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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2024 from OUS - Division of Medicine

291 publications found

Abusdal M, Normann KR, Nyman TA, Øystese KAB, Sundaram AYM, Dahlberg D, Lekva T, Bollerslev J, Berg JP, Olarescu NC (2024)
PCSK1N as a tumor size marker and an ER stress response protein in corticotroph pituitary adenomas
J Clin Endocrinol Metab (in press)
DOI 10.1210/clinem/dgae643, PubMed 39288010

Aksnes M, Schibstad MH, Chaudhry FA, Neerland BE, Caplan G, Saltvedt I, Eldholm RS, Myrstad M, Edwin TH, Persson K, Idland AV, Pollmann CT, Olsen RB, Wyller TB, Zetterberg H, Cunningham E, Watne LO (2024)
Differences in metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in the cerebrospinal fluid are associated with delirium
Commun Med (Lond), 4 (1), 124
DOI 10.1038/s43856-024-00558-z, PubMed 38937571

Alehagen U, Alexander J, Aaseth JO, Larsson A, Opstad TB (2024)
Supplementation with selenium and coenzyme Q10 in an elderly Swedish population low in selenium - positive effects on thyroid hormones, cardiovascular mortality, and quality of life
BMC Med, 22 (1), 191
DOI 10.1186/s12916-024-03411-1, PubMed 38714999

Alehagen U, Aaseth J, Schomburg L, Larsson A, Opstad T, Alexander J (2024)
Selenoprotein P increases upon selenium and coenzyme Q10 supplementation and is associated with telomere length, quality of life and reduced inflammation and mortality
Free Radic Biol Med, 222, 403-413
DOI 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2024.06.027, PubMed 38960007

Alirezaylavasani A, Skeie LG, Egner IM, Chopra A, Dahl TB, Prebensen C, Vaage JT, Halvorsen B, Lund-Johansen F, Tonby K, Reikvam DH, Stiksrud B, Holter JC, Dyrhol-Riise AM, Munthe LA, Kared H (2024)
Vaccine responses and hybrid immunity in people living with HIV after SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections
NPJ Vaccines, 9 (1), 185
DOI 10.1038/s41541-024-00972-3, PubMed 39384763

Alonso-Rodríguez N, Vianello E, van Veen S, Jenum S, Tonby K, van Riessen R, Lai X, Mortensen R, Ottenhoff THM, Dyrhol-Riise AM (2024)
Whole blood RNA signatures in tuberculosis patients receiving H56:IC31 vaccine as adjunctive therapy
Front Immunol, 15, 1350593
DOI 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1350593, PubMed 38433842

Alrahimi J, Ahmed FA, Atar D (2024)
The Interplay of Atherothrombotic Factors and the Evolving Landscape of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease: Comprehensive Insights from Recent Studies
Anatol J Cardiol, 28 (8), 375-80 (in press)
DOI 10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2024.4632, PubMed 39011832

Amland R, Selbæk G, Brækhus A, Edwin TH, Engedal K, Knapskog AB, Olsrud ER, Persson K (2024)
Clinically feasible automated MRI volumetry of the brain as a prognostic marker in subjective and mild cognitive impairment
Front Neurol, 15, 1425502
DOI 10.3389/fneur.2024.1425502, PubMed 39011362

Andel PM, Aamodt AH, Gleditsch J, Melin E, Rootwelt-Revheim ME, Steine K, Atar D (2024)
Elective Direct Current Cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation: Silent Brain Infarction and Health-Related Quality of Life
Cardiology, 149 (6), 571-579
DOI 10.1159/000540007, PubMed 39025051

Andersen V, Pingel J, Søfelt HL, Hikmat Z, Johansson M, Pedersen VS, Bertelsen B, Carlsson A, Lindh M, Svavarsdóttir E, Repsilber D, Joergensen MT, Christensen R, Fejrskov A, Füchtbauer JD, Kjeldsen J, Jensen MD, Aalykke C, Rejler M, Høivik ML, Davidsdottir L, Carlson M, Halfvarson J, Zachariassen HH, Petersen LB et al. (2024)
Sex and gender in inflammatory bowel disease outcomes and research
Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol, 9 (11), 1041-1051
DOI 10.1016/S2468-1253(24)00159-6, PubMed 39395438

Andrup S, Andersen GØ, Hoffmann P, Eritsland J, Seljeflot I, Halvorsen S, Vistnes M (2024)
Novel cardiac extracellular matrix biomarkers in STEMI: Associations with ischemic injury and long-term mortality
PLoS One, 19 (5), e0302732
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0302732, PubMed 38739599

Anisdahl K, Lirhus SS, Medhus AW, Moum B, Melberg HO, Høivik ML (2024)
Frailty risk and treatment strategy in elderly-onset inflammatory bowel disease. A Norwegian nationwide population-based registry study
Dig Liver Dis, 56 (9), 1503-1510
DOI 10.1016/j.dld.2024.02.002, PubMed 38433021

Anthon CT, Pène F, Perner A, Azoulay E, Puxty K, Van De Louw A, Chawla S, Castro P, Povoa P, Coelho L, Metaxa V, Kochanek M, Liebregts T, Kander T, Sivula M, Andreasen JB, Nielsen LB, Hvas CL, Dufranc E, Canet E, Wright CJ, Schmidt J, Uhel F, Missri L, Krag M et al. (2024)
Platelet transfusions in adult ICU patients with thrombocytopenia: A sub-study of the PLOT-ICU inception cohort study
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 68 (8), 1018-1030
DOI 10.1111/aas.14467, PubMed 38840310

Antonsdottir IM, Creese B, Klei L, DeMichele-Sweet MAA, Weamer EA, Garcia-Gonzalez P, Marquie M, Boada M, Alarcón-Martín E, Valero S, NIA‐LOAD Family Based Study Consortium, Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC), AddNeuroMed Consortium, Liu Y, Hooli B, Aarsland D, Selbaek G, Bergh S, Rongve A, Saltvedt I, Skjellegrind HK, Engdahl B, Andreassen OA, Borroni B, Mecocci P, Wedatilake Y, Mayeux R et al. (2024)
Genetic associations with psychosis and affective disturbance in Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimers Dement (N Y), 10 (2), e12472
DOI 10.1002/trc2.12472, PubMed 38784964

Arefaine M, Johannessen A, Teklehaymanot T, Mihret A, Alemayehu DH, Osman M, Mulu A, Berhe N (2024)
A prospective, multicenter study of hepatitis B birth-dose vaccine with or without hepatitis B immunoglobulin in preventing mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus in Ethiopia
Vaccine, 42 (26), 126461
DOI 10.1016/j.vaccine.2024.126461, PubMed 39426287

Arlien-Søborg MC, Dal J, Heck A, Stochholm K, Husted E, Feltoft CL, Rasmussen ÅK, Feldt-Rasmussen U, Andreassen M, Klose MC, Nielsen TL, Andersen MS, Christensen LL, Krogh J, Jarlov A, Bollerslev J, Nermoen I, Oksnes M, Dahlqvist P, Olsson T, Berinder K, Hoybye C, Petersson M, Akerman AK, Wahlberg J et al. (2024)
Acromegaly management in the Nordic countries: A Delphi consensus survey
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf), 101 (3), 263-273
DOI 10.1111/cen.15095, PubMed 38865284

Arnesen EK, Laake I, Carlsen MH, Veierød MB, Retterstøl K (2024)
Potato Consumption and All-Cause and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality - A Long-Term Follow-Up of a Norwegian Cohort
J Nutr, 154 (7), 2226-2235
DOI 10.1016/j.tjnut.2024.05.011, PubMed 38763265

Arnesen EK, Laake I, Veierød MB, Retterstøl K (2024)
Saturated fatty acids and total and CVD mortality in Norway: a prospective cohort study with up to 45 years of follow-up
Br J Nutr, 132 (4), 1-13 (in press)
DOI 10.1017/S0007114524001351, PubMed 39279644

Asante EO, Eldholm RS, Kolberg M, Skjellegrind HK, Selbæk G, Mai XM, Chen Y, Sun YQ (2024)
The Association Between Cognitive Function and Oral Health in Home Dwellers and Nursing Home Residents: The HUNT Study
Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 53 (1), 98-105
DOI 10.1111/cdoe.13013, PubMed 39400410

Asbjørnsen RA, Børøsund E, Hjelmesæth J, Smedsrød ML, Ollivier M, Wentzel J, Clark MM, Van Gemert-Pijnen JE, Solberg Nes L (2024)
Digital behaviour change intervention for weight loss maintenance in adults with obesity: A feasibility pilot study of eCHANGE
Behaviour & Information Technology, 0, 1-19
DOI 10.1080/0144929x.2024.2399299, PublikaID 500

Asbjørnsen RA, Hjelmesæth J, Smedsrød ML, Wentzel J, Clark MM, Kelders SM, van Gemert-Pijnen JEWC, Solberg Nes L (2024)
Implementation of a digital behavior change intervention (eCHANGE) for weight loss maintenance support: a service design and technology transfer approach
Front Digit Health, 6, 1394599
DOI 10.3389/fdgth.2024.1394599, PubMed 39015479

Atai S, Knudtzon Andersen M, Wiedmann M, Dahlberg D, Øystese KAB, Bollerslev J, Ringstad G, Heck A (2024)
Unravelling pituitary tumours in medically treated patients with acromegaly: the impact of systematic MRI reassessment
Acta Radiol, 65 (7), 753-758
DOI 10.1177/02841851241246107, PubMed 38659302

Atar D, Munkhaugen J, Sverre E (2024)
Statin discontinuation: How can we improve on the multiple pathways that contribute to suboptimal statin adherence?
Kardiol Pol, 82 (9), 828-830
DOI 10.33963/v.phj.102335, PubMed 39240921

Aune A, Ohldieck A, Halvorsen LV, Brobak KM, Olsen E, Rognstad S, Larstorp ACK, Søraas CL, Rossebø AB, Rösner A, Grytaas MA, Gerdts E (2024)
Gender Differences in Cardiac Organ Damage in Arterial Hypertension: Assessing the Role of Drug Nonadherence
High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev, 31 (2), 157-166
DOI 10.1007/s40292-024-00632-6, PubMed 38530572

Aune SK, Helseth R, Kalstad AA, Laake K, Åkra S, Arnesen H, Solheim S, Seljeflot I (2024)
Links Between Adipose Tissue Gene Expression of Gut Leakage Markers, Circulating Levels, Anthropometrics, and Diet in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes, 17, 2177-2190
DOI 10.2147/DMSO.S438818, PubMed 38827167

Aunsmo RH, Strand BH, Anstey KJ, Bergh S, Kivimäki M, Köhler S, Krokstad S, Livingston G, Matthews FE, Selbæk G (2024)
Associations between depression and anxiety in midlife and dementia more than 30 years later: The HUNT Study
Alzheimers Dement (Amst), 16 (4), e70036
DOI 10.1002/dad2.70036, PubMed 39611126

Barratt-Due A, Pettersen K, Børresdatter-Dahl T, Holter JC, Grønli RH, Dyrhol-Riise AM, Lerum TV, Holten AR, Tonby K, Trøseid M, Skjønsberg OH, Granerud BK, Heggelund L, Kildal AB, Schjalm C, Aaløkken TM, Aukrust P, Ueland T, Mollnes TE, Halvorsen B, NOR‐Solidarity study groupThe Norwegian SARS‐CoV‐2 study group (2024)
Escalated complement activation during hospitalization is associated with higher risk of 60-day mortality in SARS-CoV-2-infected patients
J Intern Med, 296 (1), 80-92
DOI 10.1111/joim.13783, PubMed 38539241

Beck D, de Lange AG, Gurholt TP, Voldsbekk I, Maximov II, Subramaniapillai S, Schindler L, Hindley G, Leonardsen EH, Rahman Z, van der Meer D, Korbmacher M, Linge J, Leinhard OD, Kalleberg KT, Engvig A, Sønderby I, Andreassen OA, Westlye LT (2024)
Dissecting unique and common variance across body and brain health indicators using age prediction
Hum Brain Mapp, 45 (6), e26685
DOI 10.1002/hbm.26685, PubMed 38647042

Bellini BB, Scholz JR, Abe TO, Arnaut D, Tonstad S, Alberto RL, Gaya PV, de Moraes IRA, Teixeira MJ, Marcolin MA (2024)
Does deep TMS really works for smoking cessation? A prospective, double blind, randomized, sham controlled study
Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 132, 110997
DOI 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2024.110997, PubMed 38531486

Bergum H, Grimsmo J, Anderssen SA, Klemsdal TO (2024)
Effects on physical activity, physical fitness and well-being in a 36-months randomized controlled study, comparing a multimodal hospital-based intervention programme for primary cardiovascular prevention with usual care
BMC Cardiovasc Disord, 24 (1), 225
DOI 10.1186/s12872-024-03892-1, PubMed 38664620

Beyene LS, Strand EB, Misund AR, Barder HE, Brente TL, Størksen HT (2024)
Conceptualizing healthcare professionals' relational competence in mental healthcare: An integrative review
Int J Nurs Stud Adv, 7, 100266
DOI 10.1016/j.ijnsa.2024.100266, PubMed 39634466

Bjarkø VV, Haug EB, Langhammer A, Ruiz PL, Carlsson S, Birkeland KI, Berg TJ, Sørgjerd EP, Lyssenko V, Åsvold BO (2024)
Clinical utility of novel diabetes subgroups in predicting vascular complications and mortality: up to 25 years of follow-up of the HUNT Study
BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care, 12 (6)
DOI 10.1136/bmjdrc-2024-004493, PubMed 39577876

Bjørge H, Kvaal K, Ulstein I (2024)
Quality of Life and Relationships in Caregivers of People With Dementia. A Gender Perspective
Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen, 39, 15333175241276404
DOI 10.1177/15333175241276404, PubMed 39159602

Bjørnebekk T, Børøsund E (2024)
Sykepleieres erfaringer med digital hjemmeoppfølging til kreftpasienter
Sykepleien Forskning, 0 (2024; 19(96099):), e-96099
DOI 10.4220/Sykepleienf.2024.96099, PublikaID 498

Blokzijl J, Pisters MF, Aspdahl M, de Boer W, Dybvik Matlary RE, Douma-van Riet D, de Kleijn P, Lobet S, Loughnane P, McLaughlin P, Bladen M, Roche S, Stephensen D, van Vlimmeren L, van Vulpen LFD, Timmer MA, EAHAD physiotherapy committee (2024)
A clinical practice guideline for primary care physiotherapy in patients with haemophilia
Haemophilia, 30 (5), 1115-1129
DOI 10.1111/hae.15065, PubMed 38987021

Blom KB, Kro GB, Midtvedt K, Jenssen TG, Reisæter AV, Rollag H, Hartmann A, Sagedal S, Sjaastad I, Tylden G, Njølstad G, Nilsen E, Birkeland JA, Åsberg A (2024)
Cellular immunity against cytomegalovirus and risk of infection after kidney transplantation
Front Immunol, 15, 1414830
DOI 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1414830, PubMed 39007131

Bondjers K, Glad AK, Wøien H, Wentzel-Larsen T, Atar D, Reitan SK, Rosseland LA, Zwart JA, Dyb G, Stensland SØ (2024)
Moral distress and protective work environment for healthcare workers during public health emergencies
BMC Med Ethics, 25 (1), 103
DOI 10.1186/s12910-024-01098-w, PubMed 39354454

Bonnevie-Svendsen M, Nyborg C, Bratseth V, Melau J, Hisdal J (2024)
Transient changes in L-arginine, asymmetric and symmetric dimethyl arginine in triathletes following Norseman Xtreme Triathlon
Front Physiol, 15, 1451038
DOI 10.3389/fphys.2024.1451038, PubMed 39493861

Borgen TT, Lee-Ødegård S, Eriksen BF, Eriksen EF (2024)
Intermittent dosing of zoledronic acid based on bone turnover marker assessment reduces vertebral and non-vertebral fractures
JBMR Plus, 8 (7), ziae072
DOI 10.1093/jbmrpl/ziae072, PubMed 38939827

Boskovic M, Jortveit J, Haraldsen MB, Berge T, Engdahl J, Løchen ML, Schuster P, Sandberg EL, Grimsmo J, Atar D, Anfinsen OG, Pripp AH, Grenne BL, Halvorsen S (2024)
The NORwegian atrial fibrillation self-SCREENing (NORSCREEN) trial: rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial
Europace, 26 (10)
DOI 10.1093/europace/euae228, PubMed 39248170

Brantsæter AB, Hansen AE, Gustavsen AG, Stensvåg V, Aastrøm HA, Heyerdahl F, Tveitane PM, Nakstad ER (2024)
Transport of Patients With High-Consequence Infectious Diseases: Development of European Capacity in Norway
Health Secur, 22 (S1), S76-S85
DOI 10.1089/hs.2023.0153, PubMed 39137054

Bratseth V, Nendl A, Raju SC, Holm K, Broch K, Hov JR, Seljeflot I, Trøseid M, Awoyemi A (2024)
Gut dysbiosis and neutrophil extracellular traps in chronic heart failure
Int J Cardiol, 419, 132689
DOI 10.1016/j.ijcard.2024.132689, PubMed 39489348

Bratseth V, Watne LO, Neerland BE, Halaas NB, Pollmann CT, Karabeg A, Odegaard OT, Sydnes K, Zetterberg H, Seljeflot I, Helseth R (2024)
Increased cell-free DNA in CSF and serum of hip fracture patients with delirium
Brain Commun, 7 (1), fcae452
DOI 10.1093/braincomms/fcae452, PubMed 39737468

Brito Nunes C, Borges MC, Freathy RM, Lawlor DA, Qvigstad E, Evans DM, Moen GH (2024)
Understanding the Genetic Landscape of Gestational Diabetes: Insights into the Causes and Consequences of Elevated Glucose Levels in Pregnancy
Metabolites, 14 (9)
DOI 10.3390/metabo14090508, PubMed 39330515

Brobak KM, Halvorsen LV, Aass HCD, Søraas CL, Aune A, Olsen E, Bergland OU, Rognstad S, Blom KB, Birkeland JAK, Høieggen A, Larstorp ACK, Solbu MD (2024)
Novel biomarkers in patients with uncontrolled hypertension with and without kidney damage
Blood Press, 33 (1), 2323980
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2024.2323980, PubMed 38606688

Brobak KM, Melsom T, Eriksen BO, Høieggen A, Norvik JV, Solbu MD (2024)
The Association between Urinary Sodium-Potassium Ratio, Kidney Function, and Blood Pressure in a Cohort from the General Population
Kidney Blood Press Res, 49 (1), 184-195
DOI 10.1159/000535977, PubMed 38382490

Burrell LV, Døhl Ø, Rostoft S, Berggaard N, Antonova I, Johanne Landsjøåsen Bakken I (2024)
Disability level and use of long-term care services in Norway: a nation-wide registry study
Scand J Public Health, 14034948241251914 (in press)
DOI 10.1177/14034948241251914, PubMed 38835190

Bøhn SKH, Svendsen K, Balto A, Gjelsvik YM, Myklebust TÅ, Børøsund E, Eriksen HR, Meland A, Østby K, Nes LS, Kiserud CE, Reinertsen KV, Ursin G (2024)
Health-related quality of life among women diagnosed with in situ or invasive breast cancer and age-matched controls: a population-based study
J Patient Rep Outcomes, 8 (1), 105
DOI 10.1186/s41687-024-00781-1, PubMed 39298004

Bålsrud P, Ulven SM, Christensen JJ, Ottestad I, Holven KB (2024)
Inflammatory markers and frailty in home-dwelling elderly, a cross-sectional study
BMC Geriatr, 24 (1), 175
DOI 10.1186/s12877-024-04690-2, PubMed 38373890

Bålsrud P, Ulven SM, Ottestad I, Retterstøl K, Schwab U, Holven KB (2024)
Association between inflammatory markers, body composition and frailty in home-dwelling elderly: an 8-year follow-up study
Geroscience, 46 (6), 5629-5641
DOI 10.1007/s11357-024-01279-w, PubMed 38981983

Capogna E, Sørensen Ø, Watne LO, Roe J, Strømstad M, Idland AV, Halaas NB, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Walhovd KB, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Australian Imaging Biomarkers and Lifestyle flagship study of ageing, Fjell AM, Vidal-Piñeiro D (2024)
Subtypes of brain change in aging and their associations with cognition and Alzheimer's disease biomarkers
Neurobiol Aging, 147, 124-140
DOI 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2024.12.009, PubMed 39740372

Carlsen MH, Totland TH, Kumar R, Lensnes TM, Sharma A, Suntharalingam AA, Tran AT, Birkeland KI, Sommer C (2024)
Evaluation of a digital FFQ using 24 h recalls as reference method, for assessment of habitual diet in women with South Asian origin in Norway
Public Health Nutr, 27 (1), e55
DOI 10.1017/S1368980024000302, PubMed 38316533

Cheng TS, Noor U, Watts E, Pollak M, Wang Y, McKay J, Atkins J, Masala G, Sánchez MJ, Agudo A, Castilla J, Aune D, Colorado-Yohar SM, Manfredi L, Gunter MJ, Pala V, Josefsson A, Key TJ, Smith-Byrne K, Travis RC (2024)
Circulating free insulin-like growth factor-I and prostate cancer: a case-control study nested in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition
BMC Cancer, 24 (1), 676
DOI 10.1186/s12885-023-11425-w, PubMed 38831273

Clark H, Lofthus C, Marten R, Rasanathan K (2024)
Health taxes: missed opportunities for health and health-care financing
Lancet, 404 (10466), 1905-1907
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)02427-9, PubMed 39550163

Dalaker VM, Furuhaugen H, Brekke M, Bjørnaas MA, Krpo M, Øiestad EL, Vallersnes OM (2024)
Drugs in blood and urine samples from victims of suspected exposure to drink spiking: A prospective observational study from Oslo, Norway
PLoS One, 19 (7), e0306191
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0306191, PubMed 38985694

Dale HF, Hagen M, Malmstrøm GH, Fiennes JT, Høivik ML, Kristensen VA, Valeur J (2024)
Assessing hard and loose "endpoints": comparison of patient and expert Bristol Stool Scale scoring of 2280 fecal samples
F1000Res, 13, 833
DOI 10.12688/f1000research.152496.2, PubMed 39872194

Das S, Rundblad A, Marques IF, Soares AG, Jaddoe VW, Vrijheid M, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Verlouw J, Matthews J, Holven KB, Thoresen M, Timpson NJ, Felix JF, Ulven SM (2024)
Air pollution exposure is associated with gene expression in children
Environ Epigenet, 10 (1), dvae025
DOI 10.1093/eep/dvae025, PubMed 39723337

De Bortoli A, Nordøy I, Connelly JP, Viermyr HK, Bjerkreim RH, Broch K, Olsen PAS, Gude E, Fevang B, Jørgensen SF, Trøseid M, Steen T, Aukrust P, Andreassen AK, Skarpengland T (2024)
Diagnostics, treatment and outcomes of cardiac sarcoidosis in a Norwegian cohort
Int J Cardiol, 400, 131809
DOI 10.1016/j.ijcard.2024.131809, PubMed 38272129

Demidova A, Drewitz KP, Kimkool P, Banjanin N, Barzylovich V, Botjes E, Capper I, Castor MAR, Comberiati P, Cook EE, Costa J, Chu DK, Epstein MM, Galvin AD, Giovannini M, Girard F, Golding MA, Greenhawt M, Ierodiakonou D, Jones CJ, Khaleva E, Knibb RC, Macit-Çelebi MS, Mack DP, Mafra I et al. (2024)
Core Outcome Set for IgE-mediated food allergy clinical trials and observational studies of interventions: International Delphi consensus study 'COMFA'
Allergy, 79 (4), 977-989
DOI 10.1111/all.16023, PubMed 38433402

Denos M, Asante EO, Eldholm RS, Selbæk G, Skjellegrind HK, Mai XM, Chen Y, Sun YQ (2024)
The association between clinically evaluated cognitive function and oral health in Norwegian older adults: The HUNT Study
J Am Geriatr Soc, 72 (11), 3590-3593
DOI 10.1111/jgs.19103, PubMed 39051868

Dhariwal A, Rajar P, Salvadori G, Åmdal HA, Berild D, Saugstad OD, Fugelseth D, Greisen G, Dahle U, Haaland K, Petersen FC (2024)
Prolonged hospitalization signature and early antibiotic effects on the nasopharyngeal resistome in preterm infants
Nat Commun, 15 (1), 6024
DOI 10.1038/s41467-024-50433-7, PubMed 39019886

Drabløs M, Risstad H, Alnæs-Katjavivi P, Qvigstad E (2024)
Pregnancy outcomes in type 2 versus type 1 diabetes: systematic review with meta-analyses
Endocr Connect, 13 (12)
DOI 10.1530/EC-24-0066, PubMed 39441788

Driva S, Korkontzelou A, Tonstad S, Tentolouris N, Litsiou E, Vasileiou V, Vassiliou AG, Saltagianni V, Katsaounou P (2024)
Metabolic Changes Following Smoking Cessation in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Biomedicines, 12 (8)
DOI 10.3390/biomedicines12081882, PubMed 39200346

Druckrey-Fiskaaen KT, Vold JH, Madebo T, Midgard H, Dalgard O, Leiva RA, Fadnes LT, INTRO-HCV Study Group (2024)
Liver stiffness and associated risk factors among people with a history of injecting drugs: a prospective cohort study
Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy, 19 (1), 21
DOI 10.1186/s13011-024-00603-z, PubMed 38532435

Ecklu-Mensah G, Miller R, Maseng MG, Hawes V, Hinz D, Kim C, Gilbert JA (2024)
Modulating the human gut microbiome and health markers through kombucha consumption: a controlled clinical study
Sci Rep, 14 (1), 31647
DOI 10.1038/s41598-024-80281-w, PubMed 39738315

Edwin TH, Håberg AK, Zotcheva E, Bratsberg B, Jugessur A, Engdahl B, Bowen C, Selbæk G, Kohler HP, Harris JR, Tom SE, Krokstad S, Mekonnen T, Stern Y, Skirbekk VF, Strand BH (2024)
Trajectories of Occupational Cognitive Demands and Risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Later Life: The HUNT4 70+ Study
Neurology, 102 (9), e209353
DOI 10.1212/WNL.0000000000209353, PubMed 38630959

Egan BM, Rich MW, Sutherland SE, Wright JT, Kjeldsen SE (2024)
General Principles, Etiologies, Evaluation, and Management in Older Adults
Clin Geriatr Med, 40 (4), 551-571
DOI 10.1016/j.cger.2024.04.008, PubMed 39349031

Enge K, Tveit A, Enger S, Onarheim S, Pripp AH, Rønningen PS, Solberg MG, Byrkjeland R, Andresen K, Halsen A, Aulie HA, Steinsvik T, Hall C, Ulimoen SR (2024)
Diltiazem reduces levels of NT-proBNP and improves symptoms compared with metoprolol in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation
Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother, 10 (6), 515-525
DOI 10.1093/ehjcvp/pvae032, PubMed 38702844

Engebretsen I, Bugge C, Støvring H, Husebye E, Sverre E, Dammen T, Halvorsen S, Munkhaugen J (2024)
Treatment patterns and adherence to lipid-lowering drugs during eight-year follow-up after a coronary heart disease event
Atherosclerosis, 393, 117550
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