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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2019 from OUS - Department of Digital Health Research

7 publications found

Asbjørnsen RA, Smedsrød ML, Solberg Nes L, Wentzel J, Varsi C, Hjelmesæth J, van Gemert-Pijnen JE (2019)
Persuasive System Design Principles and Behavior Change Techniques to Stimulate Motivation and Adherence in Electronic Health Interventions to Support Weight Loss Maintenance: Scoping Review
J Med Internet Res, 21 (6), e14265
DOI 10.2196/14265, PubMed 31228174

Gudenkauf LM, Clark MM, Novotny PJ, Piderman KM, Ehlers SL, Patten CA, Nes LS, Ruddy KJ, Sloan JA, Yang P (2019)
Spirituality and Emotional Distress Among Lung Cancer Survivors
Clin Lung Cancer, 20 (6), e661-e666
DOI 10.1016/j.cllc.2019.06.015, PubMed 31378618

Ledel Solem IK, Varsi C, Eide H, Kristjansdottir OB, Mirkovic J, Børøsund E, Haaland-Øverby M, Heldal K, Schreurs KM, Waxenberg LB, Weiss KE, Morrison EJ, Solberg Nes L (2019)
Patients' Needs and Requirements for eHealth Pain Management Interventions: Qualitative Study
J Med Internet Res, 21 (4), e13205
DOI 10.2196/13205, PubMed 30877780

Paulsen MM, Varsi C, Paur I, Tangvik RJ, Andersen LF (2019)
Barriers and Facilitators for Implementing a Decision Support System to Prevent and Treat Disease-Related Malnutrition in a Hospital Setting: Qualitative Study
JMIR Form Res, 3 (2), e11890
DOI 10.2196/11890, PubMed 31094333

Strand EB, Mengshoel AM, Sandvik L, Helland IB, Abraham S, Nes LS (2019)
Pain is associated with reduced quality of life and functional status in patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Scand J Pain, 19 (1), 61-72
DOI 10.1515/sjpain-2018-0095, PubMed 30325738

Tatara N, Hammer HL, Mirkovic J, Kjøllesdal MKR, Andreassen HK (2019)
Associations Between Immigration-Related User Factors and eHealth Activities for Self-Care: Case of First-Generation Immigrants From Pakistan in the Oslo Area, Norway
JMIR Public Health Surveill, 5 (3), e11998
DOI 10.2196/11998, PubMed 31420957

Varsi C, Solberg Nes L, Kristjansdottir OB, Kelders SM, Stenberg U, Zangi HA, Børøsund E, Weiss KE, Stubhaug A, Asbjørnsen RA, Westeng M, Ødegaard M, Eide H (2019)
Implementation Strategies to Enhance the Implementation of eHealth Programs for Patients With Chronic Illnesses: Realist Systematic Review
J Med Internet Res, 21 (9), e14255
DOI 10.2196/14255, PubMed 31573934
