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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2018 from OUS - Department of Molecular Oncology (2006-2014 Dept of Cancer Prev.)

18 publications found

Bruun J, Sveen A, Barros R, Eide PW, Eilertsen I, Kolberg M, Pellinen T, David L, Svindland A, Kallioniemi O, Guren MG, Nesbakken A, Almeida R, Lothe RA (2018)
Prognostic, predictive, and pharmacogenomic assessments of CDX2 refine stratification of colorectal cancer
Mol Oncol, 12 (9), 1639-1655
DOI 10.1002/1878-0261.12347, PubMed 29900672

Celestino R, Nome T, Pestana A, Hoff AM, Gonçalves AP, Pereira L, Cavadas B, Eloy C, Bjøro T, Sobrinho-Simões M, Skotheim RI, Soares P (2018)
CRABP1, C1QL1 and LCN2 are biomarkers of differentiated thyroid carcinoma, and predict extrathyroidal extension
BMC Cancer, 18 (1), 68
DOI 10.1186/s12885-017-3948-3, PubMed 29321030

Danielsen HE, Hveem TS, Domingo E, Pradhan M, Kleppe A, Syvertsen RA, Kostolomov I, Nesheim JA, Askautrud HA, Nesbakken A, Lothe RA, Svindland A, Shepherd N, Novelli M, Johnstone E, Tomlinson I, Kerr R, Kerr DJ (2018)
Prognostic markers for colorectal cancer: estimating ploidy and stroma
Ann Oncol, 29 (3), 616-623
DOI 10.1093/annonc/mdx794, PubMed 29293881

Eilertsen IA, Sveen A, Strømme JM, Skotheim RI, Nesbakken A, Lothe RA (2018)
Alternative splicing expands the prognostic impact of KRAS in microsatellite stable primary colorectal cancer
Int J Cancer, 144 (4), 841-847
DOI 10.1002/ijc.31809, PubMed 30121958

Gleditsch D, Wexels WA, Nesbakken A (2018)
Surgical options and trends in treating rectal prolapse: long-term results in a 19-year follow-up study
Langenbecks Arch Surg, 403 (8), 991-998
DOI 10.1007/s00423-018-1728-4, PubMed 30415286

Høland M, Kolberg M, Danielsen SA, Bjerkehagen B, Eilertsen IA, Hektoen M, Mandahl N, van den Berg E, Smeland S, Mertens F, Sundby Hall K, Picci P, Sveen A, Lothe RA (2018)
Inferior survival for patients with malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors defined by aberrant TP53
Mod Pathol, 31 (11), 1694-1707
DOI 10.1038/s41379-018-0074-y, PubMed 29946184

Kleppe A, Albregtsen F, Vlatkovic L, Pradhan M, Nielsen B, Hveem TS, Askautrud HA, Kristensen GB, Nesbakken A, Trovik J, Wæhre H, Tomlinson I, Shepherd NA, Novelli M, Kerr DJ, Danielsen HE (2018)
Chromatin organisation and cancer prognosis: a pan-cancer study
Lancet Oncol, 19 (3), 356-369
DOI 10.1016/S1470-2045(17)30899-9, PubMed 29402700

Lønning PE, Berge EO, Bjørnslett M, Minsaas L, Chrisanthar R, Høberg-Vetti H, Dulary C, Busato F, Bjørneklett S, Eriksen C, Kopperud R, Axcrona U, Davidson B, Bjørge L, Evans G, Howell A, Salvesen HB, Janszky I, Hveem K, Romundstad PR, Vatten LJ, Tost J, Dørum A, Knappskog S (2018)
White Blood Cell BRCA1 Promoter Methylation Status and Ovarian Cancer Risk
Ann Intern Med, 168 (5), 326-334
DOI 10.7326/M17-0101, PubMed 29335712

Løvf M, Zhao S, Axcrona U, Johannessen B, Bakken AC, Carm KT, Hoff AM, Myklebost O, Meza-Zepeda LA, Lie AK, Axcrona K, Lothe RA, Skotheim RI (2018)
Multifocal Primary Prostate Cancer Exhibits High Degree of Genomic Heterogeneity
Eur Urol, 75 (3), 498-505
DOI 10.1016/j.eururo.2018.08.009, PubMed 30181068

Mezheyeuski A, Bergsland CH, Backman M, Djureinovic D, Sjöblom T, Bruun J, Micke P (2018)
Multispectral imaging for quantitative and compartment-specific immune infiltrates reveals distinct immune profiles that classify lung cancer patients
J Pathol, 244 (4), 421-431
DOI 10.1002/path.5026, PubMed 29282718

Oltedal S, Kørner H, Aasprong OG, Hussain I, Tjensvoll K, Smaaland R, Søreide JA, Søreide K, Lothe RA, Heikkilä R, Gilje B, Nordgård O (2018)
The Prognostic Relevance of Sentinel Lymph Node Metastases Assessed by PHGR1 mRNA Quantification in Stage I to III Colon Cancer
Transl Oncol, 11 (2), 436-443
DOI 10.1016/j.tranon.2018.01.015, PubMed 29475140

Ommundsen N, Nesbakken A, Wyller TB, Skovlund E, Bakka AO, Jordhøy MS, Rostoft S (2018)
Post-discharge complications in frail older patients after surgery for colorectal cancer
Eur J Surg Oncol, 44 (10), 1542-1547
DOI 10.1016/j.ejso.2018.06.024, PubMed 30037638

Ommundsen N, Wyller TB, Nesbakken A, Bakka AO, Jordhøy MS, Skovlund E, Rostoft S (2018)
Preoperative geriatric assessment and tailored interventions in frail older patients with colorectal cancer: a randomized controlled trial
Colorectal Dis, 20 (1), 16-25
DOI 10.1111/codi.13785, PubMed 28649755

Pharo HD, Andresen K, Berg KCG, Lothe RA, Jeanmougin M, Lind GE (2018)
A robust internal control for high-precision DNA methylation analyses by droplet digital PCR
Clin Epigenetics, 10, 24
DOI 10.1186/s13148-018-0456-5, PubMed 29484034

Pinto D, Pinto C, Guerra J, Pinheiro M, Santos R, Vedeld HM, Yohannes Z, Peixoto A, Santos C, Pinto P, Lopes P, Lothe R, Lind GE, Henrique R, Teixeira MR (2018)
Contribution of MLH1 constitutional methylation for Lynch syndrome diagnosis in patients with tumor MLH1 downregulation
Cancer Med, 7 (2), 433-444
DOI 10.1002/cam4.1285, PubMed 29341452

Smeby J, Sveen A, Merok MA, Danielsen SA, Eilertsen IA, Guren MG, Dienstmann R, Nesbakken A, Lothe RA (2018)
CMS-dependent prognostic impact of KRAS and BRAFV600E mutations in primary colorectal cancer
Ann Oncol, 29 (5), 1227-1234
DOI 10.1093/annonc/mdy085, PubMed 29518181

Vedeld HM, Nesbakken A, Lothe RA, Lind GE (2018)
Re-assessing ZNF331 as a DNA methylation biomarker for colorectal cancer
Clin Epigenetics, 10, 70
DOI 10.1186/s13148-018-0503-2, PubMed 29854011

Viswanathan SR, Ha G, Hoff AM, Wala JA, Carrot-Zhang J, Whelan CW, Haradhvala NJ, Freeman SS, Reed SC, Rhoades J, Polak P, Cipicchio M, Wankowicz SA, Wong A, Kamath T, Zhang Z, Gydush GJ, Rotem D, PCF/SU2C International Prostate Cancer Dream Team, Love JC, Getz G, Gabriel S, Zhang CZ, Dehm SM, Nelson PS et al. (2018)
Structural Alterations Driving Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Revealed by Linked-Read Genome Sequencing
Cell, 174 (2), 433-447.e19
DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2018.05.036, PubMed 29909985
