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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2022 from OUS - Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

11 publications found

Bunne M, Andersson H, Myhrum M (2022)
Long-Term Outcomes of Round Window Reinforcement for Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence Syndrome
Otol Neurotol, 43 (6), 709-716
DOI 10.1097/MAO.0000000000003561, PubMed 35761466

Busch T, Brinchmann EI, Braeken J, Wie OB (2022)
Receptive Vocabulary of Children With Bilateral Cochlear Implants From 3 to 16 Years of Age
Ear Hear, 43 (6), 1866-1880
DOI 10.1097/AUD.0000000000001220, PubMed 35426854

Greisiger R, Heldahl MG, Myhrum M, Sørensen TM, Dammerud JJ, Rasmussen K, Korslund H, Bunne M, Jablonski GE (2022)
Effect of Proximity to the Modiolus for the Cochlear CI532 Slim Modiolar Electrode Array on Evoked Compound Action Potentials and Programming Levels
Audiol Neurootol, 27 (5), 397-405
DOI 10.1159/000524256, PubMed 35504247

Grønseth T, Ovchinnikov KV, Carlsen H, Benth JŠ, Diep DB, von Unge M, Silvola JT (2022)
Lugol's solution and Gentian violet eradicate methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus biofilm in skin wound infections
Int Wound J, 20 (1), 120-130
DOI 10.1111/iwj.13846, PubMed 35633295

Hunt TE, Traaen GM, Aakerøy L, Bendz C, Øverland B, Akre H, Steinshamn S, Loennechen JP, Hegbom F, Broch K, Lie ØH, Lyseggen E, Haugaa KH, Gullestad L, Anfinsen OG (2022)
Effect of continuous positive airway pressure therapy on recurrence of atrial fibrillation after pulmonary vein isolation in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: A randomized controlled trial
Heart Rhythm, 19 (9), 1433-1441
DOI 10.1016/j.hrthm.2022.06.016, PubMed 35716856

Huynh TTM, Aass HCD, Falk RS, Astrup GL, Helland Å, Bjøro T, Bjordal K, Dale E, Hellebust TP, Herlofson BB, Malinen E, Kiserud CE, Osnes T, Amdal CD (2022)
Associations between patient-reported late effects and systemic cytokines in long-term survivors of head and neck cancer treated with radiotherapy
J Cancer Surviv, 17 (4), 1082-1093
DOI 10.1007/s11764-022-01273-1, PubMed 36350483

Hynne H, Aqrawi LA, Jensen JL, Thiede B, Palm Ø, Amdal CD, Westgaard KL, Herlofson BB, Utheim TP, Galtung HK (2022)
Proteomic Profiling of Saliva and Tears in Radiated Head and Neck Cancer Patients as Compared to Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Patients
Int J Mol Sci, 23 (7)
DOI 10.3390/ijms23073714, PubMed 35409074

Tanem KE, Stensvold E, Wilberg P, Skaare AB, Brandal P, Herlofson BB (2022)
Oral and dental late effects in long-term survivors of childhood embryonal brain tumors
Support Care Cancer, 30 (12), 10233-10241
DOI 10.1007/s00520-022-07405-8, PubMed 36307656

Tanem KE, Wilberg P, Diep PP, Ruud E, Skaare AB, Brinch L, Herlofson BB (2022)
Oral chronic GVHD after allogeneic stem cell transplantation without total body irradiation performed at a young age
Support Care Cancer, 30 (5), 4121-4128
DOI 10.1007/s00520-022-06836-7, PubMed 35075489

Van de Heyning P, Roland P, Lassaletta L, Agrawal S, Atlas M, Baumgartner WD, Brown K, Caversaccio M, Dazert S, Gstoettner W, Hagen R, Hagr A, Jablonski GE, Kameswaran M, Kuzovkov V, Leinung M, Li Y, Loth A, Magele A, Mlynski R, Mueller J, Parnes L, Radeloff A, Raine C, Rajan G et al. (2022)
Suitable Electrode Choice for Robotic-Assisted Cochlear Implant Surgery: A Systematic Literature Review of Manual Electrode Insertion Adverse Events
Front Surg, 9, 823219
DOI 10.3389/fsurg.2022.823219, PubMed 35402479

West N, Bunne M, Sass H, Cayé-Thomasen P (2022)
Cochlear Implantation for Patients with a Vestibular Schwannoma: Effect on Tinnitus Handicap
J Int Adv Otol, 18 (5), 382-387
DOI 10.5152/iao.2022.21541, PubMed 36063093
