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Publications by Nina Pettersen Hessvik

18 publications found

Original articles

Hessvik NP, Sagini K, Romero S, Ramirez-Garrastacho M, Rodriguez M, Tutturen AEV, Kvalvaag A, Stang E, Brech A, Sandvig K, Llorente A (2023)
siRNA screening reveals that SNAP29 contributes to exosome release
Cell Mol Life Sci, 80 (7), 177
DOI 10.1007/s00018-023-04822-8, PubMed 37285022

Rodríguez M, Bajo-Santos C, Hessvik NP, Lorenz S, Fromm B, Berge V, Sandvig K, Linē A, Llorente A (2017)
Identification of non-invasive miRNAs biomarkers for prostate cancer by deep sequencing analysis of urinary exosomes
Mol Cancer, 16 (1), 156
DOI 10.1186/s12943-017-0726-4, PubMed 28982366

Li Y, Hessvik NP, Danbolt NC, Holen T (2016)
A large-scale quantitative EM study on activation of olfactory glands shows no effect of cholinergic agents
Microscopy (Oxf), 65 (5), 438-443
DOI 10.1093/jmicro/dfw028, PubMed 27460022

Hessvik NP, Øverbye A, Brech A, Torgersen ML, Jakobsen IS, Sandvig K, Llorente A (2016)
PIKfyve inhibition increases exosome release and induces secretory autophagy
Cell Mol Life Sci, 73 (24), 4717-4737
DOI 10.1007/s00018-016-2309-8, PubMed 27438886

Phuyal S, Skotland T, Hessvik NP, Simolin H, Øverbye A, Brech A, Parton RG, Ekroos K, Sandvig K, Llorente A (2014)
The ether lipid precursor hexadecylglycerol stimulates the release and changes the composition of exosomes derived from PC-3 cells
J Biol Chem, 290 (7), 4225-37
DOI 10.1074/jbc.M114.593962, PubMed 25519911

Phuyal S, Hessvik NP, Skotland T, Sandvig K, Llorente A (2014)
Regulation of exosome release by glycosphingolipids and flotillins
FEBS J, 281 (9), 2214-27
DOI 10.1111/febs.12775, PubMed 24605801

Hessvik NP, Sandvig K, Llorente A (2013)
Exosomal miRNAs as Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer
Front Genet, 4, 36
DOI 10.3389/fgene.2013.00036, PubMed 23519132

Bakke SS, Moro C, Nikolić N, Hessvik NP, Badin PM, Lauvhaug L, Fredriksson K, Hesselink MK, Boekschoten MV, Kersten S, Gaster M, Thoresen GH, Rustan AC (2012)
Palmitic acid follows a different metabolic pathway than oleic acid in human skeletal muscle cells; lower lipolysis rate despite an increased level of adipose triglyceride lipase
Biochim Biophys Acta, 1821 (10), 1323-33
DOI 10.1016/j.bbalip.2012.07.001, PubMed 22796147

Hessvik NP, Phuyal S, Brech A, Sandvig K, Llorente A (2012)
Profiling of microRNAs in exosomes released from PC-3 prostate cancer cells
Biochim Biophys Acta, 1819 (11-12), 1154-63
DOI 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2012.08.016, PubMed 22982408

Hessvik NP, Bakke SS, Smith R, Ravna AW, Sylte I, Rustan AC, Thoresen GH, Kase ET (2011)
The liver X receptor modulator 22(S)-hydroxycholesterol exerts cell-type specific effects on lipid and glucose metabolism
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 128 (3-5), 154-64
DOI 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2011.10.006, PubMed 22051079

Fraser DA, Hessvik NP, Nikolić N, Aas V, Hanssen KF, Bøhn SK, Thoresen GH, Rustan AC (2011)
Benfotiamine increases glucose oxidation and downregulates NADPH oxidase 4 expression in cultured human myotubes exposed to both normal and high glucose concentrations
Genes Nutr, 7 (3), 459-69
DOI 10.1007/s12263-011-0252-8, PubMed 21984258

Thoresen GH, Hessvik NP, Bakke SS, Aas V, Rustan AC (2011)
Metabolic switching of human skeletal muscle cells in vitro
Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 85 (5), 227-34
DOI 10.1016/j.plefa.2011.04.017, PubMed 21549583

Aas V, Hessvik NP, Wettergreen M, Hvammen AW, Hallén S, Thoresen GH, Rustan AC (2010)
Chronic hyperglycemia reduces substrate oxidation and impairs metabolic switching of human myotubes
Biochim Biophys Acta, 1812 (1), 94-105
DOI 10.1016/j.bbadis.2010.09.014, PubMed 20888904

Corpeleijn E, Hessvik NP, Bakke SS, Levin K, Blaak EE, Thoresen GH, Gaster M, Rustan AC (2010)
Oxidation of intramyocellular lipids is dependent on mitochondrial function and the availability of extracellular fatty acids
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 299 (1), E14-22
DOI 10.1152/ajpendo.00187.2010, PubMed 20442319

Hessvik NP, Bakke SS, Fredriksson K, Boekschoten MV, Fjørkenstad A, Koster G, Hesselink MK, Kersten S, Kase ET, Rustan AC, Thoresen GH (2010)
Metabolic switching of human myotubes is improved by n-3 fatty acids
J Lipid Res, 51 (8), 2090-104
DOI 10.1194/jlr.M003319, PubMed 20363834

Hessvik NP, Boekschoten MV, Baltzersen MA, Kersten S, Xu X, Andersén H, Rustan AC, Thoresen GH (2009)
LXR{beta} is the dominant LXR subtype in skeletal muscle regulating lipogenesis and cholesterol efflux
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 298 (3), E602-13
DOI 10.1152/ajpendo.00553.2009, PubMed 19996385

Review articles

Skotland T, Hessvik NP, Sandvig K, Llorente A (2018)
Exosomal lipid composition and the role of ether lipids and phosphoinositides in exosome biology
J Lipid Res, 60 (1), 9-18
DOI 10.1194/jlr.R084343, PubMed 30076207

Hessvik NP, Llorente A (2017)
Current knowledge on exosome biogenesis and release
Cell Mol Life Sci, 75 (2), 193-208
DOI 10.1007/s00018-017-2595-9, PubMed 28733901
