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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2020 from OUS - Institute for Surgical Research ISR

29 publications found

Abadpour S, Aizenshtadt A, Olsen PA, Shoji K, Wilson SR, Krauss S, Scholz H (2020)
Pancreas-on-a-Chip Technology for Transplantation Applications
Curr Diab Rep, 20 (12), 72
DOI 10.1007/s11892-020-01357-1, PubMed 33206261

Abadpour S, Tyrberg B, Schive SW, Huldt CW, Gennemark P, Ryberg E, Rydén-Bergsten T, Smith DM, Korsgren O, Skrtic S, Scholz H, Winzell MS (2020)
Inhibition of the prostaglandin D2-GPR44/DP2 axis improves human islet survival and function
Diabetologia, 63 (7), 1355-1367
DOI 10.1007/s00125-020-05138-z, PubMed 32350565

Alam J, Musiime M, Romaine A, Sawant M, Melleby AO, Lu N, Eckes B, Christensen G, Gullberg D (2020)
Generation of a novel mouse strain with fibroblast-specific expression of Cre recombinase
Matrix Biol Plus, 8, 100045
DOI 10.1016/j.mbplus.2020.100045, PubMed 33543038

Amini M, Niemi E, Hisdal J, Kalvøy H, Tronstad C, Scholz H, Rosales A, Martinsen ØG (2020)
Monitoring the quality of frozen-thawed venous segments using bioimpedance spectroscopy
Physiol Meas, 41 (4), 044008
DOI 10.1088/1361-6579/ab85b7, PubMed 32235072

Andersen ØS, Krogh MR, Boe E, Storsten P, Aalen JM, Larsen CK, Skulstad H, Odland HH, Smiseth OA, Remme EW (2020)
Left bundle branch block increases left ventricular diastolic pressure during tachycardia due to incomplete relaxation
J Appl Physiol (1985), 128 (4), 729-738
DOI 10.1152/japplphysiol.01002.2018, PubMed 31999529

Brandhorst H, Brandhorst D, Abraham A, Acreman S, Schive SW, Scholz H, Johnson PRV (2020)
Proteomic Profiling Reveals the Ambivalent Character of the Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome: Assessing the Effect of Preconditioned Media on Isolated Human Islets
Cell Transplant, 29, 963689720952332
DOI 10.1177/0963689720952332, PubMed 33150790

Duchenne J, Aalen JM, Cvijic M, Larsen CK, Galli E, Bézy S, Beela AS, Ünlü S, Pagourelias ED, Winter S, Hopp E, Kongsgård E, Donal E, Fehske W, Smiseth OA, Voigt JU (2020)
Acute redistribution of regional left ventricular work by cardiac resynchronization therapy determines long-term remodelling
Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging, 21 (6), 619-628
DOI 10.1093/ehjci/jeaa003, PubMed 32031587

Gallard A, Hubert A, Smiseth O, Voigt JU, Le Rolle V, Leclercq C, Bidaut A, Galli E, Donal E, Hernandez AI (2020)
Prediction of response to cardiac resynchronization therapy using a multi-feature learning method
Int J Cardiovasc Imaging, 37 (3), 989-998
DOI 10.1007/s10554-020-02083-1, PubMed 33226549

Herum KM, Romaine A, Wang A, Melleby AO, Strand ME, Pacheco J, Braathen B, Dunér P, Tønnessen T, Lunde IG, Sjaastad I, Brakebusch C, McCulloch AD, Gomez MF, Carlson CR, Christensen G (2020)
Syndecan-4 Protects the Heart From the Profibrotic Effects of Thrombin-Cleaved Osteopontin
J Am Heart Assoc, 9 (3), e013518
DOI 10.1161/JAHA.119.013518, PubMed 32000579

Kemp JL, Østerås N, Mathiessen A, Nordsletten L, Agricola R, Waarsing JH, Heerey JJ, Risberg MA (2020)
Relationship between cam morphology, hip symptoms, and hip osteoarthritis: the Musculoskeletal pain in Ullersaker STudy (MUST) cohort
Hip Int, 31 (6), 789-796
DOI 10.1177/1120700020943853, PubMed 32701366

Kierulf-Vieira KS, Sandberg CJ, Waaler J, Lund K, Skaga E, Saberniak BM, Panagopoulos I, Brandal P, Krauss S, Langmoen IA, Vik-Mo EO (2020)
A Small-Molecule Tankyrase Inhibitor Reduces Glioma Stem Cell Proliferation and Sphere Formation
Cancers (Basel), 12 (6)
DOI 10.3390/cancers12061630, PubMed 32575464

Kleiven Ø, Bjørkavoll-Bergseth MF, Omland T, Aakre KM, Frøysa V, Erevik CB, Greve OJ, Melberg TH, Auestad B, Skadberg Ø, Edvardsen T, Ørn S (2020)
Endurance exercise training volume is not associated with progression of coronary artery calcification
Scand J Med Sci Sports, 30 (6), 1024-1032
DOI 10.1111/sms.13643, PubMed 32100340

Knuuti J, Wijns W, Saraste A, Capodanno D, Barbato E, Funck-Brentano C, Prescott E, Storey RF, Deaton C, Cuisset T, Agewall S, Dickstein K, Edvardsen T, Escaned J, Gersh BJ, Svitil P, Gilard M, Hasdai D, Hatala R, Mahfoud F, Masip J, Muneretto C, Valgimigli M, Achenbach S, Bax JJ et al. (2020)
2019 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of chronic coronary syndromes
Eur Heart J, 41 (3), 407-477
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehz425, PubMed 31504439

Lanari J, Dueland S, Line PD (2020)
Liver Transplantation for Colorectal Liver Metastasis
Curr. Transplant. Rep., 7 (4), 311-316
DOI 10.1007/s40472-020-00298-8

Larsen CK, Aalen JM, Stokke C, Fjeld JG, Kongsgaard E, Duchenne J, Degtiarova G, Gheysens O, Voigt JU, Smiseth OA, Hopp E (2020)
Regional myocardial work by cardiac magnetic resonance and non-invasive left ventricular pressure: a feasibility study in left bundle branch block
Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging, 21 (2), 143-153
DOI 10.1093/ehjci/jez231, PubMed 31599327

Legøy TA, Ghila L, Vethe H, Abadpour S, Mathisen AF, Paulo JA, Scholz H, Raeder H, Chera S (2020)
In vivo hyperglycaemia exposure elicits distinct period-dependent effects on human pancreatic progenitor differentiation, conveyed by oxidative stress
Acta Physiol (Oxf), 228 (4), e13433
DOI 10.1111/apha.13433, PubMed 31872528

Legøy TA, Mathisen AF, Salim Z, Vethe H, Bjørlykke Y, Abadpour S, Paulo JA, Scholz H, Ræder H, Ghila L, Chera S (2020)
In vivo Environment Swiftly Restricts Human Pancreatic Progenitors Toward Mono-Hormonal Identity via a HNF1A/HNF4A Mechanism
Front Cell Dev Biol, 8, 109
DOI 10.3389/fcell.2020.00109, PubMed 32161757

Legøy TA, Vethe H, Abadpour S, Strand BL, Scholz H, Paulo JA, Ræder H, Ghila L, Chera S (2020)
Encapsulation boosts islet-cell signature in differentiating human induced pluripotent stem cells via integrin signalling
Sci Rep, 10 (1), 414
DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-57305-x, PubMed 31942009

Louwe MC, Olsen MB, Kaasbøll OJ, Yang K, Fosshaug LE, Alfsnes K, Øgaard JDS, Rashidi A, Skulberg VM, Yang M, de Miranda Fonseca D, Sharma A, Aronsen JM, Schrumpf E, Ahmed MS, Dahl CP, Nyman TA, Ueland T, Melum E, Halvorsen BE, Bjørås M, Attramadal H, Sjaastad I, Aukrust P, Yndestad A (2020)
Absence of NLRP3 Inflammasome in Hematopoietic Cells Reduces Adverse Remodeling After Experimental Myocardial Infarction
JACC Basic Transl Sci, 5 (12), 1210-1224
DOI 10.1016/j.jacbts.2020.09.013, PubMed 33426377

Popescu BA, Stefanidis A, Fox KF, Cosyns B, Delgado V, Di Salvo GD, Donal E, Flachskampf FA, Galderisi M, Lancellotti P, Muraru D, Sade LE, Edvardsen T, Reviewers: This document was reviewed by members of the 2018–2020 EACVI Scientific Documents Committee: Philippe Bertrand, Marc Dweck, Bernhard Gerber, Ivan Stankovic (2020)
Training, competence, and quality improvement in echocardiography: the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging Recommendations: update 2020
Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging, 21 (12), 1305-1319
DOI 10.1093/ehjci/jeaa266, PubMed 33245758

Rodriguez-Palomares JF, Edvardsen T, Almeida AG, Petersen SE (2020)
EuroCMR 2019 highlights
Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging, 21 (2), 127-131
DOI 10.1093/ehjci/jez307, PubMed 31821461

Shahini N, Schjalm C, Nilsson PH, Holt MF, Øgaard JDS, Lien E, Ahmed MS, Attramadal H, Aukrust P, Yndestad A, Mollnes TE, Louwe MC (2020)
Complement component C3 and the TLR co-receptor CD14 are not involved in angiotensin II induced cardiac remodelling
Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 523 (4), 867-873
DOI 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.01.018, PubMed 31955888

Smistad E, Ostvik A, Salte IM, Melichova D, Nguyen TM, Haugaa K, Brunvand H, Edvardsen T, Leclerc S, Bernard O, Grenne B, Lovstakken L (2020)
Real-Time Automatic Ejection Fraction and Foreshortening Detection Using Deep Learning
IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, 67 (12), 2595-2604
DOI 10.1109/TUFFC.2020.2981037, PubMed 32175861

Stienen S, Ferreira JP, Kobayashi M, Preud'homme G, Dobre D, Machu JL, Duarte K, Bresso E, Devignes MD, López N, Girerd N, Aakhus S, Ambrosio G, Brunner-La Rocca HP, Fontes-Carvalho R, Fraser AG, van Heerebeek L, Heymans S, de Keulenaer G, Marino P, McDonald K, Mebazaa A, Papp Z, Raddino R, Tschöpe C et al. (2020)
Enhanced clinical phenotyping by mechanistic bioprofiling in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: insights from the MEDIA-DHF study (The Metabolic Road to Diastolic Heart Failure)
Biomarkers, 25 (2), 201-211
DOI 10.1080/1354750X.2020.1727015, PubMed 32063068

Storsten P, Aalen JM, Boe E, Remme EW, Gjesdal O, Larsen CK, Andersen ØS, Eriksen M, Kongsgaard E, Duchenne J, Voigt JU, Smiseth OA, Skulstad H (2020)
Mechanical Effects on Right Ventricular Function From Left Bundle Branch Block and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging, 13 (7), 1475-1484
DOI 10.1016/j.jcmg.2019.11.016, PubMed 31954643

Stølen TO, Høydal MA, Ahmed MS, Jørgensen K, Garten K, Hortigon-Vinagre MP, Zamora V, Scrimgeour NR, Berre AMO, Nes BM, Skogvoll E, Johnsen AB, Moreira JBN, McMullen JR, Attramadal H, Smith GL, Ellingsen Ø, Wisløff U (2020)
Exercise training reveals micro-RNAs associated with improved cardiac function and electrophysiology in rats with heart failure after myocardial infarction
J Mol Cell Cardiol, 148, 106-119
DOI 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2020.08.015, PubMed 32918915

Wajdan A, Krogh MR, Villegas-Martinez M, Halvorsen PS, Elle OJ, Remme EW (2020)
Automatic detection of valve events by epicardial accelerometer allows estimation of the left ventricular pressure trace and pressure-displacement loop area
Sci Rep, 10 (1), 20088
DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-76637-7, PubMed 33208784

Wisløff-Aase K, Kerans V, Haugaa K, Halvorsen PS, Skulstad H, Espinoza A (2020)
Changes in left ventricular electromechanical relations during targeted hypothermia
Intensive Care Med Exp, 8 (1), 76
DOI 10.1186/s40635-020-00363-7, PubMed 33315166

Aalen JM, Donal E, Larsen CK, Duchenne J, Lederlin M, Cvijic M, Hubert A, Voros G, Leclercq C, Bogaert J, Hopp E, Fjeld JG, Penicka M, Linde C, Aalen OO, Kongsgård E, Galli E, Voigt JU, Smiseth OA (2020)
Imaging predictors of response to cardiac resynchronization therapy: left ventricular work asymmetry by echocardiography and septal viability by cardiac magnetic resonance
Eur Heart J, 41 (39), 3813-3823
DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa603, PubMed 32918449
