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Publications by Liv Hege Aksnes

8 publications found

Original articles

Lia K, Bruland ØS, Randem HL, Aksnes LH, Poulsen JP, Taksdal I, Sundby Hall K (2013)
Two cases with fatal outcome following total lung irradiation for metastatic bone sarcoma
J Bone Oncol, 2 (4), 174-9
DOI 10.1016/j.jbo.2013.09.002, PubMed 26909289

Aksnes LH, Bauer HC, Dahl AA, Fosså SD, Hjorth L, Jebsen N, Lernedal H, Hall KS (2009)
Health status at long-term follow-up in patients treated for extremity localized Ewing Sarcoma or osteosarcoma: a Scandinavian sarcoma group study
Pediatr Blood Cancer, 53 (1), 84-9
DOI 10.1002/pbc.22027, PubMed 19343771

Aksnes LH, Bauer HC, Jebsen NL, Follerås G, Allert C, Haugen GS, Hall KS (2008)
Limb-sparing surgery preserves more function than amputation: a Scandinavian sarcoma group study of 118 patients
J Bone Joint Surg Br, 90 (6), 786-94
DOI 10.1302/0301-620X.90B6.19805, PubMed 18539673

Aksnes LH, Hall KS, Jebsen N, Fosså SD, Dahl AA (2007)
Young survivors of malignant bone tumours in the extremities: a comparative study of quality of life, fatigue and mental distress
Support Care Cancer, 15 (9), 1087-96
DOI 10.1007/s00520-007-0227-x, PubMed 17347843

Aksnes LH, Bruland ØS (2007)
Some musculo-skeletal sequelae in cancer survivors
Acta Oncol, 46 (4), 490-6
DOI 10.1080/02841860701218642, PubMed 17497316

Aksnes LH, Hall KS, Folleraas G, Stenwig AE, Bjerkehagen B, Taksdal I, Winderen M, Bruland OS, Saeter G (2006)
Management of high-grade bone sarcomas over two decades: the Norwegian Radium Hospital experience
Acta Oncol, 45 (1), 38-46
DOI 10.1080/02841860500466624, PubMed 16464794

Aksnes LH, Raabe NK (2002)
[Deep vein thrombosis and localized rhabdomyolysis in a patient with bladder cancer]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 122 (26), 2534-5
PubMed 12522878


Aksnes LH (2008)
Health in long-term survivors of bone sarcoma
In Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Unipub, Oslo, no. 757, 1 b. (flere pag.)
BIBSYS 092077021, ISBN 978-82-8072-308-6
