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Publications by Soheil Naderi

20 publications found

Original articles

Richartz N, Pietka W, Yadav A, Bostad M, Bhagwat S, Naderi S, Naderi EH, Stokke T, Ruud E, Blomhoff HK (2023)
N-acetyl cysteine turns EPAC activators into potent killers of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells
J Biol Chem, 300 (1), 105509
DOI 10.1016/j.jbc.2023.105509, PubMed 38042493

Bjune K, Wierød L, Naderi S (2019)
Inhibitors of AKT kinase increase LDL receptor mRNA expression by two different mechanisms
PLoS One, 14 (6), e0218537
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0218537, PubMed 31216345

Bjune K, Wierød L, Naderi S (2018)
Triciribine increases LDLR expression and LDL uptake through stabilization of LDLR mRNA
Sci Rep, 8 (1), 16174
DOI 10.1038/s41598-018-34237-6, PubMed 30385871

Bjune K, Sundvold H, Leren TP, Naderi S (2018)
MK-2206, an allosteric inhibitor of AKT, stimulates LDLR expression and LDL uptake: A potential hypocholesterolemic agent
Atherosclerosis, 276, 28-38
DOI 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2018.07.009, PubMed 30025252

Naderi EH, Skah S, Ugland H, Myklebost O, Sandnes DL, Torgersen ML, Josefsen D, Ruud E, Naderi S, Blomhoff HK (2015)
Bone marrow stroma-derived PGE2 protects BCP-ALL cells from DNA damage-induced p53 accumulation and cell death
Mol Cancer, 14 (1), 14
DOI 10.1186/s12943-014-0278-9, PubMed 25623255

Kloster MM, Naderi EH, Haaland I, Gjertsen BT, Blomhoff HK, Naderi S (2013)
cAMP signalling inhibits p53 acetylation and apoptosis via HDAC and SIRT deacetylases
Int J Oncol, 42 (5), 1815-21
DOI 10.3892/ijo.2013.1853, PubMed 23483263

Naderi EH, Ugland HK, Diep PP, Josefsen D, Ruud E, Naderi S, Blomhoff HK (2013)
Selective inhibition of cell death in malignant vs normal B-cell precursors: implications for cAMP in development and treatment of BCP-ALL
Blood, 121 (10), 1805-13
DOI 10.1182/blood-2012-08-452698, PubMed 23299313

Ugland H, Naderi S, Brech A, Collas P, Blomhoff HK (2011)
cAMP induces autophagy via a novel pathway involving ERK, cyclin E and Beclin 1
Autophagy, 7 (10), 1199-211
DOI 10.4161/auto.7.10.16649, PubMed 21750416

Follin-Arbelet V, Hofgaard PO, Hauglin H, Naderi S, Sundan A, Blomhoff R, Bogen B, Blomhoff HK (2011)
Cyclic AMP induces apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells and inhibits tumor development in a mouse myeloma model
BMC Cancer, 11, 301
DOI 10.1186/1471-2407-11-301, PubMed 21767374

Naderi EH, Jochemsen AG, Blomhoff HK, Naderi S (2011)
Activation of cAMP signaling interferes with stress-induced p53 accumulation in ALL-derived cells by promoting the interaction between p53 and HDM2
Neoplasia, 13 (7), 653-63
DOI 10.1593/neo.11542, PubMed 21750659

Kloster MM, Naderi EH, Carlsen H, Blomhoff HK, Naderi S (2011)
Hyperactivation of NF-κB via the MEK signaling is indispensable for the inhibitory effect of cAMP on DNA damage-induced cell death
Mol Cancer, 10, 45
DOI 10.1186/1476-4598-10-45, PubMed 21510868

Landsverk HB, Mora-Bermúdez F, Landsverk OJ, Hasvold G, Naderi S, Bakke O, Ellenberg J, Collas P, Syljuåsen RG, Küntziger T (2010)
The protein phosphatase 1 regulator PNUTS is a new component of the DNA damage response
EMBO Rep, 11 (11), 868-75
DOI 10.1038/embor.2010.134, PubMed 20890310

Sand SL, Oppegård C, Ohara S, Iijima T, Naderi S, Blomhoff HK, Nissen-Meyer J, Sand O (2010)
Plantaricin A, a peptide pheromone produced by Lactobacillus plantarum, permeabilizes the cell membrane of both normal and cancerous lymphocytes and neuronal cells
Peptides, 31 (7), 1237-44
DOI 10.1016/j.peptides.2010.04.010, PubMed 20416350

Naderi S, Blomhoff HK (2008)
Activation of cAMP signaling enhances Fas-mediated apoptosis and activation-induced cell death through potentiation of caspase 8 activation
Hum Immunol, 69 (12), 833-6
DOI 10.1016/j.humimm.2008.09.005, PubMed 18835311

Ugland H, Boquest AC, Naderi S, Collas P, Blomhoff HK (2008)
cAMP-mediated induction of cyclin E sensitizes growth-arrested adipose stem cells to DNA damage-induced apoptosis
Mol Biol Cell, 19 (12), 5082-92
DOI 10.1091/mbc.e08-01-0094, PubMed 18799628

Kloster MM, Hafte TT, Moltzau LR, Naderi EH, Dahle MK, Skålhegg BS, Gaudernack G, Levy FO, Naderi S, Blomhoff HK (2008)
EBV infection renders B cells resistant to growth inhibition via adenylyl cyclase
Cell Signal, 20 (6), 1169-78
DOI 10.1016/j.cellsig.2008.02.007, PubMed 18406106

Naderi S, Wang JY, Chen TT, Gutzkow KB, Blomhoff HK (2005)
cAMP-mediated inhibition of DNA replication and S phase progression: involvement of Rb, p21Cip1, and PCNA
Mol Biol Cell, 16 (3), 1527-42
DOI 10.1091/mbc.e04-06-0501, PubMed 15647383

Naderi S, Gutzkow KB, Låhne HU, Lefdal S, Ryves WJ, Harwood AJ, Blomhoff HK (2004)
cAMP-induced degradation of cyclin D3 through association with GSK-3beta
J Cell Sci, 117 (Pt 17), 3769-83
DOI 10.1242/jcs.01210, PubMed 15252116

Naderi S, Hunton IC, Wang JY (2002)
Radiation dose-dependent maintenance of G(2) arrest requires retinoblastoma protein
Cell Cycle, 1 (3), 193-200
DOI 10.4161/cc.1.3.125, PubMed 12429933

Review articles

Ertesvåg A, Naderi S, Blomhoff HK (2008)
Regulation of B cell proliferation and differentiation by retinoic acid
Semin Immunol, 21 (1), 36-41
DOI 10.1016/j.smim.2008.06.005, PubMed 18703353
