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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2020 from OUS - Department of Neuropsychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine

5 publications found

Ching CRK, Hibar DP, Gurholt TP, Nunes A, Thomopoulos SI, Abé C, Agartz I, Brouwer RM, Cannon DM, de Zwarte SMC, Eyler LT, Favre P, Hajek T, Haukvik UK, Houenou J, Landén M, Lett TA, McDonald C, Nabulsi L, Patel Y, Pauling ME, Paus T, Radua J, Soeiro-de-Souza MG, Tronchin G et al. (2020)
What we learn about bipolar disorder from large-scale neuroimaging: Findings and future directions from the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorder Working Group
Hum Brain Mapp, 43 (1), 56-82
DOI 10.1002/hbm.25098, PubMed 32725849

Fjellaksel R, Moldes-Anaya A, Vasskog T, Oteiza A, Martin-Armas M, Hjelstuen OK, Hansen JH, Riss PJ, Sundset R (2020)
Evaluation by metabolic profiling and in vitro autoradiography of two promising GnRH-receptor ligands for brain SPECT imaging
J Labelled Comp Radiopharm, 63 (2), 72-84
DOI 10.1002/jlcr.3820, PubMed 31813158

Han LKM, Dinga R, Hahn T, Ching CRK, Eyler LT, Aftanas L, Aghajani M, Aleman A, Baune BT, Berger K, Brak I, Filho GB, Carballedo A, Connolly CG, Couvy-Duchesne B, Cullen KR, Dannlowski U, Davey CG, Dima D, Duran FLS, Enneking V, Filimonova E, Frenzel S, Frodl T, Fu CHY et al. (2020)
Brain aging in major depressive disorder: results from the ENIGMA major depressive disorder working group
Mol Psychiatry, 26 (9), 5124-5139
DOI 10.1038/s41380-020-0754-0, PubMed 32424236

Mikkelsen A, Boye B, Diseth TH, Malt U, Mørkrid L, IJsselstijn H, Emblem R (2020)
Traumatic stress, mental health, and quality of life in adolescents with esophageal atresia
J Pediatr Surg, 57 (7), 1423-1431
DOI 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2020.10.029, PubMed 33223226

Soyseth TS, Dew MA, Lund MB, Haugstad GK, Soyseth V, Malt UF (2020)
Coping Patterns and Emotional Distress in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Who Are Undergoing Lung Transplant Evaluation
Prog Transplant, 30 (3), 228-234
DOI 10.1177/1526924820933817, PubMed 32578510
