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Publications by Tatiana Georgiesh

3 publications found

Original articles

Georgiesh T, Aggerholm-Pedersen N, Schöffski P, Zhang Y, Napolitano A, Bovée JVMG, Hjelle Å, Tang G, Spalek M, Nannini M, Swanson D, Baad-Hansen T, Sciot R, Hesla AC, Huang P, Dorleijn D, Haugland HK, Lacambra M, Skoczylas J, Pantaleo MA, Haas RL, Meza-Zepeda LA, Haller F, Czarnecka AM, Loong H et al. (2022)
Validation of a novel risk score to predict early and late recurrence in solitary fibrous tumour
Br J Cancer, 127 (10), 1793-1798
DOI 10.1038/s41416-022-01959-4, PubMed 36030294

Georgiesh T, Namløs HM, Sharma N, Lorenz S, Myklebost O, Bjerkehagen B, Meza-Zepeda LA, Boye K (2021)
Clinical and molecular implications of NAB2-STAT6 fusion variants in solitary fibrous tumour
Pathology, 53 (6), 713-719
DOI 10.1016/j.pathol.2020.11.010, PubMed 33745702

Georgiesh T, Boye K, Bjerkehagen B (2020)
A novel risk score to predict early and late recurrence in solitary fibrous tumour
Histopathology, 77 (1), 123-132
DOI 10.1111/his.14078, PubMed 31991494
