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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2020 from OUS - The Intervention Centre

56 publications found

Aghayan DL, Kazaryan AM, Dagenborg VJ, Røsok BI, Fagerland MW, Waaler Bjørnelv GM, Kristiansen R, Flatmark K, Fretland ÅA, Edwin B, OSLO-COMET Survival Study Collaborators (2020)
Long-Term Oncologic Outcomes After Laparoscopic Versus Open Resection for Colorectal Liver Metastases : A Randomized Trial
Ann Intern Med, 174 (2), 175-182
DOI 10.7326/M20-4011, PubMed 33197213

Albatat M, Arevalo H, Bergsland J, Strøm V, Balasingham I, Odland HH (2020)
Optimal pacing sites in cardiac resynchronization by left ventricular activation front analysis
Comput Biol Med, 128, 104159
DOI 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2020.104159, PubMed 33301952

Albatat M, Bergsland J, Arevalo H, Odland HH, Wall S, Sundnes J, Balasingham I (2020)
Multisite pacing and myocardial scars: a computational study
Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin, 23 (6), 248-260
DOI 10.1080/10255842.2020.1711885, PubMed 31958019

Andersen ØS, Krogh MR, Boe E, Storsten P, Aalen JM, Larsen CK, Skulstad H, Odland HH, Smiseth OA, Remme EW (2020)
Left bundle branch block increases left ventricular diastolic pressure during tachycardia due to incomplete relaxation
J Appl Physiol (1985), 128 (4), 729-738
DOI 10.1152/japplphysiol.01002.2018, PubMed 31999529

Arjmandi H, Zoofaghari M, Rouzegar SV, Veletic M, Balasingham I (2020)
On Mathematical Analysis of Active Drug Transport Coupled With Flow-Induced Diffusion in Blood Vessels
IEEE Trans Nanobioscience, 20 (1), 105-115
DOI 10.1109/TNB.2020.3038635, PubMed 33201826

Asbun HJ, Moekotte AL, Vissers FL, Kunzler F, Cipriani F, Alseidi A, D'Angelica MI, Balduzzi A, Bassi C, Björnsson B, Boggi U, Callery MP, Del Chiaro M, Coimbra FJ, Conrad C, Cook A, Coppola A, Dervenis C, Dokmak S, Edil BH, Edwin B, Giulianotti PC, Han HS, Hansen PD, van der Heijde N et al. (2020)
The Miami International Evidence-based Guidelines on Minimally Invasive Pancreas Resection
Ann Surg, 271 (1), 1-14
DOI 10.1097/SLA.0000000000003590, PubMed 31567509

Bjørnelv GMW, Edwin B, Fretland ÅA, Deb P, Aas E (2020)
Till death do us part: the effect of marital status on health care utilization and costs at end-of-life. A register study on all colorectal cancer decedents in Norway between 2009 and 2013
BMC Health Serv Res, 20 (1), 115
DOI 10.1186/s12913-019-4794-6, PubMed 32054492

Cappelle M, Aghayan DL, van der Poel MJ, Besselink MG, Sergeant G, Edwin B, Parmentier I, De Meyere C, Vansteenkiste F, D'Hondt M (2020)
A multicenter cohort analysis of laparoscopic hepatic caudate lobe resection
Langenbecks Arch Surg, 405 (2), 181-189
DOI 10.1007/s00423-020-01867-2, PubMed 32239290

Corral-Acero J, Margara F, Marciniak M, Rodero C, Loncaric F, Feng Y, Gilbert A, Fernandes JF, Bukhari HA, Wajdan A, Martinez MV, Santos MS, Shamohammdi M, Luo H, Westphal P, Leeson P, DiAchille P, Gurev V, Mayr M, Geris L, Pathmanathan P, Morrison T, Cornelussen R, Prinzen F, Delhaas T et al. (2020)
The 'Digital Twin' to enable the vision of precision cardiology
Eur Heart J, 41 (48), 4556-4564
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa159, PubMed 32128588

Dagenborg VJ, Marshall SE, Yaqub S, Grzyb K, Boye K, Lund-Iversen M, Høye E, Berstad AE, Fretland ÅA, Edwin B, Ree AH, Flatmark K (2020)
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is associated with a transient increase of intratumoral T-cell density in microsatellite stable colorectal liver metastases
Cancer Biol Ther, 21 (5), 432-440
DOI 10.1080/15384047.2020.1721252, PubMed 32098573

Digernes I, Nilsen LB, Grøvik E, Bjørnerud A, Løvland G, Vik-Mo E, Meling TR, Saxhaug C, Helland Å, Jacobsen KD, Geier O, Emblem KE (2020)
Noise dependency in vascular parameters from combined gradient-echo and spin-echo DSC MRI
Phys Med Biol, 65 (22), 225020
DOI 10.1088/1361-6560/abb71a, PubMed 33200748

El-Ganainy NO, Balasingham I, Halvorsen PS, Rosseland LA (2020)
A New Real Time Clinical Decision Support System Using Machine Learning for Critical Care Units
IEEE Access, 8, 185676-185687
DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3030031

Espinoza A, Kerans V, Bugge JF, Skulstad H, Halvorsen PS (2020)
Left Ventricular Function During Epinephrine Stimulation and Hypothermia: Effects at Spontaneous and Paced Heart Rates in a Porcine Model
Ther Hypothermia Temp Manag, 11 (1), 35-44
DOI 10.1089/ther.2019.0035, PubMed 31916922

Farnes N, Juel BE, Nilsen AS, Romundstad LG, Storm JF (2020)
Increased signal diversity/complexity of spontaneous EEG, but not evoked EEG responses, in ketamine-induced psychedelic state in humans
PLoS One, 15 (11), e0242056
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0242056, PubMed 33226992

Fong Y, Buell JF, Collins J, Martinie J, Bruns C, Tsung A, Clavien PA, Nachmany I, Edwin B, Pratschke J, Solomonov E, Koenigsrainer A, Giulianotti PC (2020)
Applying the Delphi process for development of a hepatopancreaticobiliary robotic surgery training curriculum
Surg Endosc, 34 (10), 4233-4244
DOI 10.1007/s00464-020-07836-6, PubMed 32767146

Goderstad JM, Fosse E, Sandvik L, Lieng M (2020)
Development and validation of a curriculum for laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy
Facts Views Vis Obgyn, 12 (2), 83-90
PubMed 32832922

Halvorsen M, Edeklev CS, Fraser-Green J, Løvland G, Vatnehol SAS, Gjertsen Ø, Nedregaard B, Sletteberg R, Ringstad G, Eide PK (2020)
Off-label intrathecal use of gadobutrol: safety study and comparison of administration protocols
Neuroradiology, 63 (1), 51-61
DOI 10.1007/s00234-020-02519-4, PubMed 32803338

Hovden IT, Geier OM, Digernes I, Fuster-Garcia E, Løvland G, Vik-Mo E, Meling TR, Emblem KE (2020)
The impact of EPI-based distortion correction of dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI on cerebral blood volume estimation in patients with glioblastoma
Eur J Radiol, 132, 109278
DOI 10.1016/j.ejrad.2020.109278, PubMed 33010685

Jensen K, Hagemo G, Tingberg A, Steinfeldt-Reisse C, Mynarek GK, Rivero RJ, Fosse E, Martinsen AC (2020)
Evaluation of Image Quality for 7 Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms in Chest Computed Tomography Imaging: A Phantom Study
J Comput Assist Tomogr, 44 (5), 673-680
DOI 10.1097/RCT.0000000000001037, PubMed 32936576

Kazaryan AM, Aghayan DL, Fretland ÅA, Semikov VI, Shulutko AM, Edwin B (2020)
Laparoscopic liver resection with simultaneous diaphragm resection
Ann Transl Med, 8 (5), 214
DOI 10.21037/atm.2020.01.62, PubMed 32309361

Khaleghi A, Balasingham I (2020)
Low-Profile and High-Gain Linear Polarized Loop Antenna

Khan ZA, Beghdadi A, Cheikh FA, Kaaniche M, Pelanis E, Palomar R, Fretland AA, Edwin B, Elle OJ (2020)
Towards a Video Quality Assessment based Framework for Enhancement of Laparoscopic Videos
PROC SPIE, 11316, 113160P
DOI 10.1117/12.2549266

Korrel M, Lof S, van Hilst J, Alseidi A, Boggi U, Busch OR, van Dieren S, Edwin B, Fuks D, Hackert T, Keck T, Khatkov I, Malleo G, Poves I, Sahakyan MA, Bassi C, Abu Hilal M, Besselink MG, European Consortium on Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (E-MIPS) (2020)
Predictors for Survival in an International Cohort of Patients Undergoing Distal Pancreatectomy for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Ann Surg Oncol, 28 (2), 1079-1087
DOI 10.1245/s10434-020-08658-5, PubMed 32583198

Kumar RP, Pelanis E, Bugge R, Brun H, Palomar R, Aghayan DL, Fretland ÅA, Edwin B, Elle OJ (2020)
Use of mixed reality for surgery planning: Assessment and development workflow
J Biomed Inform, 112S, 100077
DOI 10.1016/j.yjbinx.2020.100077, PubMed 34417006

Larsson C, Groote I, Vardal J, Kleppestø M, Odland A, Brandal P, Due-Tønnessen P, Holme SS, Hope TR, Meling TR, Fosse E, Emblem KE, Bjørnerud A (2020)
Prediction of survival and progression in glioblastoma patients using temporal perfusion changes during radiochemotherapy
Magn Reson Imaging, 68, 106-112
DOI 10.1016/j.mri.2020.01.012, PubMed 32004711

Liang KX, Vatne GH, Kristiansen CK, Ievglevskyi O, Kondratskaya E, Glover JC, Chen A, Sullivan GJ, Bindoff LA (2020)
N-acetylcysteine amide ameliorates mitochondrial dysfunction and reduces oxidative stress in hiPSC-derived dopaminergic neurons with POLG mutation
Exp Neurol, 337, 113536
DOI 10.1016/j.expneurol.2020.113536, PubMed 33264635

Lie ØH, Klaboe LG, Dejgaard LA, Skjølsvik ET, Grimsmo J, Bosse G, Hopp E, Edvardsen T, Haugaa KH (2020)
Cardiac Phenotypes and Markers of Adverse Outcome in Elite Athletes With Ventricular Arrhythmias
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging, 14 (1), 148-158
DOI 10.1016/j.jcmg.2020.07.039, PubMed 33129723

Lu P, Veletić M, Bergsland J, Balasingham I (2020)
Theoretical Aspects of Resting-State Cardiomyocyte Communication for Multi-Nodal Nano-Actuator Pacemakers
Sensors (Basel), 20 (10)
DOI 10.3390/s20102792, PubMed 32422981

Lu PF, Veletic M, Bergsland J, Balasingham I (2020)
Molecular Communication Aspects of Potassium Intracellular Signaling in Cardiomyocytes
IEEE Access, 8, 201770-201780
DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3036219

Luzon JA, Stimec BV, Bakka AO, Edwin B, Ignjatovic D (2020)
Value of the surgeon's sightline on hologram registration and targeting in mixed reality
Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg, 15 (12), 2027-2039
DOI 10.1007/s11548-020-02263-3, PubMed 32984934

Mahendran B, Celentano V, Soltes M, Popa D, Adamina M, Sanz CM, Edwin B, Hilal MA, Coleman M (2020)
EAES online educational resources: a survey of the membership of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES)
Surg Endosc, 35 (5), 2059-2066
DOI 10.1007/s00464-020-07602-8, PubMed 32382885

Maldari M, Albatat M, Bergsland J, Haddab Y, Jabbour C, Desgreys P (2020)
Wide Frequency Characterization of Intra-Body Communication for Leadless Pacemakers
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 67 (11), 3223-3233
DOI 10.1109/TBME.2020.2980205, PubMed 32167883

Martínez-Cecilia D, Wicherts DA, Cipriani F, Berardi G, Barkhatov L, Lainas P, D'Hondt M, Rotellar F, Dagher I, Aldrighetti L, Troisi RI, Edwin B, Abu Hilal M (2020)
Impact of resection margins for colorectal liver metastases in laparoscopic and open liver resection: a propensity score analysis
Surg Endosc, 35 (2), 809-818
DOI 10.1007/s00464-020-07452-4, PubMed 32107633

Nesgaard JM, Stimec BV, Edwin B, Bakka AO, Ignjatovic D, Oresland T, Faerden AE, Thorsen Y, Andersen S, Negaard A, Jacobsen R, von Brandis KML, Hansen T, Suhrke P, Willard CD, Luzon J, Andersen BT, Gaupset R, Bergamaschi R, Pulling F, Baral J, Ruiz MG, Sevinc B, Lindstrom J, Sheikh AE et al. (2020)
CT and operative images for evaluation of right colectomy with extended D3 mesenterectomy anterior and posterior to the mesenteric vessels
Eur. Surg., 52 (1), 29-36
DOI 10.1007/s10353-019-0604-y

Palaksha D, Kansanen K, Filippo Z, Bergsland J, Balasingham I, Feuerstein D (2020)
Patient Specific Strategies to Enhance Leadless Pacemaker Lifetime in Synchronized Dual Chamber System
IEEE Access, 8, 49363-49376
DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2976010

Pelanis E, Teatini A, Eigl B, Regensburger A, Alzaga A, Kumar RP, Rudolph T, Aghayan DL, Riediger C, Kvarnström N, Elle OJ, Edwin B (2020)
Evaluation of a novel navigation platform for laparoscopic liver surgery with organ deformation compensation using injected fiducials
Med Image Anal, 69, 101946
DOI 10.1016/, PubMed 33454603

Qadir HA, Shin Y, Solhusvik J, Bergsland J, Aabakken L, Balasingham I (2020)
Toward real-time polyp detection using fully CNNs for 2D Gaussian shapes prediction
Med Image Anal, 68, 101897
DOI 10.1016/, PubMed 33260111

Rangriz F, Khaleghi A, Balasingham I (2020)
Wireless Link for Micro-scale Biomedical Implants using Magnetoelectric Antennas

Saevik M, Beitnes JO, Aaberge L, Halvorsen PS (2020)
Safety and feasibility of dobutamine stress echocardiography in symptomatic high gradient aortic stenosis patients scheduled for transcatheter aortic valve implantation
J Clin Ultrasound, 49 (1), 38-48
DOI 10.1002/jcu.22915, PubMed 32914454

Sahakyan AM, Aleksanyan A, Batikyan H, Petrosyan H, Sahakyan MА (2020)
Standard and multivisceral colectomy in locally advanced colon cancer
Radiol Oncol, 54 (3), 341-346
DOI 10.2478/raon-2020-0032, PubMed 32463386

Sahakyan MA, Shahbazyan SS, Martirosyan A, Gabrielyan A, Petrosyan H, Sahakyan AM (2020)
Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer in Patients with BMI >= 30 kg/m(2)
Am. Surg., 86 (2), 158-163

Sahakyan MA, Tholfsen T, Kleive D, Waage A, Buanes T, Labori KJ, Røsok BI, Edwin B (2020)
Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy in patients with poor physical status
HPB (Oxford), 23 (6), 877-881
DOI 10.1016/j.hpb.2020.10.004, PubMed 33092964

Sahakyan MA, Tholfsen T, Kleive D, Yaqub S, Kazaryan AM, Buanes T, Røsok BI, Labori KJ, Edwin B (2020)
Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy Following Prior Upper Abdominal Surgery (Pancreatectomy and Prior Surgery)
J Gastrointest Surg, 25 (7), 1787-1794
DOI 10.1007/s11605-020-04858-2, PubMed 33170476

Satpute N, Naseem R, Palomar R, Zachariadis O, Gómez-Luna J, Cheikh FA, Olivares J (2020)
Fast parallel vessel segmentation
Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 192, 105430
DOI 10.1016/j.cmpb.2020.105430, PubMed 32171150

Schalit I, Espinoza A, Pettersen FJ, Snartland S, Ringdal ML, Hoel TN, Skulstad H, Fosse E, Fiane AE, Halvorsen PS (2020)
Detection of Thromboembolic Events and Pump Thrombosis in HeartWare HVAD Using Accelerometer in a Porcine Model
ASAIO J, 66 (1), 38-48
DOI 10.1097/MAT.0000000000000954, PubMed 30688692

Tariverdi A, Venkiteswaran VK, Martinsen ØG, Elle OJ, Tørresen J, Misra S (2020)
Dynamic modeling of soft continuum manipulators using lie group variational integration
PLoS One, 15 (7), e0236121
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0236121, PubMed 32697813

Teatini A, Pérez de Frutos J, Eigl B, Pelanis E, Aghayan DL, Lai M, Kumar RP, Palomar R, Edwin B, Elle OJ (2020)
Influence of sampling accuracy on augmented reality for laparoscopic image-guided surgery
Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol, 30 (4), 229-238
DOI 10.1080/13645706.2020.1727524, PubMed 32134342

Thorsteinsdottir H, Christensen JJ, Holven KB, Tveiterås M, Brun H, Åsberg A, Bjerre A (2020)
Cardiovascular Risk Factors are Inversely Associated With Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Plasma Levels in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Recipients
J Ren Nutr, 31 (3), 278-285
DOI 10.1053/j.jrn.2020.06.002, PubMed 32792219

van der Heijde N, Vissers FL, Boggi U, Dokmak S, Edwin B, Hackert T, Khatkov IE, Keck T, Besselink MG, Abu Hilal M, European consortium of Minimally Invasive Pancreatic Surgery (E-MIPS) (2020)
Designing the European registry on minimally invasive pancreatic surgery: a pan-European survey
HPB (Oxford), 23 (4), 566-574
DOI 10.1016/j.hpb.2020.08.015, PubMed 32933843

Vatnehol SAS, Hol PK, Bjørnerud A, Amiry-Moghaddam M, Haglerød C, Storås TH (2020)
Effect of Drinking Oxygenated Water Assessed by in vivo MRI Relaxometry
J Magn Reson Imaging, 52 (3), 720-728
DOI 10.1002/jmri.27104, PubMed 32100358

Veletic M, Balasingham I (2020)
An Information Theory of Neuro-Transmission in Multiple-Access Synaptic Channels
IEEE Trans. Commun., 68 (2), 841-853
DOI 10.1109/TCOMM.2019.2941692

Veletic M, Barros MT, Arjmandi H, Balasubramaniam S, Balasingham I (2020)
Modeling of Modulated Exosome Release From Differentiated Induced Neural Stem Cells for Targeted Drug Delivery
IEEE Trans Nanobioscience, 19 (3), 357-367
DOI 10.1109/TNB.2020.2991794, PubMed 32365033

Wajdan A, Krogh MR, Villegas-Martinez M, Halvorsen PS, Elle OJ, Remme EW (2020)
Automatic detection of valve events by epicardial accelerometer allows estimation of the left ventricular pressure trace and pressure-displacement loop area
Sci Rep, 10 (1), 20088
DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-76637-7, PubMed 33208784

Wendt K, Mørk BE, Berg OT, Fosse E (2020)
Medicine and interest politics a study of decision-making processes in the area of vascular surgery in Norway
J Health Organ Manag, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print)
DOI 10.1108/JHOM-04-2019-0103, PubMed 32347672

Wisløff-Aase K, Kerans V, Haugaa K, Halvorsen PS, Skulstad H, Espinoza A (2020)
Changes in left ventricular electromechanical relations during targeted hypothermia
Intensive Care Med Exp, 8 (1), 76
DOI 10.1186/s40635-020-00363-7, PubMed 33315166

Zachariadis O, Teatini A, Satpute N, Gómez-Luna J, Mutlu O, Elle OJ, Olivares J (2020)
Accelerating B-spline interpolation on GPUs: Application to medical image registration
Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 193, 105431
DOI 10.1016/j.cmpb.2020.105431, PubMed 32283385
