Publika - Scientific publications from Oslo University Hospital

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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2023 from OUS - Centre of Mental Health Services, local services

2 publications found

Almdahl IS, Martinussen LJ, Ousdal OT, Kraus M, Sowa P, Agartz I, Korsnes MS (2023)
Task-based functional connectivity reveals aberrance with the salience network during emotional interference in late-life depression
Aging Ment Health, 27 (10), 2043-2051
DOI 10.1080/13607863.2023.2179972, PubMed 36914245

Eikaas JR, Benth J, Rekve KH, Gjellesvik KB, Pettersen KF, Thielemann M, Solem IKL, Korsnes MS (2023)
Can systematic registration of behavior and diurnal rhythm predict aggression and irritation in elderly psychiatric inpatients?
Nordisk sygeplejeforskning, 13 (1), 1-23
DOI 10.18261/nsf.13.1.5, PublikaID 485
