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Publications by Sverre Løken

27 publications found

Original articles

Birkenes T, Furnes O, Lygre SHL, Solheim E, Årøen A, Knutsen G, Drogset JO, Heir S, Engebretsen L, Løken S, Visnes H (2024)
Previous cartilage surgery is associated with inferior patient-reported outcomes after knee arthroplasty
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 32 (2), 361-370
DOI 10.1002/ksa.12050, PubMed 38294966

Birkenes T, Furnes O, Laastad Lygre SH, Solheim E, Aaroen A, Knutsen G, Drogset JO, Heir S, Engebretsen L, Loken S, Visnes H (2023)
The Long-Term Risk of Knee Arthroplasty in Patients with Arthroscopically Verified Focal Cartilage Lesions: A Linkage Study with the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register, 1999 to 2020
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 105 (12), 951-961
DOI 10.2106/JBJS.22.01174, PubMed 37104554

Risberg MA, Ageberg E, Nilstad A, Lund B, Nordsletten L, Løken S, Ludvigsen T, Kierkegaard S, Carsen S, Kostogiannis I, Crossley KM, Glyn-Jones S, Kemp JL (2018)
Arthroscopic Surgical Procedures Versus Sham Surgery for Patients With Femoroacetabular Impingement and/or Labral Tears: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial (HIPARTI) and a Prospective Cohort Study (HARP)
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 48 (4), 325-335
DOI 10.2519/jospt.2018.7931, PubMed 29607761

Moatshe G, Dornan GJ, Løken S, Ludvigsen TC, LaPrade RF, Engebretsen L (2017)
Demographics and Injuries Associated With Knee Dislocation: A Prospective Review of 303 Patients
Orthop J Sports Med, 5 (5), 2325967117706521
DOI 10.1177/2325967117706521, PubMed 28589159

Philippon MJ, Trindade CAC, Goldsmith MT, Rasmussen MT, Saroki AJ, Løken S, LaPrade RF (2017)
Biomechanical Assessment of Hip Capsular Repair and Reconstruction Procedures Using a 6 Degrees of Freedom Robotic System
Am J Sports Med, 45 (8), 1745-1754
DOI 10.1177/0363546517697956, PubMed 28371596

Moatshe G, Dornan GJ, Ludvigsen T, Løken S, LaPrade RF, Engebretsen L (2017)
High prevalence of knee osteoarthritis at a minimum 10-year follow-up after knee dislocation surgery
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 25 (12), 3914-3922
DOI 10.1007/s00167-017-4443-8, PubMed 28280907

Engen CN, Løken S, Årøen A, Ho C, Engebretsen L (2016)
No degeneration found in focal cartilage defects evaluated with dGEMRIC at 12-year follow-up
Acta Orthop, 88 (1), 82-89
DOI 10.1080/17453674.2016.1255484, PubMed 27882808

Knutsen G, Drogset JO, Engebretsen L, Grøntvedt T, Ludvigsen TC, Løken S, Solheim E, Strand T, Johansen O (2016)
A Randomized Multicenter Trial Comparing Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation with Microfracture: Long-Term Follow-up at 14 to 15 Years
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 98 (16), 1332-9
DOI 10.2106/JBJS.15.01208, PubMed 27535435

Aae TF, Randsborg PH, Breen AB, Visnes H, Vindfeld S, Sivertsen EA, Løken S, Brinchmann J, Hanvold HA, Årøen A (2016)
Norwegican Cartilage Project - a study protocol for a double-blinded randomized controlled trial comparing arthroscopic microfracture with arthroscopic debridement in focal cartilage defects in the knee
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 17, 292
DOI 10.1186/s12891-016-1156-y, PubMed 27422025

Randsborg PH, Brinchmann J, Løken S, Hanvold HA, Aae TF, Årøen A (2016)
Focal cartilage defects in the knee - a randomized controlled trial comparing autologous chondrocyte implantation with arthroscopic debridement
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 17, 117
DOI 10.1186/s12891-016-0969-z, PubMed 26956476

Lee WA, Saroki AJ, Løken S, Trindade CA, Cram TR, Schindler BR, LaPrade RF, Philippon MJ (2015)
Radiographic Identification of Arthroscopically Relevant Proximal Femoral Structures
Am J Sports Med, 44 (1), 60-6
DOI 10.1177/0363546515612436, PubMed 26632607

Lee WA, Saroki AJ, Løken S, Trindade CA, Cram TR, Schindler BR, LaPrade RF, Philippon MJ (2015)
Radiographic Identification of Arthroscopically Relevant Acetabular Structures
Am J Sports Med, 44 (1), 67-73
DOI 10.1177/0363546515612083, PubMed 26589837

Ulstein S, Årøen A, Røtterud JH, Løken S, Engebretsen L, Heir S (2014)
Microfracture technique versus osteochondral autologous transplantation mosaicplasty in patients with articular chondral lesions of the knee: a prospective randomized trial with long-term follow-up
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 22 (6), 1207-15
DOI 10.1007/s00167-014-2843-6, PubMed 24441734

Heir S, Årøen A, Løken S, Holme I, Engebretsen L, Reinholt FP (2011)
Cartilage repair in the rabbit knee: mosaic plasty resulted in higher degree of tissue filling but affected subchondral bone more than microfracture technique: a blinded, randomized, controlled, long-term follow-up trial in 88 knees
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 20 (2), 197-209
DOI 10.1007/s00167-011-1596-8, PubMed 21892626

Løken S, Heir S, Holme I, Engebretsen L, Årøen A (2010)
6-year follow-up of 84 patients with cartilage defects in the knee. Knee scores improved but recovery was incomplete
Acta Orthop, 81 (5), 611-8
DOI 10.3109/17453674.2010.519166, PubMed 20860448

Heir S, Årøen A, Løken S, Sulheim S, Engebretsen L, Reinholt FP (2010)
Intraarticular location predicts cartilage filling and subchondral bone changes in a chondral defect
Acta Orthop, 81 (5), 619-27
DOI 10.3109/17453674.2010.524593, PubMed 20919808

Heir S, Nerhus TK, Røtterud JH, Løken S, Ekeland A, Engebretsen L, Arøen A (2009)
Focal cartilage defects in the knee impair quality of life as much as severe osteoarthritis: a comparison of knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score in 4 patient categories scheduled for knee surgery
Am J Sports Med, 38 (2), 231-7
DOI 10.1177/0363546509352157, PubMed 20042546

Løken S, Ludvigsen TC, Høysveen T, Holm I, Engebretsen L, Reinholt FP (2009)
Autologous chondrocyte implantation to repair knee cartilage injury: ultrastructural evaluation at 2 years and long-term follow-up including muscle strength measurements
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 17 (11), 1278-88
DOI 10.1007/s00167-009-0854-5, PubMed 19572120

Shahdadfar A, Løken S, Dahl JA, Tunheim SH, Collas P, Reinholt FP, Engebretsen L, Brinchmann JE (2008)
Persistence of collagen type II synthesis and secretion in rapidly proliferating human articular chondrocytes in vitro
Tissue Eng Part A, 14 (12), 1999-2007
DOI 10.1089/ten.tea.2007.0344, PubMed 18636947

Bahr R, Fossan B, Løken S, Engebretsen L (2006)
Surgical treatment compared with eccentric training for patellar tendinopathy (Jumper's Knee). A randomized, controlled trial
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 88 (8), 1689-98
DOI 10.2106/JBJS.E.01181, PubMed 16882889

Arøen A, Heir S, Løken S, Engebretsen L, Reinholt FP (2006)
Healing of articular cartilage defects. An experimental study of vascular and minimal vascular microenvironment
J Orthop Res, 24 (5), 1069-77
DOI 10.1002/jor.20104, PubMed 16583448

Arøen A, Heir S, Løken S, Reinholt FP, Engebretsen L (2005)
Articular cartilage defects in a rabbit model, retention rate of periosteal flap cover
Acta Orthop, 76 (2), 220-4
DOI 10.1080/00016470510030607, PubMed 16097547

Bahr R, Andersen SO, Løken S, Fossan B, Hansen T, Holme I (2004)
Low back pain among endurance athletes with and without specific back loading--a cross-sectional survey of cross-country skiers, rowers, orienteerers, and nonathletic controls
Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 29 (4), 449-54
DOI 10.1097/01.brs.0000096176.92881.37, PubMed 15094542

Arøen A, Løken S, Heir S, Alvik E, Ekeland A, Granlund OG, Engebretsen L (2004)
Articular cartilage lesions in 993 consecutive knee arthroscopies
Am J Sports Med, 32 (1), 211-5
DOI 10.1177/0363546503259345, PubMed 14754746

Other articles

Løken S (2015)
Hip Arthroscopy and Heterotopic Ossification: Is NSAID Prophylaxis Justified? Commentary on an article by James T. Beckmann, MD, MS, et al.: "Effect of Naproxen Prophylaxis on Heterotopic Ossification Following Hip Arthroscopy: A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial"
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 97 (24), e80
DOI 10.2106/JBJS.O.00922, PubMed 26677244

Løken S, Årøen A, Engebretsen L (2011)
Overtreatment of cruciate ligament injuries
Acta Orthop, 82 (1), 122; discussion 122-3
DOI 10.3109/17453674.2011.555374, PubMed 21281266

Book chapters

Løken S (2002)
Kan man forutsi artrose etter kneskader?
In Norsk idrettsmedisin, Medborgeren, Oslo, 17(2002)nr 4, S. 18-20
BIBSYS 030033861
