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Publications by Astrid Furre

3 publications found

Original articles

Furre A, Falk RS, Sandvik L, Friis S, Knutzen M, Hanssen-Bauer K (2017)
Characteristics of adolescents frequently restrained in acute psychiatric units in Norway: a nationwide study
Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health, 11, 3
DOI 10.1186/s13034-016-0136-1, PubMed 28096898

Furre A, Sandvik L, Friis S, Knutzen M, Hanssen-Bauer K (2016)
A nationwide study of why and how acute adolescent psychiatric units use restraint
Psychiatry Res, 237, 60-6
DOI 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.01.067, PubMed 26921053

Furre A, Sandvik L, Heyerdahl S, Friis S, Knutzen M, Hanssen-Bauer K (2014)
Characteristics of adolescents subjected to restraint in acute psychiatric units in Norway: a case-control study
Psychiatr Serv, 65 (11), 1367-72
DOI 10.1176/, PubMed 24980114
