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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2021 from OUS - Section of Cardiovascular and Renal Research

7 publications found

Bergland OU, Halvorsen LV, Søraas CL, Hjørnholm U, Kjær VN, Rognstad S, Brobak KM, Aune A, Olsen E, Fauchald YM, Heimark S, Thorstensen CW, Liestøl K, Solbu MD, Gerdts E, Mo R, Rostrup M, Kjeldsen SE, Høieggen A, Opdal MS, Larstorp ACK, Fadl Elmula FEM (2021)
Detection of Nonadherence to Antihypertensive Treatment by Measurements of Serum Drug Concentrations
Hypertension, 78 (3), 617-628
DOI 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.121.17514, PubMed 34275336

Falk RS, Mariampillai JE, Prestgaard EE, Heir T, Bodegård J, Robsahm TE, Grundvold I, Skretteberg PT, Engeseth K, Bjornholt JV, Stavem K, Liestøl K, Sandvik L, Thaulow E, Erikssen G, Kjeldsen SE, Gjesdal K, Erikssen JE (2021)
The Oslo Ischaemia Study: cohort profile
BMJ Open, 11 (10), e049111
DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049111, PubMed 34645662

Johannessen TR, Atar D, Vallersnes OM, Larstorp ACK, Mdala I, Halvorsen S (2021)
Comparison of a single high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T measurement with the HEART score for rapid rule-out of acute myocardial infarction in a primary care emergency setting: a cohort study
BMJ Open, 11 (2), e046024
DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046024, PubMed 33627355

Olsen E, Holzhauer B, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Larstorp ACK, Mancia G, Mehlum MH, Mo R, Rostrup M, Søraas CL, Zappe D, Weber MA (2021)
Cardiovascular outcomes at recommended blood pressure targets in middle-aged and elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension
Blood Press, 30 (2), 82-89
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1855968, PubMed 33403886

Olsen E, Holzhauer B, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Larstorp ACK, Mancia G, Mehlum MH, Mo R, Rostrup M, Søraas CL, Zappe D, Weber MA (2021)
Cardiovascular outcomes at recommended blood pressure targets in middle-aged and elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus compared to all middle-aged and elderly hypertensive study patients with high cardiovascular risk
Blood Press, 30 (2), 90-97
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1856642, PubMed 33403890

Rognstad S, Søraas CL, Bergland OU, Høieggen A, Strømmen M, Helland A, Opdal MS (2021)
Establishing Serum Reference Ranges for Antihypertensive Drugs
Ther Drug Monit, 43 (1), 116-125
DOI 10.1097/FTD.0000000000000806, PubMed 32881780

Undrum Bergland O, Larstorp ACK, Lund Søraas C, Høieggen A, Rostrup M, Norheim Kjaer V, Godang K, Sevre K, Fadl Elmula FEM (2021)
Changes in sympathetic nervous system activity after renal denervation: results from the randomised Oslo RDN study
Blood Press, 30 (3), 154-164
DOI 10.1080/08037051.2020.1868286, PubMed 33399016
