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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2023 from OUS - Research Institute of Internal Medicine

87 publications found

Akkouh IA, Ueland T, Szabo A, Hughes T, Smeland OB, Andreassen OA, Osete JR, Djurovic S (2023)
Longitudinal Transcriptomic Analysis of Human Cortical Spheroids Identifies Axonal Dysregulation in the Prenatal Brain as a Mediator of Genetic Risk for Schizophrenia
Biol Psychiatry, 95 (7), 687-698
DOI 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.08.017, PubMed 37661009

Ali AM, Yakupoglu HY, Fuchs TA, Larsen TH, Aukrust P, Gunnarsson R, Saeed S (2023)
Cardiac Involvement in Systemic and Local Vasculitides: The Value of Noninvasive Multimodality Imaging
Curr Probl Cardiol, 48 (8), 101718
DOI 10.1016/j.cpcardiol.2023.101718, PubMed 37003450

Andersen IM, Reims HM, Grzyb K, Fevang B, Melum E, Aukrust P, Wiencke K, Nordøy I, Line PD, Jørgensen SF (2023)
Long-term survival after liver transplantation in patients with common variable immunodeficiency
Liver Transpl, 29 (8), 894-899
DOI 10.1097/LVT.0000000000000130, PubMed 36932715

Andersen T, Ueland T, Aukrust P, Nilsen DWT, Grundt H, Staines H, Pönitz V, Kontny F (2023)
Procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide is associated with adverse outcome in acute chest pain of suspected coronary origin
Front Cardiovasc Med, 10, 1191055
DOI 10.3389/fcvm.2023.1191055, PubMed 37731526

Bang-Kittilsen G, Egeland J, Ueland T, Andersen E, Bigseth TT, Holmen TL, Mordal J, Holst R, Engh JA (2023)
The relationship between the brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurocognitive response to physical exercise in individuals with schizophrenia
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 157, 106356
DOI 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2023.106356, PubMed 37562099

Bergsmark T, Engesæter LK, Rasmussen A, Bennet W, Nordin A, Pall V, Line PD, Ericzon BG, Melum E (2023)
Long-term survival after liver transplantation for alcohol-related liver disease in the Nordic countries
Scand J Gastroenterol, 58 (8), 923-930
DOI 10.1080/00365521.2023.2184193, PubMed 36872559

Bigseth TT, Engh JA, Andersen E, Bang-Kittilsen G, Egeland J, Falk RS, Holmen TL, Mordal J, Nielsen J, Ueland T, Vang T, Fredriksen M (2023)
Alterations in inflammatory markers after a 12-week exercise program in individuals with schizophrenia-a randomized controlled trial
Front Psychiatry, 14, 1175171
DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1175171, PubMed 37265560

Bonacina F, Di Costanzo A, Genkel V, Kong XY, Kroon J, Stimjanin E, Tsiantoulas D, Grootaert MO (2023)
The heterogeneous cellular landscape of atherosclerosis: Implications for future research and therapies. A collaborative review from the EAS young fellows
Atherosclerosis, 372, 48-56
DOI 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2023.03.021, PubMed 37030081

Braadland PR, Bergquist A, Kummen M, Bossen L, Engesæter LK, Reims HM, Björk I, Grzyb K, Abildgaard A, Småstuen MC, Folseraas T, Trøseid M, Ulvik A, Ueland PM, Melum E, Line PD, Høivik ML, Grønbæk H, Karlsen TH, Vesterhus M, Hov JR (2023)
Clinical and biochemical impact of vitamin B6 deficiency in primary sclerosing cholangitis before and after liver transplantation
J Hepatol, 79 (4), 955-966
DOI 10.1016/j.jhep.2023.05.038, PubMed 37328069

Busek M, Aizenshtadt A, Koch T, Frank A, Delon L, Martinez MA, Golovin A, Dumas C, Stokowiec J, Gruenzner S, Melum E, Krauss S (2023)
Pump-less, recirculating organ-on-a-chip (rOoC) platform
Lab Chip, 23 (4), 591-608
DOI 10.1039/d2lc00919f, PubMed 36655405

Camirand-Lemyre F, Merson L, Tirupakuzhi Vijayaraghavan BK, Burrell AJC, Citarella BW, Domingue MP, Lévesque S, Usuf E, Wils EJ, Ohshimo S, Martin-Loeches I, Sandulescu O, Laake JH, Lamontagne F, ISARIC Clinical Characterisation Group (2023)
Implementation of Recommendations on the Use of Corticosteroids in Severe COVID-19
JAMA Netw Open, 6 (12), e2346502
DOI 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.46502, PubMed 38147336

Carbone M, Della Penna A, Mazzarelli C, De Martin E, Villard C, Bergquist A, Line PD, Neuberger JM, Al-Shakhshir S, Trivedi PJ, Baumann U, Cristoferi L, Hov J, Fischler B, Hadzic NH, Debray D, D'Antiga L, Selzner N, Belli LS, Nadalin S (2023)
Liver Transplantation for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) With or Without Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)-A European Society of Organ Transplantation (ESOT) Consensus Statement
Transpl Int, 36, 11729
DOI 10.3389/ti.2023.11729, PubMed 37841645

Cho SM, White N, Premraj L, Battaglini D, Fanning J, Suen J, Bassi GL, Fraser J, Robba C, Griffee M, Singh B, Citarella BW, Merson L, Solomon T, Thomson D, (2023)
Neurological manifestations of COVID-19 in adults and children
Brain, 146 (4), 1648-1661
DOI 10.1093/brain/awac332, PubMed 36087305

Dahlberg D, Holm S, Sagen EML, Michelsen AE, Stensland M, de Souza GA, Müller EG, Connelly JP, Revheim ME, Halvorsen B, Hassel B (2023)
Bacterial Brain Abscesses Expand Despite Effective Antibiotic Treatment: A Process Powered by Osmosis Due to Neutrophil Cell Death
Neurosurgery, 94 (5), 1079-87 (in press)
DOI 10.1227/neu.0000000000002792, PubMed 38084989

De Muynck K, Heyerick L, De Ponti FF, Vanderborght B, Meese T, Van Campenhout S, Baudonck L, Gijbels E, Rodrigues PM, Banales JM, Vesterhuus M, Folseraas T, Scott CL, Vinken M, Van der Linden M, Hoorens A, Van Dorpe J, Lefere S, Geerts A, Van Nieuwerburgh F, Verhelst X, Van Vlierberghe H, Devisscher L (2023)
Osteopontin characterizes bile duct-associated macrophages and correlates with liver fibrosis severity in primary sclerosing cholangitis
Hepatology, 79 (2), 269-288
DOI 10.1097/HEP.0000000000000557, PubMed 37535809

Ecklu-Mensah G, Choo-Kang C, Maseng MG, Donato S, Bovet P, Viswanathan B, Bedu-Addo K, Plange-Rhule J, Oti Boateng P, Forrester TE, Williams M, Lambert EV, Rae D, Sinyanya N, Luke A, Layden BT, O'Keefe S, Gilbert JA, Dugas LR (2023)
Gut microbiota and fecal short chain fatty acids differ with adiposity and country of origin: the METS-microbiome study
Nat Commun, 14 (1), 5160
DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-40874-x, PubMed 37620311

Edvardsen MS, Hansen ES, Ueland T, Aukrust P, Brækkan SK, Morelli VM, Hansen JB (2023)
Impact of the von Willebrand factor-ADAMTS-13 axis on the risk of future venous thromboembolism
J Thromb Haemost, 21 (5), 1227-1237
DOI 10.1016/j.jtha.2023.01.024, PubMed 36736832

Falch CM, Arlien-Søborg MC, Dal J, Sundaram AYM, Michelsen AE, Ueland T, Olsen LG, Heck A, Bollerslev J, Jørgensen JOL, Olarescu NC (2023)
Gene expression profiling of subcutaneous adipose tissue reveals new biomarkers in acromegaly
Eur J Endocrinol, 188 (3)
DOI 10.1093/ejendo/lvad031, PubMed 36895180

Fevang B (2023)
Treatment of inflammatory complications in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID): current concepts and future perspectives
Expert Rev Clin Immunol, 19 (6), 627-638
DOI 10.1080/1744666X.2023.2198208, PubMed 36996348

Gonçalves BP, Jassat W, Baruch J, Hashmi M, Rojek A, Dasgupta A, Martin-Loeches I, Reyes LF, Piubelli C, Citarella BW, Kartsonaki C, Lefèvre B, López Revilla JW, Lunn M, Harrison EM, Kraemer MUG, Shrapnel S, Horby P, Bisoffi Z, Olliaro PL, Merson L, ISARIC Clinical Characterisation Group (2023)
A multi-country analysis of COVID-19 hospitalizations by vaccination status
Med, 4 (11), 797-812.e2
DOI 10.1016/j.medj.2023.08.005, PubMed 37738979

Grant CW, Juran BD, Ali AH, Schlicht EM, Bianchi JK, Hu X, Liang Y, Jarrell Z, Liu KH, Go YM, Jones DP, Walker DI, Miller GW, Folseraas T, Karlsen TH, LaRusso NF, Gores GJ, Athreya AP, Lazaridis KN (2023)
Environmental chemicals and endogenous metabolites in bile of USA and Norway patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis
Exposome, 3 (1), osac011
DOI 10.1093/exposome/osac011, PubMed 36687160

Griffee MJ, Bozza PT, Reyes LF, Eddington DP, Rosenberger D, Merson L, Citarella BW, Fanning JP, Alexander PMA, Fraser J, Dalton H, Cho SM, ISARIC Clinical Characterisation Group (2023)
Thrombotic and hemorrhagic complications of COVID-19 in adults hospitalized in high-income countries compared with those in adults hospitalized in low- and middle-income countries in an international registry
Res Pract Thromb Haemost, 7 (5), 102142
DOI 10.1016/j.rpth.2023.102142, PubMed 37601011

Grover SP, Snir O, Hindberg K, Englebert TM, Braekkan SK, Morelli VM, Jensen SB, Wolberg AS, Mollnes TE, Ueland T, Mackman N, Hansen JB (2023)
High plasma levels of C1-inhibitor are associated with lower risk of future venous thromboembolism
J Thromb Haemost, 21 (7), 1849-1860
DOI 10.1016/j.jtha.2023.03.024, PubMed 37003465

Gui W, Hole MJ, Molinaro A, Edlund K, Jørgensen KK, Su H, Begher-Tibbe B, Gaßler N, Schneider CV, Muthukumarasamy U, Mohs A, Liao L, Jaeger J, Mertens CJ, Bergheim I, Strowig T, Hengstler JG, Hov JR, Marschall HU, Trautwein C, Schneider KM (2023)
Colitis ameliorates cholestatic liver disease via suppression of bile acid synthesis
Nat Commun, 14 (1), 3304
DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-38840-8, PubMed 37280200

Han Y, Byun J, Zhu C, Sun R, Roh JY, Cordell HJ, Lee HS, Shaw VR, Kang SW, Razjouyan J, Cooley MA, Hassan MM, Siminovitch KA, Folseraas T, Ellinghaus D, Bergquist A, Rushbrook SM, Franke A, Karlsen TH, Lazaridis KN, International PSC Study Group, McGlynn KA, Roberts LR, Amos CI (2023)
Multitrait genome-wide analyses identify new susceptibility loci and candidate drugs to primary sclerosing cholangitis
Nat Commun, 14 (1), 1069
DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-36678-8, PubMed 36828809

Harrison SP, Siller R, Tanaka Y, Chollet ME, de la Morena-Barrio ME, Xiang Y, Patterson B, Andersen E, Bravo-Pérez C, Kempf H, Åsrud KS, Lunov O, Dejneka A, Mowinckel MC, Stavik B, Sandset PM, Melum E, Baumgarten S, Bonanini F, Kurek D, Mathapati S, Almaas R, Sharma K, Wilson SR, Skottvoll FS et al. (2023)
Scalable production of tissue-like vascularized liver organoids from human PSCs
Exp Mol Med, 55 (9), 2005-2024
DOI 10.1038/s12276-023-01074-1, PubMed 37653039

Heck A, Godang K, Lekva T, Markussen KN, De Vincentis S, Ueland T, Bollerslev J (2023)
Endocortical Trabecularization in Acromegaly: The Cause for the Paradoxically Increased Vertebral Fracture Risk?
JBMR Plus, 7 (10), e10787
DOI 10.1002/jbm4.10787, PubMed 37808394

Heldal TF, Åsberg A, Ueland T, Reisæter AV, Pischke SE, Mollnes TE, Aukrust P, Reinholt F, Hartmann A, Heldal K, Jenssen TG (2023)
Systemic inflammation early after kidney transplantation is associated with long-term graft loss: a cohort study
Front Immunol, 14, 1253991
DOI 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1253991, PubMed 37849758

Hillarp A, Holme PA, Wåland EP, Le MS, Henriksson CE, Tjønnfjord GE, Måseide RJ (2023)
Report on 4 cases with decreased recovery due to neutralizing antibodies specific for PEGylated recombinant factor VIII
J Thromb Haemost, 21 (10), 2771-2775
DOI 10.1016/j.jtha.2023.07.019, PubMed 37543216

Hindley G, Drange OK, Lin A, Kutrolli G, Shadrin AA, Parker N, O'Connell KS, Rødevand L, Cheng W, Bahrami S, Karadag N, Holen B, Jaholkowski P, Woldeyohannes MT, Djurovic S, Dale AM, Frei O, Ueland T, Smeland OB, Andreassen OA (2023)
Cross-trait genome-wide association analysis of C-reactive protein level and psychiatric disorders
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 157, 106368
DOI 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2023.106368, PubMed 37659117

Hjell G, Rokicki J, Szabo A, Holst R, Tesli N, Bell C, Fischer-Vieler T, Werner MCF, Lunding SH, Ormerod MBEG, Johansen IT, Djurovic S, Ueland T, Andreassen OA, Melle I, Lagerberg TV, Mørch-Johnsen L, Steen NE, Haukvik UK (2023)
Impulsivity across severe mental disorders: a cross-sectional study of immune markers and psychopharmacotherapy
BMC Psychiatry, 23 (1), 659
DOI 10.1186/s12888-023-05154-4, PubMed 37674162

Hoftun Farbu B, Langeland H, Ueland T, Michelsen AE, Jørstad Krüger A, Klepstad P, Nordseth T (2023)
Intestinal injury in cardiac arrest is associated with multiple organ dysfunction: A prospective cohort study
Resuscitation, 185, 109748
DOI 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2023.109748, PubMed 36842675

Hole MJ, Jørgensen KK, Holm K, Braadland PR, Meyer-Myklestad MH, Medhus AW, Reikvam DH, Götz A, Grzyb K, Boberg KM, Karlsen TH, Kummen M, Hov JR (2023)
A shared mucosal gut microbiota signature in primary sclerosing cholangitis before and after liver transplantation
Hepatology, 77 (3), 715-728
DOI 10.1002/hep.32773, PubMed 36056902

Hope S, Nærland T, Olav Kolset S, Ueland T, Andreassen OA, Nordstrøm M (2023)
Systemic immune profile in Prader-Willi syndrome: elevated matrix metalloproteinase and myeloperoxidase and reduced macrophage inhibitory factor
Orphanet J Rare Dis, 18 (1), 185
DOI 10.1186/s13023-023-02730-5, PubMed 37430349

Jacobsen DP, Fjeldstad HE, Sugulle M, Johnsen GM, Olsen MB, Kanaan SB, Staff AC (2023)
Fetal microchimerism and the two-stage model of preeclampsia
J Reprod Immunol, 159, 104124
DOI 10.1016/j.jri.2023.104124, PubMed 37541161

Jensen SB, Sheikh MA, Akkouh IA, Szabo A, O'Connell KS, Lekva T, Engh JA, Agartz I, Elvsåshagen T, Ormerod MBEG, Weibell MA, Johnsen E, Kroken RA, Melle I, Drange OK, Nærland T, Vaaler AE, Westlye LT, Aukrust P, Djurovic S, Eiel Steen N, Andreassen OA, Ueland T (2023)
Elevated Systemic Levels of Markers Reflecting Intestinal Barrier Dysfunction and Inflammasome Activation Are Correlated in Severe Mental Illness
Schizophr Bull, 49 (3), 635-645
DOI 10.1093/schbul/sbac191, PubMed 36462169

Jiang X, Otterdal K, Chung BK, Maucourant C, Rønneberg JD, Zimmer CL, Øgaard J, Boichuk Y, Holm S, Geanon D, Schneditz G, Bergquist A, Björkström NK, Melum E (2023)
Cholangiocytes Modulate CD100 Expression in the Liver and Facilitate Pathogenic T-Helper 17 Cell Differentiation
Gastroenterology, 166 (4), 667-679
DOI 10.1053/j.gastro.2023.11.283, PubMed 37995866

Jorgensen SF, Macpherson ME, Skarpengland T, Berge RK, Fevang B, Halvorsen B, Aukrust P (2023)
Disturbed lipid profile in common variable immunodeficiency - a pathogenic loop of inflammation and metabolic disturbances
Front Immunol, 14, 1199727
DOI 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1199727, PubMed 37545531

Kartsonaki C, Baillie JK, Barrio NG, Baruch J, Beane A, Blumberg L, Bozza F, Broadley T, Burrell A, Carson G, Citarella BW, Dagens A, Dankwa EA, Donnelly CA, Dunning J, Elotmani L, Escher M, Farshait N, Goffard JC, Gonçalves BP, Hall M, Hashmi M, Sim Lim Heng B, Ho A, Jassat W et al. (2023)
Characteristics and outcomes of an international cohort of 600 000 hospitalized patients with COVID-19
Int J Epidemiol, 52 (2), 355-376
DOI 10.1093/ije/dyad012, PubMed 36850054

Kreyberg I, Schrumpf E, Fredrik von Krogh C, Lilleng R, Tjønnfjord GE (2023)
Successful treatment of subcorneal pustular dermatosis targeting an underlying monoclonal IgA gammopathy
JAAD Case Rep, 41, 33-36
DOI 10.1016/j.jdcr.2023.08.036, PubMed 37842157

Lekva T, Michelsen AE, Roland MCP, Norwitz ER, Estensen ME, Olstad OK, Akkouh IA, Henriksen T, Bollerslev J, Aukrust P, Ueland T (2023)
Increased ferroptosis in leukocytes from preeclamptic women involving the long non-coding taurine upregulated gene 1 (TUG1)
J Intern Med, 295 (2), 181-195
DOI 10.1111/joim.13732, PubMed 37870937

Lekva T, Sundaram AYF, Roland MCP, Åsheim J, Michelsen AE, Norwitz ER, Aukrust P, Gilfillan GD, Ueland T (2023)
Platelet and mitochondrial RNA is decreased in plasma-derived extracellular vesicles in women with preeclampsia-an exploratory study
BMC Med, 21 (1), 458
DOI 10.1186/s12916-023-03178-x, PubMed 37996819

Macpherson ME, Skarpengland T, Hov JR, Ranheim T, Vestad B, Dahl TB, Fraz MSA, Michelsen AE, Holven KB, Fevang B, Berge RK, Aukrust P, Halvorsen B, Jørgensen SF (2023)
Increased Plasma Levels of Triglyceride-Enriched Lipoproteins Associate with Systemic Inflammation, Lipopolysaccharides, and Gut Dysbiosis in Common Variable Immunodeficiency
J Clin Immunol, 43 (6), 1229-1240
DOI 10.1007/s10875-023-01475-x, PubMed 36995502

Mayer C, Nehring S, Kücken M, Repnik U, Seifert S, Sljukic A, Delpierre J, Morales-Navarrete H, Hinz S, Brosch M, Chung B, Karlsen T, Huch M, Kalaidzidis Y, Brusch L, Hampe J, Schafmayer C, Zerial M (2023)
Apical bulkheads accumulate as adaptive response to impaired bile flow in liver disease
EMBO Rep, 24 (9), e57181
DOI 10.15252/embr.202357181, PubMed 37522754

Mikaeloff F, Gelpi M, Benfeitas R, Knudsen AD, Vestad B, Høgh J, Hov JR, Benfield T, Murray D, Giske CG, Mardinoglu A, Trøseid M, Nielsen SD, Neogi U (2023)
Network-based multi-omics integration reveals metabolic at-risk profile within treated HIV-infection
Elife, 12
DOI 10.7554/eLife.82785, PubMed 36794912

Murphy SL, Halvorsen B, Holter JC, Huse C, Tveita A, Trøseid M, Hoel H, Kildal AB, Holten AR, Lerum TV, Skjønsberg OH, Michelsen AE, Aaløkken TM, NOR-SOLIDARITY Consortium, The Norwegian SARS-CoV-2 study group investigators, Tonby K, Lind A, Dudman S, Granerud BK, Heggelund L, Bøe S, Dyrholt-Riise AM, Aukrust P, Barratt-Due A, Ueland T, Dahl TB (2023)
Circulating markers of extracellular matrix remodelling in severe COVID-19 patients
J Intern Med, 294 (6), 784-797
DOI 10.1111/joim.13725, PubMed 37718572

Måseide RJ, Berntorp E, Astermark J, Olsson A, Bruzelius M, Frisk T, Nummi V, Lassila R, Tjønnfjord GE, Holme PA (2023)
Health-related quality of life and physical activity in Nordic patients with moderate haemophilia A and B (the MoHem study)
Haemophilia, 30 (1), 98-105
DOI 10.1111/hae.14899, PubMed 37983883

Nendl A, Raju SC, Broch K, Mayerhofer CCK, Holm K, Halvorsen B, Lappegård KT, Moscavitch S, Hov JR, Seljeflot I, Trøseid M, Awoyemi A (2023)
Intestinal fatty acid binding protein is associated with cardiac function and gut dysbiosis in chronic heart failure
Front Cardiovasc Med, 10, 1160030
DOI 10.3389/fcvm.2023.1160030, PubMed 37332580

Oldereid TS, Jiang X, Nordhus KS, Ponzetta A, Bjørnholt JV, Björkström NK, Melum E, Rasmussen H (2023)
Role of bacteria and microbial metabolites in immune modulation during early life
Scand J Immunol, 99 (2), e13336
DOI 10.1111/sji.13336, PubMed 38441196

Oppen K, Brede C, Skadberg Ø, Steinsvik T, Holter JC, Michelsen AE, Heggelund L (2023)
Hepcidin analysis in pneumonia: Comparison of immunoassay and LC-MS/MS
Ann Clin Biochem, 60 (5), 298-305
DOI 10.1177/00045632231159529, PubMed 36759502

Osete JR, Akkouh IA, Ievglevskyi O, Vandenberghe M, de Assis DR, Ueland T, Kondratskaya E, Holen B, Szabo A, Hughes T, Smeland OB, Steen VM, Andreassen OA, Djurovic S (2023)
Transcriptional and functional effects of lithium in bipolar disorder iPSC-derived cortical spheroids
Mol Psychiatry, 28 (7), 3033-3043
DOI 10.1038/s41380-023-01944-0, PubMed 36653674

Parker N, Cheng W, Hindley GFL, O'Connell KS, Karthikeyan S, Holen B, Shadrin AA, Rahman Z, Karadag N, Bahrami S, Lin A, Steen NE, Ueland T, Aukrust P, Djurovic S, Dale AM, Smeland OB, Frei O, Andreassen OA (2023)
Genetic Overlap Between Global Cortical Brain Structure, C-Reactive Protein, and White Blood Cell Counts
Biol Psychiatry, 95 (1), 62-71
DOI 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.06.008, PubMed 37348803

Prapiadou S, Živković L, Thorand B, George MJ, van der Laan SW, Malik R, Herder C, Koenig W, Ueland T, Kleveland O, Aukrust P, Gullestad L, Bernhagen J, Pasterkamp G, Peters A, Hingorani AD, Rosand J, Dichgans M, Anderson CD, Georgakis MK (2023)
Proteogenomic Data Integration Reveals CXCL10 as a Potentially Downstream Causal Mediator for IL-6 Signaling on Atherosclerosis
Circulation, 149 (9), 669-683
DOI 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.064974, PubMed 38152968

Ratajczak-Tretel B, Lambert AT, Al-Ani R, Arntzen K, Bakkejord GK, Bekkeseth HMO, Bjerkeli V, Eldøen G, Gulsvik AK, Halvorsen B, Høie GA, Ihle-Hansen H, Ihle-Hansen H, Ingebrigtsen S, Kremer C, Krogseth SB, Kruuse C, Kurz M, Nakstad I, Novotny V, Næss H, Qazi R, Rezaj MK, Rørholt DM, Steffensen LH et al. (2023)
Prediction of underlying atrial fibrillation in patients with a cryptogenic stroke: results from the NOR-FIB Study
J Neurol, 270 (8), 4049-4059
DOI 10.1007/s00415-023-11680-8, PubMed 37162578

Ratajczak-Tretel B, Lambert AT, Al-Ani R, Arntzen K, Bakkejord GK, Bekkeseth HMO, Bjerkeli V, Eldøen G, Gulsvik AK, Halvorsen B, Høie GA, Ihle-Hansen H, Ingebrigtsen S, Kremer C, Krogseth SB, Kruuse C, Kurz M, Nakstad I, Novotny V, Naess H, Qazi R, Rezaj MK, Rørholt DM, Steffensen LH, Sømark J et al. (2023)
Underlying causes of cryptogenic stroke and TIA in the nordic atrial fibrillation and stroke (NOR-FIB) study - the importance of comprehensive clinical evaluation
BMC Neurol, 23 (1), 115
DOI 10.1186/s12883-023-03155-0, PubMed 36944929

Reponen EJ, Ueland T, Rokicki J, Bettella F, Aas M, Werner MCF, Dieset I, Steen NE, Andreassen OA, Tesli M (2023)
Polygenic risk for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in relation to cardiovascular biomarkers
Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 274 (5), 1223-1230
DOI 10.1007/s00406-023-01591-0, PubMed 37145175

Reyes LF, Garcia-Gallo E, Murthy S, Fuentes YV, Serrano CC, Ibáñez-Prada ED, Lee J, Rojek A, Citarella BW, Gonçalves BP, Dunning J, Rätsep I, Viñan-Garces AE, Kartsonaki C, Rello J, Martin-Loeches I, Shankar-Hari M, Olliaro PL, Merson L, ISARIC Characterisation Group (2023)
Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) in patients with severe COVID-19 registered in the ISARIC WHO clinical characterization protocol: A prospective, multinational, observational study
J Crit Care, 77, 154318
DOI 10.1016/j.jcrc.2023.154318, PubMed 37167775

Risnes I, Aukrust P, Lundblad R, Rødevand O, Ueland T, Rynning SE, Saeed S (2023)
Increased levels of NT-proBNP and troponin T 2 years after coronary artery bypass grafting complicated by mediastinitis
Front Cardiovasc Med, 10, 1008825
DOI 10.3389/fcvm.2023.1008825, PubMed 36824453

Roman G, Stavik B, Lauritzen KH, Sandset PM, Harrison SP, Sullivan GJ, Chollet ME (2023)
"iPSC-derived liver organoids and inherited bleeding disorders: Potential and future perspectives"
Front Physiol, 14, 1094249
DOI 10.3389/fphys.2023.1094249, PubMed 36711019

Sasi A, Romaine A, Erusappan PM, Melleby AO, Hasic A, Dahl CP, Broch K, Almaas VM, Puertas RD, Roderick HL, Lunde IG, Sjaastad I, Vistnes M, Christensen G (2023)
Temporal expression and spatial distribution of the proteoglycan versican during cardiac fibrosis development
Matrix Biol Plus, 19-20, 100135
DOI 10.1016/j.mbplus.2023.100135, PubMed 38076279

Schneider KM, Kummen M, Trivedi PJ, Hov JR (2023)
Role of microbiome in autoimmune liver diseases
Hepatology, 80 (4), 965-987
DOI 10.1097/HEP.0000000000000506, PubMed 37369002

Selvakumar J, Havdal LB, Drevvatne M, Brodwall EM, Lund Berven L, Stiansen-Sonerud T, Einvik G, Leegaard TM, Tjade T, Michelsen AE, Mollnes TE, Lund-Johansen F, Holmøy T, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Sandler CX, Cvejic E, Lloyd AR, Wyller VBB (2023)
Prevalence and Characteristics Associated With Post-COVID-19 Condition Among Nonhospitalized Adolescents and Young Adults
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