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Publications by Sandra Rinne

3 publications found

Original articles

Rinne S, Ramstad Kleiveland C, Kassem M, Lea T, Lundanes E, Greibrokk T (2007)
Fast and simple online sample preparation coupled with capillary LC-MS/MS for determination of prostaglandins in cell culture supernatants
J Sep Sci, 30 (12), 1860-9
DOI 10.1002/jssc.200700064, PubMed 17638370

Rinne S, Holm A, Lundanes E, Greibrokk T (2006)
Limitations of porous graphitic carbon as stationary phase material in the determination of catecholamines
J Chromatogr A, 1119 (1-2), 285-93
DOI 10.1016/j.chroma.2006.03.003, PubMed 16545392


Rinne S (2004)
Determination of catecholamines using large volume injection micro-liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (μLC-ESI-MS)-hypercarb columns and their limitations
S. Rinne, Oslo, 71 s. 1 bl.
BIBSYS 04215653x
