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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2020 from OUS - Division of Laboratory Medicine

462 publications found

Abadpour S, Aizenshtadt A, Olsen PA, Shoji K, Wilson SR, Krauss S, Scholz H (2020)
Pancreas-on-a-Chip Technology for Transplantation Applications
Curr Diab Rep, 20 (12), 72
DOI 10.1007/s11892-020-01357-1, PubMed 33206261

Abelein A, Chen G, Kitoka K, Aleksis R, Oleskovs F, Sarr M, Landreh M, Pahnke J, Nordling K, Kronqvist N, Jaudzems K, Rising A, Johansson J, Biverstål H (2020)
High-yield Production of Amyloid-β Peptide Enabled by a Customized Spider Silk Domain
Sci Rep, 10 (1), 235
DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-57143-x, PubMed 31937841

Agusti-Ridaura C, Bakke MJ, Helgesen KO, Sundaram AYM, Bakke SJ, Kaur K, Horsberg TE (2020)
Candidate genes for monitoring hydrogen peroxide resistance in the salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis
Parasit Vectors, 13 (1), 344
DOI 10.1186/s13071-020-04211-1, PubMed 32650825

Akkouh IA, Ueland T, Hansson L, Inderhaug E, Hughes T, Steen NE, Aukrust P, Andreassen OA, Szabo A, Djurovic S (2020)
Decreased IL-1β-induced CCL20 response in human iPSC-astrocytes in schizophrenia: Potential attenuating effects on recruitment of regulatory T cells
Brain Behav Immun, 87, 634-644
DOI 10.1016/j.bbi.2020.02.008, PubMed 32109548

Al-Jumaili AS, Boudali SF, Kebede A, Al-Bayatti SA, Essa AA, Ahbara A, Aljumaah RS, Alatiyat RM, Mwacharo JM, Bjørnstad G, Naqvi AN, Gaouar SBS, Hanotte O (2020)
The maternal origin of indigenous domestic chicken from the Middle East, the north and the horn of Africa
BMC Genet, 21 (1), 30
DOI 10.1186/s12863-020-0830-0, PubMed 32171253

Alnaes-Katjavivi P, Roald B, Staff AC (2020)
Uteroplacental acute atherosis in preeclamptic pregnancies: Rates and clinical outcomes differ by tissue collection methods
Pregnancy Hypertens, 19, 11-17
DOI 10.1016/j.preghy.2019.11.007, PubMed 31864207

Ambros IM, Tonini GP, Pötschger U, Gross N, Mosseri V, Beiske K, Berbegall AP, Bénard J, Bown N, Caron H, Combaret V, Couturier J, Defferrari R, Delattre O, Jeison M, Kogner P, Lunec J, Marques B, Martinsson T, Mazzocco K, Noguera R, Schleiermacher G, Valent A, Van Roy N, Villamon E et al. (2020)
Age Dependency of the Prognostic Impact of Tumor Genomics in Localized Resectable MYCN-Nonamplified Neuroblastomas. Report From the SIOPEN Biology Group on the LNESG Trials and a COG Validation Group
J Clin Oncol, 38 (31), 3685-3697
DOI 10.1200/JCO.18.02132, PubMed 32903140

Amrutkar M, Larsen EK, Aasrum M, Finstadsveen AV, Andresen PA, Verbeke CS, Gladhaug IP (2020)
Establishment and Characterization of Paired Primary Cultures of Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells and Stellate Cells Derived from the Same Tumor
Cells, 9 (1)
DOI 10.3390/cells9010227, PubMed 31963309

Amrutkar M, Vethe NT, Verbeke CS, Aasrum M, Finstadsveen AV, Sántha P, Gladhaug IP (2020)
Differential Gemcitabine Sensitivity in Primary Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells and Paired Stellate Cells Is Driven by Heterogenous Drug Uptake and Processing
Cancers (Basel), 12 (12)
DOI 10.3390/cancers12123628, PubMed 33287390

Andersen JM, Høiseth G, Nygaard E (2020)
Prenatal exposure to methadone or buprenorphine and long-term outcomes: A meta-analysis
Early Hum Dev, 143, 104997
DOI 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2020.104997, PubMed 32146140

Andersen JM, Opdal SH, Müller CP, Boix F (2020)
CaMKII is activated in opioid induced conditioned place preference, but αCaMKII Thr286 autophosphorylation is not necessary for its establishment
Behav Brain Res, 390, 112676
DOI 10.1016/j.bbr.2020.112676, PubMed 32407818

Andersson DI, Balaban NQ, Baquero F, Courvalin P, Glaser P, Gophna U, Kishony R, Molin S, Tønjum T (2020)
Antibiotic resistance: turning evolutionary principles into clinical reality
FEMS Microbiol Rev, 44 (2), 171-188
DOI 10.1093/femsre/fuaa001, PubMed 31981358

Andresen MS, Stavik B, Sletten M, Tinholt M, Sandset PM, Iversen N, Skretting G (2020)
Indirect regulation of TFPI-2 expression by miR-494 in breast cancer cells
Sci Rep, 10 (1), 4036
DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-61018-x, PubMed 32132611

Aqrawi LA, Chen X, Hynne H, Amdal C, Reppe S, Aass HCD, Rykke M, Hove LH, Young A, Herlofson BB, Westgaard KL, Utheim TP, Galtung HK, Jensen JL (2020)
Cytokines Explored in Saliva and Tears from Radiated Cancer Patients Correlate with Clinical Manifestations, Influencing Important Immunoregulatory Cellular Pathways
Cells, 9 (9)
DOI 10.3390/cells9092050, PubMed 32911805

Arstad C, Taskén K, Refinetti P, Axcrona U, Giercksky KE, Ekstrøm PO (2020)
Somatic Mitochondrial DNA Point Mutations Used as Biomarkers to Demonstrate Genomic Heterogeneity in Primary Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer, 2020, 7673684
DOI 10.1155/2020/7673684, PubMed 32908706

Arzimanoglou A, Brandl U, Cross JH, Gil-Nagel A, Lagae L, Landmark CJ, Specchio N, Nabbout R, Thiele EA, Gubbay O, The Cannabinoids International Experts Panel, Collaborators (2020)
Epilepsy and cannabidiol: a guide to treatment
Epileptic Disord, 22 (1), 1-14
DOI 10.1684/epd.2020.1141, PubMed 32096470

Ashuro AA, Lobie TA, Ye DQ, Leng RX, Li BZ, Pan HF, Fan YG (2020)
Review on the Alteration of Gut Microbiota: The Role of HIV Infection and Old Age
AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, 36 (7), 556-565
DOI 10.1089/AID.2019.0282, PubMed 32323556

Atukunda P, Muhoozi GK, Diep LM, Berg JP, Westerberg AC, Iversen PO (2020)
The association of urine markers of iodine intake with development and growth among children in rural Uganda: a secondary analysis of a randomised education trial
Public Health Nutr, 24 (12), 3730-3739
DOI 10.1017/S1368980020001603, PubMed 32654677

Azevedo C, Nilsen J, Grevys A, Nunes R, Andersen JT, Sarmento B (2020)
Engineered albumin-functionalized nanoparticles for improved FcRn binding enhance oral delivery of insulin
J Control Release, 327, 161-173
DOI 10.1016/j.jconrel.2020.08.005, PubMed 32771477

Backe PH, Laerdahl JK, Kittelsen LS, Dalhus B, Mørkrid L, Bjørås M (2020)
Structural basis for substrate and product recognition in human phosphoglucomutase-1 (PGM1) isoform 2, a member of the α-D-phosphohexomutase superfamily
Sci Rep, 10 (1), 5656
DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-62548-0, PubMed 32221390

Badian RA, Utheim TP, Lagali N (2020)
Region of interest and directional analysis of subbasal nerves in wide-area corneal nerve plexus mosaics in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Sci Rep, 10 (1), 10802
DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-67737-5, PubMed 32612112

Bahrami S, Steen NE, Shadrin A, O'Connell K, Frei O, Bettella F, Wirgenes KV, Krull F, Fan CC, Dale AM, Smeland OB, Djurovic S, Andreassen OA (2020)
Shared Genetic Loci Between Body Mass Index and Major Psychiatric Disorders: A Genome-wide Association Study
JAMA Psychiatry, 77 (5), 503-512
DOI 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.4188, PubMed 31913414

Bakke E, Høiseth G, Furuhaugen H, Berg T, Arnestad M, Gjerde H (2020)
Oral Fluid to Blood Concentration Ratios of Different Psychoactive Drugs in Samples from Suspected Drugged Drivers
Ther Drug Monit, 42 (5), 795-800
DOI 10.1097/FTD.0000000000000760, PubMed 32251151

Balafkan N, Mostafavi S, Schubert M, Siller R, Liang KX, Sullivan G, Bindoff LA (2020)
A method for differentiating human induced pluripotent stem cells toward functional cardiomyocytes in 96-well microplates
Sci Rep, 10 (1), 18498
DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-73656-2, PubMed 33116175

Barlinn R, Trogstad L, Rollag H, Frøen F, Magnus P, Dudman SG (2020)
Parvovirus B19 DNAemia in pregnant women in relation to perinatal death: A nested case-control study within a large population-based pregnancy cohort
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 99 (7), 856-864
DOI 10.1111/aogs.13801, PubMed 31925774

Bartolomé-Casado R, Landsverk OJB, Chauhan SK, Sætre F, Hagen KT, Yaqub S, Øyen O, Horneland R, Aandahl EM, Aabakken L, Bækkevold ES, Jahnsen FL (2020)
CD4+ T cells persist for years in the human small intestine and display a TH1 cytokine profile
Mucosal Immunol, 14 (2), 402-410
DOI 10.1038/s41385-020-0315-5, PubMed 32572129

Bascuñana P, Möhle L, Brackhan M, Pahnke J (2020)
Fingolimod as a Treatment in Neurologic Disorders Beyond Multiple Sclerosis
Drugs R D, 20 (3), 197-207
DOI 10.1007/s40268-020-00316-1, PubMed 32696271

Bavlovič Piskáčková H, Øiestad EL, Váňová N, Lengvarská J, Štěrbová-Kovaříková P, Pedersen-Bjergaard S (2020)
Electromembrane extraction of anthracyclines from plasma: Comparison with conventional extraction techniques
Talanta, 223 (Pt 2), 121748
DOI 10.1016/j.talanta.2020.121748, PubMed 33298272

Bech AB, Clausen T, Waal H, Vindenes V, Edvardsen HE, Frost J, Skeie I (2020)
Post-mortem toxicological analyses of blood samples from 107 patients receiving opioid agonist treatment: substances detected and pooled opioid and benzodiazepine concentrations
Addiction, 116 (4), 845-855
DOI 10.1111/add.15211, PubMed 32738014

Bejder J, Breenfeldt Andersen A, Bonne TC, Piil JF, Hagen LCH, Dehnes Y, Eibye KH, Nybo L, Nordsborg NB (2020)
Tramadol Does Not Improve Performance or Impair Motor Function in Trained Cyclists
Med Sci Sports Exerc, 52 (5), 1169-1175
DOI 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002217, PubMed 31809408

Berentsen S, Barcellini W, D'Sa S, Randen U, Tvedt THA, Fattizzo B, Haukås E, Kell M, Brudevold R, Dahm AEA, Dalgaard J, Frøen H, Hallstensen RF, Jæger PH, Hjorth-Hansen H, Małecka A, Oksman M, Rolke J, Sekhar M, Sørbø JH, Tjønnfjord E, Tsykunova G, Tjønnfjord GE (2020)
Cold agglutinin disease revisited: a multinational, observational study of 232 patients
Blood, 136 (4), 480-488
DOI 10.1182/blood.2020005674, PubMed 32374875

Berg LK, Goll R, Fagerli E, Ludviksen JK, Fure H, Moen OS, Sørbye SW, Mollnes TE, Florholmen J (2020)
Intestinal inflammatory profile shows increase in a diversity of biomarkers in irritable bowel syndrome
Scand J Gastroenterol, 55 (5), 537-542
DOI 10.1080/00365521.2020.1754455, PubMed 32329383

Berg MS, Straiton ML, Vikum EF, Myhre SL, Danielsen AS, Gopinathan U (2020)
[Asylum seekers’ health and use of health services in Norway]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 140 (4)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.19.0470, PubMed 32192269

Berger TC, Vigeland MD, Hjorthaug HS, Nome CG, Taubøll E, Selmer KK, Heuser K (2020)
Differential Glial Activation in Early Epileptogenesis-Insights From Cell-Specific Analysis of DNA Methylation and Gene Expression in the Contralateral Hippocampus
Front Neurol, 11, 573575
DOI 10.3389/fneur.2020.573575, PubMed 33312155

Bergh MS, Øiestad ÅML, Baumann MH, Bogen IL (2020)
Selectivity and sensitivity of urine fentanyl test strips to detect fentanyl analogues in illicit drugs
Int J Drug Policy, 90, 103065
DOI 10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.103065, PubMed 33333419

Bergland OU, Søraas CL, Larstorp ACK, Halvorsen LV, Hjørnholm U, Hoffman P, Høieggen A, Fadl Elmula FEM (2020)
The randomised Oslo study of renal denervation vs. Antihypertensive drug adjustments: efficacy and safety through 7 years of follow-up
Blood Press, 30 (1), 41-50
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1828818, PubMed 33030064

Bergo KK, Larstorp AC, Hoffmann P, Hjørnholm U, Cataliotti A, Høieggen A, Rostrup M, Fadl Elmula FEM (2020)
Renal sympathetic denervation lowers systemic vascular resistance in true treatment-resistant hypertension
Blood Press, 30 (1), 31-40
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1789446, PubMed 32633141

Bergsland CH, Bruun J, Guren MG, Svindland A, Bjørnslett M, Smeby J, Hektoen M, Kolberg M, Domingo E, Pellinen T, Tomlinson I, Kerr D, Church DN, Nesbakken A, Sveen A, Lothe RA (2020)
Prediction of relapse-free survival according to adjuvant chemotherapy and regulator of chromosome condensation 2 (RCC2) expression in colorectal cancer
ESMO Open, 5 (6), e001040
DOI 10.1136/esmoopen-2020-001040, PubMed 33219056

Bern M, Nilsen J, Ferrarese M, Sand KMK, Gjølberg TT, Lode HE, Davidson RJ, Camire RM, Bækkevold ES, Foss S, Grevys A, Dalhus B, Wilson J, Høydahl LS, Christianson GJ, Roopenian DC, Schlothauer T, Michaelsen TE, Moe MC, Lombardi S, Pinotti M, Sandlie I, Branchini A, Andersen JT (2020)
An engineered human albumin enhances half-life and transmucosal delivery when fused to protein-based biologics
Sci Transl Med, 12 (565)
DOI 10.1126/scitranslmed.abb0580, PubMed 33055243

Bialer M, Johannessen SI, Koepp MJ, Levy RH, Perucca E, Perucca P, Tomson T, White HS (2020)
Progress report on new antiepileptic drugs: A summary of the Fifteenth Eilat Conference on New Antiepileptic Drugs and Devices (EILAT XV). II. Drugs in more advanced clinical development
Epilepsia, 61 (11), 2365-2385
DOI 10.1111/epi.16726, PubMed 33165915

Bialer M, Johannessen SI, Koepp MJ, Levy RH, Perucca E, Perucca P, Tomson T, White HS (2020)
Progress report on new antiepileptic drugs: A summary of the Fifteenth Eilat Conference on New Antiepileptic Drugs and Devices (EILAT XV). I. Drugs in preclinical and early clinical development
Epilepsia, 61 (11), 2340-2364
DOI 10.1111/epi.16725, PubMed 33190243

Bjerkli IH, Hadler-Olsen E, Nginamau ES, Laurvik H, Søland TM, Costea DE, Uhlin-Hansen L, Steigen SE (2020)
A combined histo-score based on tumor differentiation and lymphocytic infiltrate is a robust prognostic marker for mobile tongue cancer
Virchows Arch, 477 (6), 865-872
DOI 10.1007/s00428-020-02875-9, PubMed 32607687

Bjerkli IH, Laurvik H, Nginamau ES, Søland TM, Costea D, Hov H, Uhlin-Hansen L, Hadler-Olsen E, Steigen SE (2020)
Tumor budding score predicts lymph node status in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma and should be included in the pathology report
PLoS One, 15 (9), e0239783
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0239783, PubMed 32976535

Bjerre A, Mjøen G, Line PD, Naper C, Reisaeter AV, Åsberg A (2020)
Five decades with grandparent donors: The Norwegian strategy and experience
Pediatr Transplant, 24 (6), e13751
DOI 10.1111/petr.13751, PubMed 32485019

Bleka Ø, Just R, Le J, Gill P (2020)
An examination of STR nomenclatures, filters and models for MPS mixture interpretation
Forensic Sci Int Genet, 48, 102319
DOI 10.1016/j.fsigen.2020.102319, PubMed 32563046

Bogsrud MP, Øyri LKL, Halvorsen S, Atar D, Leren TP, Holven KB (2020)
Prevalence of genetically verified familial hypercholesterolemia among young (<45 years) Norwegian patients hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction
J Clin Lipidol, 14 (3), 339-345
DOI 10.1016/j.jacl.2020.04.002, PubMed 32418822

Booth JA, Špírek M, Lobie TA, Skarstad K, Krejci L, Bjørås M (2020)
Antibiotic-induced DNA damage results in a controlled loss of pH homeostasis and genome instability
Sci Rep, 10 (1), 19422
DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-76426-2, PubMed 33173044

Bornstedt ME, Gjerlaugsen N, Olstad OK, Berg JP, Bredahl MK, Thorsby PM (2020)
Vitamin D metabolites influence expression of genes concerning cellular viability and function in insulin producing β-cells (INS1E)
Gene, 746, 144649
DOI 10.1016/j.gene.2020.144649, PubMed 32251702

Borovkova M, Bykov A, Popov A, Pierangelo A, Novikova T, Pahnke J, Meglinski I (2020)
The use of Stokes-Mueller polarimetry for assessment of amyloid-beta progression in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
PROC SPIE, 11234, 112340M
DOI 10.1117/12.2550795

Borovkova M, Bykov A, Popov A, Pierangelo A, Novikova T, Pahnke J, Meglinski I (2020)
Evaluating β-amyloidosis progression in Alzheimer's disease with Mueller polarimetry
Biomed Opt Express, 11 (8), 4509-4519
DOI 10.1364/BOE.396294, PubMed 32923060

Bouzga MM, Dørum G, Gundersen K, Kohler P, Hoff-Olsen P, Fonneløp AE (2020)
Is it possible to predict the origin of epithelial cells? - A comparison of secondary transfer of skin epithelial cells versus vaginal mucous membrane cells by direct contact
Sci Justice, 60 (3), 234-242
DOI 10.1016/j.scijus.2020.02.003, PubMed 32381240

Brandão A, Paulo P, Maia S, Pinheiro M, Peixoto A, Cardoso M, Silva MP, Santos C, Eeles RA, Kote-Jarai Z, Muir K, Ukgpcs Collaborators, Schleutker J, Wang Y, Pashayan N, Batra J, Apcb BioResource, Grönberg H, Neal DE, Nordestgaard BG, Tangen CM, Southey MC, Wolk A, Albanes D, Haiman CA et al. (2020)
The CHEK2 Variant C.349A>G Is Associated with Prostate Cancer Risk and Carriers Share a Common Ancestor
Cancers (Basel), 12 (11)
DOI 10.3390/cancers12113254, PubMed 33158149

Breen JM, Næss PA, Hansen TB, Gaarder C, Stray-Pedersen A (2020)
Serious motor vehicle collisions involving young drivers on Norwegian roads 2013-2016: Speeding and driver-related errors are the main challenge
Traffic Inj Prev, 21 (6), 382-388
DOI 10.1080/15389588.2020.1770237, PubMed 32496905

Briand N, Collas P (2020)
Lamina-associated domains: peripheral matters and internal affairs
Genome Biol, 21 (1), 85
DOI 10.1186/s13059-020-02003-5, PubMed 32241294

Broch K, Popperud T, Gude E, Fløisand Y, Antal EA, Bosse G, Jonsrud C, Hegard T, Skaara S, Elsais A (2020)
A Middle-Aged Man Presenting With Progressive Heart Failure, Myopathy, and Monoclonal Gammopathy of Uncertain Significance
JACC Case Rep, 2 (5), 785-789
DOI 10.1016/j.jaccas.2020.02.024, PubMed 34317348

Broner EC, Onallah H, Re'em TT, Davidson B, Reich R (2020)
Role of the Exosome Secretion Machinery in Ovarian Carcinoma: In Vitro and In Vivo Models
J. Oncol., 2020, 4291827
DOI 10.1155/2020/4291827

Brunet T, McWalter K, Mayerhanser K, Anbouba GM, Armstrong-Javors A, Bader I, Baugh E, Begtrup A, Bupp CP, Callewaert BL, Cereda A, Cousin MA, Del Rey Jimenez JC, Demmer L, Dsouza NR, Fleischer N, Gavrilova RH, Ghate S, Graf E, Green A, Green SR, Iascone M, Kdissa A, Klee D, Klee EW et al. (2020)
Defining the genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of X-linked MSL3-related disorder
Genet Med, 23 (2), 384-395
DOI 10.1038/s41436-020-00993-y, PubMed 33173220

Brunetti M, Panagopoulos I, Kostolomov I, Davidson B, Heim S, Micci F (2020)
Mutation analysis and genomic imbalances of cells found in effusion fluids from patients with ovarian cancer
Oncol Lett, 20 (3), 2273-2279
DOI 10.3892/ol.2020.11782, PubMed 32782545

Brunvoll SH, Thune I, Bertheussen GF, Fjeldheim F, Flote VG, Frydenberg H, Lundgren S, Skjerven H, Lømo J, Fagerland MW, McTiernan A, Schlichting E, Hjartåker A (2020)
Dietary changes in early-stage breast cancer patients from pre-surgery and over the 12 months post-surgery
Br J Nutr, 125 (2), 172-182
DOI 10.1017/S0007114520002627, PubMed 32811572

Brusletto BS, Løberg EM, Hellerud BC, Goverud IL, Berg JP, Olstad OK, Gopinathan U, Brandtzaeg P, Øvstebø R (2020)
Extensive Changes in Transcriptomic "Fingerprints" and Immunological Cells in the Large Organs of Patients Dying of Acute Septic Shock and Multiple Organ Failure Caused by Neisseria meningitidis
Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 10, 42
DOI 10.3389/fcimb.2020.00042, PubMed 32154187

Braathen R, Spång HCL, Hinke DM, Blazevski J, Bobic S, Fossum E, Bogen B (2020)
A DNA Vaccine That Encodes an Antigen-Presenting Cell-Specific Heterodimeric Protein Protects against Cancer and Influenza
Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev, 17, 378-392
DOI 10.1016/j.omtm.2020.01.007, PubMed 32128342

Buckleton JS, Pugh SN, Bright JA, Taylor DA, Curran JM, Kruijver M, Gill P, Budowle B, Cheng K (2020)
Are low LRs reliable?
Forensic Sci Int Genet, 49, 102350
DOI 10.1016/j.fsigen.2020.102350, PubMed 32979624

Buhl S, Dorn-Rasmussen M, Brynskov J, Ainsworth MA, Bendtzen K, Klausen PH, Bolstad N, Warren DJ, Steenholdt C (2020)
Therapeutic thresholds and mechanisms for primary non-response to infliximab in inflammatory bowel disease
Scand J Gastroenterol, 55 (8), 884-890
DOI 10.1080/00365521.2020.1786852, PubMed 32631131

Bøhmer T, Bachtyari Z, Sommer C, Hammerstad SS (2020)
Auto regulatory capacity of the thyroid gland after numerous iodinated contrast media investigations
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 80 (3), 191-195
DOI 10.1080/00365513.2019.1709658, PubMed 31990217

Børte S, Zwart JA, Skogholt AH, Gabrielsen ME, Thomas LF, Fritsche LG, Surakka I, Nielsen JB, Zhou W, Wolford BN, Vigeland MD, Hagen K, Kristoffersen ES, Nyholt DR, Chasman DI, Brumpton BM, Willer CJ, Winsvold BS (2020)
Mitochondrial genome-wide association study of migraine - the HUNT Study
Cephalalgia, 40 (6), 625-634
DOI 10.1177/0333102420906835, PubMed 32056457

Bøylestad L, Stray-Pedersen A, Vege Å, Osberg S, Rognum T (2020)
Death-scene investigations contribute to legal protection in unexpected child deaths in Norway
Acta Paediatr, 109 (12), 2627-2635
DOI 10.1111/apa.15284, PubMed 32248546

Cabral JV, Jackson CJ, Utheim TP, Jirsova K (2020)
Ex vivo cultivated oral mucosal epithelial cell transplantation for limbal stem cell deficiency: a review
Stem Cell Res Ther, 11 (1), 301
DOI 10.1186/s13287-020-01783-8, PubMed 32693830

Caddy SL, Vaysburd M, Papa G, Wing M, O'Connell K, Stoycheva D, Foss S, Terje Andersen J, Oxenius A, James LC (2020)
Viral nucleoprotein antibodies activate TRIM21 and induce T cell immunity
EMBO J, 40 (5), e106228
DOI 10.15252/embj.2020106228, PubMed 33258165

Caddy SL, Vaysburd M, Wing M, Foss S, Andersen JT, O'Connell K, Mayes K, Higginson K, Iturriza-Gómara M, Desselberger U, James LC (2020)
Intracellular neutralisation of rotavirus by VP6-specific IgG
PLoS Pathog, 16 (8), e1008732
DOI 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008732, PubMed 32750093

Caglayan S, Hashim A, Cieslar-Pobuda A, Jensen V, Behringer S, Talug B, Chu DT, Pecquet C, Rogne M, Brech A, Brorson SH, Nagelhus EA, Hannibal L, Boschi A, Taskén K, Staerk J (2020)
Optic Atrophy 1 Controls Human Neuronal Development by Preventing Aberrant Nuclear DNA Methylation
iScience, 23 (6), 101154
DOI 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101154, PubMed 32450518

Cardelli M, Doorn RV, Larcher L, Donato MD, Piacenza F, Pierpaoli E, Giacconi R, Malavolta M, Rachakonda S, Gruis NA, Molven A, Andresen PA, Pjanova D, van den Oord JJ, Provinciali M, Nagore E, Kumar R (2020)
Association of HERV-K and LINE-1 hypomethylation with reduced disease-free survival in melanoma patients
Epigenomics, 12 (19), 1689-1706
DOI 10.2217/epi-2020-0127, PubMed 33125285

Castilla-Vallmanya L, Selmer KK, Dimartino C, Rabionet R, Blanco-Sánchez B, Yang S, Reijnders MRF, van Essen AJ, Oufadem M, Vigeland MD, Stadheim B, Houge G, Cox H, Kingston H, Clayton-Smith J, Innis JW, Iascone M, Cereda A, Gabbiadini S, Chung WK, Sanders V, Charrow J, Bryant E, Millichap J, Vitobello A et al. (2020)
Phenotypic spectrum and transcriptomic profile associated with germline variants in TRAF7
Genet Med, 22 (7), 1215-1226
DOI 10.1038/s41436-020-0792-7, PubMed 32376980

Chaban V, Clarke GJB, Skandsen T, Islam R, Einarsen CE, Vik A, Damås JK, Mollnes TE, Håberg AK, Pischke SE (2020)
Systemic Inflammation Persists the First Year after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Results from the Prospective Trondheim Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Study
J Neurotrauma, 37 (19), 2120-2130
DOI 10.1089/neu.2019.6963, PubMed 32326805

Chehover M, Reich R, Davidson B (2020)
Expression of Wnt pathway molecules is associated with disease outcome in metastatic high-grade serous carcinoma
Virchows Arch, 477 (2), 249-258
DOI 10.1007/s00428-019-02737-z, PubMed 31900634

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