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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2020 from OUS - Department of General Internal Medicine

7 publications found

Cadilhac DA, Kim J, Wilson A, Berge E, Patel A, Ali M, Saver J, Christensen H, Cuche M, Crews S, Wu O, Provoyeur M, McMeekin P, Durand-Zaleski I, Ford GA, Muhlemann N, Bath PM, Abdul-Rahim AH, Sunnerhagen K, Meretoja A, Thijs V, Weimar C, Massaro A, Ranta A, Lees KR et al. (2020)
Improving economic evaluations in stroke: A report from the ESO Health Economics Working Group
Eur Stroke J, 5 (2), 184-192
DOI 10.1177/2396987319897466, PubMed 32637652

Dørum ES, Kaufmann T, Alnæs D, Richard G, Kolskår KK, Engvig A, Sanders AM, Ulrichsen K, Ihle-Hansen H, Nordvik JE, Westlye LT (2020)
Functional brain network modeling in sub-acute stroke patients and healthy controls during rest and continuous attentive tracking
Heliyon, 6 (9), e04854
DOI 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04854, PubMed 32995596

Godolphin PJ, Bath PM, Algra A, Berge E, Chalmers J, Eliasziw M, Hankey GJ, Hosomi N, Ranta A, Weimar C, Woodhouse LJ, Montgomery AA (2020)
Cost-benefit of outcome adjudication in nine randomised stroke trials
Clin Trials, 17 (5), 576-580
DOI 10.1177/1740774520939231, PubMed 32650688

Godolphin PJ, Bath PM, Partlett C, Berge E, Brown MM, Eliasziw M, Sandset PM, Serena J, Montgomery AA (2020)
Outcome assessment by central adjudicators in randomised stroke trials: Simulation of differential and non-differential misclassification
Eur Stroke J, 5 (2), 174-183
DOI 10.1177/2396987320910047, PubMed 32637651

Mh Bruins Slot K, Berge E (2020)
Factor Xa inhibitors versus vitamin K antagonists for preventing cerebral or systemic embolismin patients with atrial fibrillation
Emergencias, 32 (4), 278-279
PubMed 32692005

Rudberg AS, Berge E, Laska AC, Jutterström S, Näsman P, Sunnerhagen KS, Lundström E (2020)
Stroke survivors' priorities for research related to life after stroke
Top Stroke Rehabil, 28 (2), 153-158
DOI 10.1080/10749357.2020.1789829, PubMed 32627722

Webb AJS, Fonseca AC, Berge E, Randall G, Fazekas F, Norrving B, Nivelle E, Thijs V, Vanhooren G, Stroke Working Group of the European Brain Council Value of Treatment initiative (2020)
Value of treatment by comprehensive stroke services for the reduction of critical gaps in acute stroke care in Europe
Eur J Neurol, 28 (2), 717-725
DOI 10.1111/ene.14583, PubMed 33043544
