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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2021 from OUS - Experimental Immunotherapy (Olweus)

6 publications found

Ali M, Giannakopoulou E, Li Y, Lehander M, Virding Culleton S, Yang W, Knetter C, Odabasi MC, Bollineni RC, Yang X, Foldvari Z, Böschen ML, Taraldsrud E, Strønen E, Toebes M, Hillen A, Mazzi S, de Ru AH, Janssen GMC, Kolstad A, Tjønnfjord GE, Lie BA, Griffioen M, Lehmann S, Osnes LT et al. (2021)
T cells targeted to TdT kill leukemic lymphoblasts while sparing normal lymphocytes
Nat Biotechnol, 40 (4), 488-498
DOI 10.1038/s41587-021-01089-x, PubMed 34873326

Maclachlan KH, Rustad EH, Derkach A, Zheng-Lin B, Yellapantula V, Diamond B, Hultcrantz M, Ziccheddu B, Boyle EM, Blaney P, Bolli N, Zhang Y, Dogan A, Lesokhin AM, Morgan GJ, Landgren O, Maura F (2021)
Copy number signatures predict chromothripsis and clinical outcomes in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma
Nat Commun, 12 (1), 5172
DOI 10.1038/s41467-021-25469-8, PubMed 34453055

Maura F, Boyle EM, Rustad EH, Ashby C, Kaminetzky D, Bruno B, Braunstein M, Bauer M, Blaney P, Wang Y, Ghamlouch H, Williams L, Stoeckle J, Davies FE, Walker BA, Maclachlan K, Diamond B, Landgren O, Morgan GJ (2021)
Chromothripsis as a pathogenic driver of multiple myeloma
Semin Cell Dev Biol, 123, 115-123
DOI 10.1016/j.semcdb.2021.04.014, PubMed 33958284

Mazzarella L, Enblad G, Olweus J, Malmberg KJ, Jerkeman M (2021)
Advances in immune therapies in hematological malignancies
J Intern Med, 292 (2), 205-220
DOI 10.1111/joim.13395, PubMed 34624160

Mester S, Evers M, Meyer S, Nilsen J, Greiff V, Sandlie I, Leusen J, Andersen JT (2021)
Extended plasma half-life of albumin-binding domain fused human IgA upon pH-dependent albumin engagement of human FcRn in vitro and in vivo
MAbs, 13 (1), 1893888
DOI 10.1080/19420862.2021.1893888, PubMed 33691596

Rustad EH, Nadeu F, Angelopoulos N, Ziccheddu B, Bolli N, Puente XS, Campo E, Landgren O, Maura F (2021)
mmsig: a fitting approach to accurately identify somatic mutational signatures in hematological malignancies
Commun Biol, 4 (1), 424
DOI 10.1038/s42003-021-01938-0, PubMed 33782531
