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Publications by Mrinal Joel

11 publications found

Original articles

Rødland GE, Hauge S, Hasvold G, Bay LTE, Raabe TTH, Joel M, Syljuåsen RG (2021)
Differential Effects of Combined ATR/WEE1 Inhibition in Cancer Cells
Cancers (Basel), 13 (15)
DOI 10.3390/cancers13153790, PubMed 34359691

Hauge S, Naucke C, Hasvold G, Joel M, Rødland GE, Juzenas P, Stokke T, Syljuåsen RG (2017)
Combined inhibition of Wee1 and Chk1 gives synergistic DNA damage in S-phase due to distinct regulation of CDK activity and CDC45 loading
Oncotarget, 8 (7), 10966-10979
DOI 10.18632/oncotarget.14089, PubMed 28030798

Stangeland B, Mughal AA, Grieg Z, Sandberg CJ, Joel M, Nygård S, Meling T, Murrell W, Vik Mo EO, Langmoen IA (2015)
Combined expressional analysis, bioinformatics and targeted proteomics identify new potential therapeutic targets in glioblastoma stem cells
Oncotarget, 6 (28), 26192-215
DOI 10.18632/oncotarget.4613, PubMed 26295306

Mughal AA, Grieg Z, Skjellegrind H, Fayzullin A, Lamkhannat M, Joel M, Ahmed MS, Murrell W, Vik-Mo EO, Langmoen IA, Stangeland B (2015)
Knockdown of NAT12/NAA30 reduces tumorigenic features of glioblastoma-initiating cells
Mol Cancer, 14, 160
DOI 10.1186/s12943-015-0432-z, PubMed 26292663

Joel M, Mughal AA, Grieg Z, Murrell W, Palmero S, Mikkelsen B, Fjerdingstad HB, Sandberg CJ, Behnan J, Glover JC, Langmoen IA, Stangeland B (2015)
Targeting PBK/TOPK decreases growth and survival of glioma initiating cells in vitro and attenuates tumor growth in vivo
Mol Cancer, 14, 121
DOI 10.1186/s12943-015-0398-x, PubMed 26081429

Behnan J, Isakson P, Joel M, Cilio C, Langmoen IA, Vik-Mo EO, Badn W (2014)
Recruited brain tumor-derived mesenchymal stem cells contribute to brain tumor progression
Stem Cells, 32 (5), 1110-23
DOI 10.1002/stem.1614, PubMed 24302539

Murrell W, Palmero E, Bianco J, Stangeland B, Joel M, Paulson L, Thiede B, Grieg Z, Ramsnes I, Skjellegrind HK, Nygård S, Brandal P, Sandberg C, Vik-Mo E, Palmero S, Langmoen IA (2013)
Expansion of multipotent stem cells from the adult human brain
PLoS One, 8 (8), e71334
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0071334, PubMed 23967194

Joel M, Sandberg CJ, Boulland JL, Vik-Mo EO, Langmoen IA, Glover JC (2013)
Inhibition of tumor formation and redirected differentiation of glioblastoma cells in a xenotypic embryonic environment
Dev Dyn, 242 (9), 1078-93
DOI 10.1002/dvdy.24001, PubMed 23780720

Cornez I, Joel M, Taskén K, Langmoen IA, Glover JC, Berge T (2013)
EGF signalling and rapamycin-mediated mTOR inhibition in glioblastoma multiforme evaluated by phospho-specific flow cytometry
J Neurooncol, 112 (1), 49-57
DOI 10.1007/s11060-012-1035-9, PubMed 23299461

Boulland JL, Leung DS, Thuen M, Vik-Mo E, Joel M, Perreault MC, Langmoen IA, Haraldseth O, Glover JC (2012)
Evaluation of intracellular labeling with micron-sized particles of iron oxide (MPIOs) as a general tool for in vitro and in vivo tracking of human stem and progenitor cells
Cell Transplant, 21 (8), 1743-59
DOI 10.3727/096368911X627598, PubMed 22490338

Vik-Mo EO, Sandberg C, Joel M, Stangeland B, Watanabe Y, Mackay-Sim A, Moe MC, Murrell W, Langmoen IA (2011)
A comparative study of the structural organization of spheres derived from the adult human subventricular zone and glioblastoma biopsies
Exp Cell Res, 317 (7), 1049-59
DOI 10.1016/j.yexcr.2010.12.022, PubMed 21199649
