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Publications by Trude Lien

2 publications found

Original articles

Athanasiu L, Mattingsdal M, Melle I, Inderhaug E, Lien T, Agartz I, Lorentzen S, Morken G, Andreassen OA, Djurovic S (2010)
Intron 12 in NTRK3 is associated with bipolar disorder
Psychiatry Res, 185 (3), 358-62
DOI 10.1016/j.psychres.2010.05.011, PubMed 20554328

Skretting G, Lien T, Sandset PM, Iversen N (2008)
Expression of the V264M TFPI mutant in endothelial cell cultures may involve mRNA stability
Thromb Res, 123 (6), 851-5
DOI 10.1016/j.thromres.2008.09.003, PubMed 19007969
