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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2025 from OUS - Department of Anesthesiology

6 publications found

Austenå M, Rustøen T, Hagen MC, Valsø Å, Sunde K, Tøien K (2025)
Hope among patients discharged from an intensive care unit: A prospective cohort study
Nurs Crit Care (in press)
DOI 10.1111/nicc.13235, PubMed 39763165

Bjerre Trent P, Eriksson AG, Staff AC, Juul-Hansen KE, Burger EA, Wangen KR (2025)
A cost-effectiveness analysis of sentinel lymph node biopsy compared with lymphadenectomy in intermediate- and high-risk endometrial carcinoma
Int J Gynecol Cancer (in press)
DOI 10.1136/ijgc-2024-005906, PubMed 39433423

Callender NA, Øivind Høiseth L, Mathiesen I, Hisdal J (2025)
Intermittent negative pressure influences popliteal artery shear rate during supine and sitting postures
Vasa (in press)
DOI 10.1024/0301-1526/a001172, PubMed 39780648

Ellekjaer KL, Sivapalan P, Myatra SN, Grønningsæter L, Hästbacka J, Young PJ, Boyle AJ, Ostermann M, Pfortmueller CA, Jovaišienė I, De Waele J, Reintam Blaser A, Al-Fares A, Khanna AK, Arabi YM, Fujii T, Keus E, Mer M, Alshamsi F, Cronhjort M, Perner A, Møller MH (2025)
Preferences and attitudes on acetate- versus lactate-buffered crystalloid solutions for intravenous fluid therapy-An international survey
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 69 (1), e14553
DOI 10.1111/aas.14553, PubMed 39627945

Kjær MN, Bruun CRL, Granholm A, Møller MH, Rasmussen BS, Mortensen CB, Poulsen LM, Strøm T, Laerkner E, Brøchner AC, Haberlandt T, Bunzel AG, Herløv LS, Holm A, Sivapalan P, Estrup S, Cronhjort M, Schandl A, Laake JH, Hofsø K, Blokzijl F, Keus F, Pfortmueller CA, Ostermann M, Cole JM et al. (2025)
A Core Outcome Set for Adult General ICU Patients
Crit Care Med (in press)
DOI 10.1097/CCM.0000000000006556, PubMed 39761440

Ravnestad H, Murbræch K, Gjønnæss E, Andersen R, Moe N, Birkeland S, Svalebjørg M, Lingaas PS, Gude E, Gullestad L, Kvitting JE, Broch K, Andreassen AK (2025)
Right ventricular remodelling and long-term survival after pulmonary endarterectomy versus balloon pulmonary angioplasty in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
Heart, 111 (3), 125-132
DOI 10.1136/heartjnl-2024-324243, PubMed 39467613
