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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2014 from OUS - Dept. of Gastroenterology RH (Div SIMT)

29 publications found

Beisner J, Teltschik Z, Ostaff MJ, Tiemessen MM, Staal FJ, Wang G, Gersemann M, Perminow G, Vatn MH, Schwab M, Stange EF, Wehkamp J (2014)
TCF-1-mediated Wnt signaling regulates Paneth cell innate immune defense effectors HD-5 and -6: implications for Crohn's disease
Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 307 (5), G487-98
DOI 10.1152/ajpgi.00347.2013, PubMed 24994854

Berstad P, Løberg M, Larsen IK, Kalager M, Holme Ø, Botteri E, Bretthauer M, Hoff G (2014)
Long-term lifestyle changes after colorectal cancer screening: randomised controlled trial
Gut, 64 (8), 1268-76
DOI 10.1136/gutjnl-2014-307376, PubMed 25183203

Boyar Cetinkaya R, Vatn M, Aabakken L, Bergestuen DS, Thiis-Evensen E (2014)
Survival and prognostic factors in well-differentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Scand J Gastroenterol, 49 (6), 734-41
DOI 10.3109/00365521.2014.903432, PubMed 24679166

Buanes TA (2014)
Pancreatic cancer-improved care achievable
World J Gastroenterol, 20 (30), 10405-18
DOI 10.3748/wjg.v20.i30.10405, PubMed 25132756

Christophersen A, Ráki M, Bergseng E, Lundin KE, Jahnsen J, Sollid LM, Qiao SW (2014)
Tetramer-visualized gluten-specific CD4+ T cells in blood as a potential diagnostic marker for coeliac disease without oral gluten challenge
United European Gastroenterol J, 2 (4), 268-78
DOI 10.1177/2050640614540154, PubMed 25083284

Eskesen AN, Bjøro K, Aandahl EM, Line PD, Melum E (2014)
Low use of surveillance and early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in Norway--a population-based cohort study
Cancer Epidemiol, 38 (6), 741-7
DOI 10.1016/j.canep.2014.10.005, PubMed 25454262

Flachsbart F, Caliebe A, Heinsen FA, Hemming-Karlsen T, Schreiber S, Franke A, Nebel A (2014)
Investigation of complement component C4 copy number variation in human longevity
PLoS One, 9 (1), e86188
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0086188, PubMed 24465950

Friedrich K, Wannhoff A, Kattner S, Brune M, Hov JR, Weiss KH, Antoni C, Dollinger M, Neumann-Haefelin C, Seufferlein T, Schemmer P, Schirmacher P, Stremmel W, Gotthardt DN (2014)
PNPLA3 in end-stage liver disease: alcohol consumption, hepatocellular carcinoma development, and transplantation-free survival
J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 29 (7), 1477-84
DOI 10.1111/jgh.12540, PubMed 25273282

Halttunen J, Meisner S, Aabakken L, Arnelo U, Grönroos J, Hauge T, Kleveland PM, Nordblad Schmidt P, Saarela A, Swahn F, Toth E, Mustonen H, Löhr JM (2014)
Difficult cannulation as defined by a prospective study of the Scandinavian Association for Digestive Endoscopy (SADE) in 907 ERCPs
Scand J Gastroenterol, 49 (6), 752-8
DOI 10.3109/00365521.2014.894120, PubMed 24628493

Hjelle AM, Apalset E, Mielnik P, Bollerslev J, Lundin KE, Tell GS (2014)
Celiac disease and risk of fracture in adults--a review
Osteoporos Int, 25 (6), 1667-76
DOI 10.1007/s00198-014-2683-8, PubMed 24691647

Holme Ø, Bretthauer M, Eide TJ, Løberg EM, Grzyb K, Løberg M, Kalager M, Adami HO, Kjellevold Ø, Hoff G (2014)
Long-term risk of colorectal cancer in individuals with serrated polyps
Gut, 64 (6), 929-36
DOI 10.1136/gutjnl-2014-307793, PubMed 25399542

Holme Ø, Løberg M, Kalager M, Bretthauer M, Hernán MA, Aas E, Eide TJ, Skovlund E, Schneede J, Tveit KM, Hoff G (2014)
Effect of flexible sigmoidoscopy screening on colorectal cancer incidence and mortality: a randomized clinical trial
JAMA, 312 (6), 606-15
DOI 10.1001/jama.2014.8266, PubMed 25117129

Horneland R, Paulsen V, Lindahl JP, Grzyb K, Eide TJ, Lundin K, Aabakken L, Jenssen T, Aandahl EM, Foss A, Øyen O (2014)
Pancreas transplantation with enteroanastomosis to native duodenum poses technical challenges--but offers improved endoscopic access for scheduled biopsies and therapeutic interventions
Am J Transplant, 15 (1), 242-50
DOI 10.1111/ajt.12953, PubMed 25394773

Janson ET, Sorbye H, Welin S, Federspiel B, Grønbæk H, Hellman P, Ladekarl M, Langer SW, Mortensen J, Schalin-Jäntti C, Sundin A, Sundlöv A, Thiis-Evensen E, Knigge U (2014)
Nordic guidelines 2014 for diagnosis and treatment of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms
Acta Oncol, 53 (10), 1284-97
DOI 10.3109/0284186X.2014.941999, PubMed 25140861

Kalager M, Løberg M, Bretthauer M, Adami HO (2014)
Comparative analysis of breast cancer mortality following mammography screening in Denmark and Norway
Ann Oncol, 25 (6), 1137-43
DOI 10.1093/annonc/mdu122, PubMed 24669012

Leitao K, Grimstad T, Bretthauer M, Holme Ø, Paulsen V, Karlsen L, Isaksen K, Cvancarova M, Aabakken L (2014)
Polyethylene glycol vs sodium picosulfate/magnesium citrate for colonoscopy preparation
Endosc Int Open, 2 (4), E230-4
DOI 10.1055/s-0034-1377520, PubMed 26135098

Ludvigsson JF, Bai JC, Biagi F, Card TR, Ciacci C, Ciclitira PJ, Green PH, Hadjivassiliou M, Holdoway A, van Heel DA, Kaukinen K, Leffler DA, Leonard JN, Lundin KE, McGough N, Davidson M, Murray JA, Swift GL, Walker MM, Zingone F, Sanders DS, BSG Coeliac Disease Guidelines Development Group, British Society of Gastroenterology (2014)
Diagnosis and management of adult coeliac disease: guidelines from the British Society of Gastroenterology
Gut, 63 (8), 1210-28
DOI 10.1136/gutjnl-2013-306578, PubMed 24917550

Lundin KE, Sollid LM (2014)
Advances in coeliac disease
Curr Opin Gastroenterol, 30 (2), 154-62
DOI 10.1097/MOG.0000000000000041, PubMed 24457347

Løberg M, Kalager M, Holme Ø, Hoff G, Adami HO, Bretthauer M (2014)
Long-term colorectal-cancer mortality after adenoma removal
N Engl J Med, 371 (9), 799-807
DOI 10.1056/NEJMoa1315870, PubMed 25162886

Naess S, Björnsson E, Anmarkrud JA, Al Mamari S, Juran BD, Lazaridis KN, Chapman R, Bergquist A, Melum E, Marsh SG, Schrumpf E, Lie BA, Boberg KM, Karlsen TH, Hov JR (2014)
Small duct primary sclerosing cholangitis without inflammatory bowel disease is genetically different from large duct disease
Liver Int, 34 (10), 1488-95
DOI 10.1111/liv.12492, PubMed 24517468

Næss S, Lie BA, Melum E, Olsson M, Hov JR, Croucher PJ, Hampe J, Thorsby E, Bergquist A, Traherne JA, Schrumpf E, Boberg KM, Schreiber S, Franke A, Karlsen TH (2014)
Refinement of the MHC risk map in a scandinavian primary sclerosing cholangitis population
PLoS One, 9 (12), e114486
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0114486, PubMed 25521205

Olbjørn C, Nakstad B, Småstuen MC, Thiis-Evensen E, Vatn MH, Perminow G (2014)
Early anti-TNF treatment in pediatric Crohn's disease. Predictors of clinical outcome in a population-based cohort of newly diagnosed patients
Scand J Gastroenterol, 49 (12), 1425-31
DOI 10.3109/00365521.2014.966316, PubMed 25310799

Solberg IC, Cvancarova M, Vatn MH, Moum B, IBSEN Study Group (2014)
Risk matrix for prediction of advanced disease in a population-based study of patients with Crohn's Disease (the IBSEN Study)
Inflamm Bowel Dis, 20 (1), 60-8
DOI 10.1097/01.MIB.0000436956.78220.67, PubMed 24280875

Spada C, Stoker J, Alarcon O, Barbaro F, Bellini D, Bretthauer M, De Haan MC, Dumonceau JM, Ferlitsch M, Halligan S, Helbren E, Hellstrom M, Kuipers EJ, Lefere P, Mang T, Neri E, Petruzziello L, Plumb A, Regge D, Taylor SA, Hassan C, Laghi A, European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (2014)
Clinical indications for computed tomographic colonography: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR) Guideline
Endoscopy, 46 (10), 897-915
DOI 10.1055/s-0034-1378092, PubMed 25268304

Steinsbø Ø, Henry Dunand CJ, Huang M, Mesin L, Salgado-Ferrer M, Lundin KE, Jahnsen J, Wilson PC, Sollid LM (2014)
Restricted VH/VL usage and limited mutations in gluten-specific IgA of coeliac disease lesion plasma cells
Nat Commun, 5, 4041
DOI 10.1038/ncomms5041, PubMed 24909383

Toumpanakis C, Kim MK, Rinke A, Bergestuen DS, Thirlwell C, Khan MS, Salazar R, Oberg K (2014)
Combination of cross-sectional and molecular imaging studies in the localization of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Neuroendocrinology, 99 (2), 63-74
DOI 10.1159/000358727, PubMed 24458014

Trøseid M, Ueland T, Hov JR, Svardal A, Gregersen I, Dahl CP, Aakhus S, Gude E, Bjørndal B, Halvorsen B, Karlsen TH, Aukrust P, Gullestad L, Berge RK, Yndestad A (2014)
Microbiota-dependent metabolite trimethylamine-N-oxide is associated with disease severity and survival of patients with chronic heart failure
J Intern Med, 277 (6), 717-26
DOI 10.1111/joim.12328, PubMed 25382824

van Dam L, Bretthauer M (2014)
Ethical issues in colorectal cancer screening
Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol, 28 (2), 315-26
DOI 10.1016/j.bpg.2014.03.002, PubMed 24810192

Aabakken L, Barkun AN, Cotton PB, Fedorov E, Fujino MA, Ivanova E, Kudo SE, Kuznetzov K, de Lange T, Matsuda K, Moine O, Rembacken B, Rey JF, Romagnuolo J, Rösch T, Sawhney M, Yao K, Waye JD (2014)
Standardized endoscopic reporting
J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 29 (2), 234-40
DOI 10.1111/jgh.12489, PubMed 24329727
