice System by individuals with autism spectrum disorders
Autism, 22 (4), 460-468
DOI 10.1177/1362361316685554, PubMed 28325062

Helverschou SB, Rasmussen K, Steindal K, Søndanaa E, Nilsson B, Nøttestad JA (2015)
Offending profiles of individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A study of all individuals with autism spectrum disorder examined by the forensic psychiatric service in Norway between 2000 and 2010
Autism, 19 (7), 850-8
DOI 10.1177/1362361315584571, PubMed 25976157

Søndenaa E, Helverschou SB, Steindal K, Rasmussen K, Nilson B, Nøttestad JA (2014)
Violence and sexual offending behavior in people with autism spectrum disorder who have undergone a psychiatric forensic examination
Psychol Rep, 115 (1), 32-43
DOI 10.2466/16.15.PR0.115c16z5, PubMed 25073065
