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Publications by Astrid Haaskjold Lossius

8 publications found

Original articles

Rapin A, Rehbinder EM, Macowan M, Pattaroni C, Lødrup Carlsen KC, Harris NL, Jonassen CM, Landrø L, Lossius AH, Nordlund B, Rudi K, Skjerven HO, Cathrine Staff A, Söderhäll C, Ubags N, Vettukattil R, Marsland BJ (2023)
The skin microbiome in the first year of life and its association with atopic dermatitis
Allergy, 78 (7), 1949-1963
DOI 10.1111/all.15671, PubMed 36779606

Lossius AH, Sundnes O, Ingham AC, Edslev SM, Bjørnholt JV, Lilje B, Bradley M, Asad S, Haraldsen G, Skytt-Andersen P, Holm JØ, Berents TL (2021)
Shifts in the Skin Microbiota after UVB Treatment in Adult Atopic Dermatitis
Dermatology, 238 (1), 109-120
DOI 10.1159/000515236, PubMed 33887725

Lossius AH, Lorentzen M, Austad J, Bergersen TK (2021)
Contact allergy in patients with chronic venous leg ulcers
Contact Dermatitis, 84 (6), 470-472
DOI 10.1111/cod.13770, PubMed 33368388

Lundborg M, Holm JH, Sandvik L, Lossius AH, Rehbinder EM, Sitek JC, Berents TL (2020)
Multidisciplinary educational programme for caregivers of children with atopic dermatitis- in South East Norway - an observational study
BMC Dermatol, 20 (1), 20
DOI 10.1186/s12895-020-00119-6, PubMed 33298043

Lossius AH, Berents TL, Saetre F, Nilsen HR, Bradley M, Asad S, Haraldsen G, Sundnes O, Holm JØ (2020)
Early transcriptional changes after UVB treatment in atopic dermatitis include inverse regulation of IL-36γ and IL-37
Exp Dermatol, 30 (2), 249-261
DOI 10.1111/exd.14217, PubMed 33067891

Pietka W, Khnykin D, Bertelsen V, Lossius AH, Stav-Noraas TE, Hol Fosse J, Galtung HK, Haraldsen G, Sundnes O (2018)
Hypo-osmotic Stress Drives IL-33 Production in Human Keratinocytes-An Epidermal Homeostatic Response
J Invest Dermatol, 139 (1), 81-90
DOI 10.1016/j.jid.2018.07.023, PubMed 30120934

Elstad M, Vanggaard L, Lossius AH, Walløe L, Bergersen TK (2014)
Responses in acral and non-acral skin vasomotion and temperature during lowering of ambient temperature
J Therm Biol, 45, 168-74
DOI 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2014.09.003, PubMed 25436967

Review articles

Deleuran M, Dézfoulian B, Elberling J, Knutar I, Lapeere H, Lossius AH, Schuttelaar MLA, Stockman A, Wikström E, Bradley M, de Bruin-Weller M, Gutermuth J, Mandelin JM, Schmidt MC, Thyssen JP, Vestergaard C (2023)
Systemic anti-inflammatory treatment of atopic dermatitis during conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding: Interdisciplinary expert consensus in Northern Europe
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 38 (1), 31-41
DOI 10.1111/jdv.19512, PubMed 37818828
