Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2020 from OUS - Department of Pediatric Research
35 publications found
Optimal pacing sites in cardiac resynchronization by left ventricular activation front analysis
Comput Biol Med, 128, 104159
DOI 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2020.104159, PubMed 33301952
Multisite pacing and myocardial scars: a computational study
Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin, 23 (6), 248-260
DOI 10.1080/10255842.2020.1711885, PubMed 31958019
MicroRNA in dried blood spots from patients with Aagenaes syndrome and evaluation of pre-analytical and analytical factors
Pediatr Res, 89 (7), 1780-1787
DOI 10.1038/s41390-020-01153-3, PubMed 32932426
A method for differentiating human induced pluripotent stem cells toward functional cardiomyocytes in 96-well microplates
Sci Rep, 10 (1), 18498
DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-73656-2, PubMed 33116175
Partial Biliary Diversion May Promote Long-Term Relief of Pruritus and Native Liver Survival in Children with Cholestatic Liver Diseases
Eur J Pediatr Surg, 31 (4), 341-346
DOI 10.1055/s-0040-1714657, PubMed 32707578
Annexin V+ Microvesicles in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: A Prospective Cohort Study
J Diabetes Res, 2020, 7216863
DOI 10.1155/2020/7216863, PubMed 32309448
Procoagulant activity in children and adolescents on intensive insulin therapy
Pediatr Diabetes, 21 (3), 496-504
DOI 10.1111/pedi.12978, PubMed 31943582
Hepatic magnetic resonance T1-mapping and extracellular volume fraction compared to shear-wave elastography in pediatric Fontan-associated liver disease
Pediatr Radiol, 51 (1), 66-76
DOI 10.1007/s00247-020-04805-y, PubMed 33033916
Late Diagnosis of Infants with PCD and Neonatal Respiratory Distress
J Clin Med, 9 (9)
DOI 10.3390/jcm9092871, PubMed 32899853
Complement Activation in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
J Clin Immunol, 40 (3), 515-523
DOI 10.1007/s10875-020-00766-x, PubMed 32152940
T-cell Receptor Excision Circles in Newborns with Heart Defects
Pediatr Cardiol, 41 (4), 809-815
DOI 10.1007/s00246-020-02317-y, PubMed 32166410
Cytokine profile in children with food allergy following liver transplantation
Pediatr Transplant, 24 (2), e13657
DOI 10.1111/petr.13657, PubMed 32067305
Polygenic risk score-analysis of thromboembolism in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Thromb Res, 196, 15-20
DOI 10.1016/j.thromres.2020.08.015, PubMed 32818716
Human Leukocyte Antigen alleles associated with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)
Sci Rep, 10 (1), 5267
DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-62157-x, PubMed 32210306
Disease-specific phenotypes in iPSC-derived neural stem cells with POLG mutations
EMBO Mol Med, 12 (10), e12146
DOI 10.15252/emmm.202012146, PubMed 32840960
N-acetylcysteine amide ameliorates mitochondrial dysfunction and reduces oxidative stress in hiPSC-derived dopaminergic neurons with POLG mutation
Exp Neurol, 337, 113536
DOI 10.1016/j.expneurol.2020.113536, PubMed 33264635
Low levels of antibodies for the oral bacterium Tannerella forsythia predict cardiovascular disease mortality in men with myocardial infarction: A prospective cohort study
Med Hypotheses, 138, 109575
DOI 10.1016/j.mehy.2020.109575, PubMed 32088522
Maternal and child gluten intake and association with type 1 diabetes: The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study
PLoS Med, 17 (3), e1003032
DOI 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003032, PubMed 32119659
Maternal fibre and gluten intake during pregnancy and risk of childhood celiac disease: the MoBa study
Sci Rep, 10 (1), 16439
DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-73244-4, PubMed 33009438
Left Ventricular Systolic Function in Long-Term Survivors of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
JACC CardioOncol, 2 (3), 460-471
DOI 10.1016/j.jaccao.2020.06.011, PublikaID 352
Left Ventricular Systolic Function in Long-Term Survivors of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
JACC CardioOncol, 2 (3), 460-471
DOI 10.1016/j.jaccao.2020.06.011, PubMed 34396253
Determinants of cardiorespiratory fitness in very long-term survivors of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a national cohort study
Support Care Cancer, 29 (4), 1959-1967
DOI 10.1007/s00520-020-05644-1, PubMed 32827056
What did I learn as a neonatologist over 40 years and what impact did Napoleon have on modern newborn medicine?
Acta Paediatr, 109 (5), 877-879
DOI 10.1111/apa.15170, PubMed 31943367
Life expectancy and cause of death in individuals with haemophilia A and B in Norway, 1986-2018
Eur J Haematol, 105 (5), 608-615
DOI 10.1111/ejh.13494, PubMed 32710483
Skin emollient and early complementary feeding to prevent infant atopic dermatitis (PreventADALL): a factorial, multicentre, cluster-randomised trial
Lancet, 395 (10228), 951-961
DOI 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32983-6, PubMed 32087121
Neuropsychological functioning in survivors of childhood medulloblastoma/CNS-PNET: The role of secondary medical complications
Clin Neuropsychol, 36 (3), 600-625
DOI 10.1080/13854046.2020.1794045, PubMed 32729777
Unmet rehabilitation needs in 86% of Norwegian paediatric embryonal brain tumour survivors
Acta Paediatr, 109 (9), 1875-1886
DOI 10.1111/apa.15188, PubMed 31977119
Second-Tier Next Generation Sequencing Integrated in Nationwide Newborn Screening Provides Rapid Molecular Diagnostics of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
Front Immunol, 11, 1417
DOI 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01417, PubMed 32754152
Synthetic Analyses of Single-Cell Transcriptomes from Multiple Brain Organoids and Fetal Brain
Cell Rep, 30 (6), 1682-1689.e3
DOI 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.01.038, PubMed 32049002
Local staging and treatment in extremity rhabdomyosarcoma. A report from the EpSSG-RMS2005 study
Cancer Med, 9 (20), 7580-7589
DOI 10.1002/cam4.3365, PubMed 32869534
Cardiovascular Risk Factors are Inversely Associated With Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Plasma Levels in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Recipients
J Ren Nutr, 31 (3), 278-285
DOI 10.1053/j.jrn.2020.06.002, PubMed 32792219
Growth Differentiation Factor 15 in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease and after Renal Transplantation
Dis Markers, 2020, 6162892
DOI 10.1155/2020/6162892, PubMed 32089755
Update on Worldwide Trends in Occurrence of Childhood Type 1 Diabetes in 2020
Pediatr Endocrinol Rev, 17 (Suppl 1), 198-209
DOI 10.17458/per.vol17.2020.tol.epidemiologychildtype1diabetes, PubMed 32208564
Dysregulation of BRD4 Function Underlies the Functional Abnormalities of MeCP2 Mutant Neurons
Mol Cell, 79 (1), 84-98.e9
DOI 10.1016/j.molcel.2020.05.016, PubMed 32526163
Transcriptome analysis reveals dysregulation of genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation in a murine model of retinopathy of prematurity
Pediatr Res, 88 (3), 391-397
DOI 10.1038/s41390-020-0793-x, PubMed 32053824