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Publications by Phuong Phuong Diep

2 publications found

Original articles

Karampitsakos T, Diep PP, Loth DW, Nadeem I, Khurtsidze E, Wijsenbeek MS, Wuyts WA, Bargagli E, Froidure A, Spagnolo P, Veltkamp M, Molina-Molina M, McCarthy C, Antoniou KM, Kreuter M, Moor CC (2023)
ERS International Congress 2022: highlights from the Interstitial Lung Diseases Assembly
ERJ Open Res, 9 (2)
DOI 10.1183/23120541.00584-2022, PubMed 37077550

Diep PP, Lien L, Hofman J (2007)
A criteria-based clinical audit on the case-management of children presenting with malaria at Mangochi District Hospital, Malawi
World Hosp Health Serv, 43 (2), 21-9
PubMed 17894190
