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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2020 from OUS - Department of Nephrology Rikshospitalet (Div SIMT)

26 publications found

Abd ElHafeez S, Noordzij M, Kramer A, Bell S, Savoye E, Abad Diez JM, Lundgren T, Reisaeter AV, Kerschbaum J, Santiuste de Pablos C, Ortiz F, Collart F, Palsson R, Arici M, Heaf JG, Massy ZA, Jager KJ (2020)
The association of living donor source with patient and graft survival among kidney transplant recipients in the ERA-EDTA Registry - a retrospective study
Transpl Int, 34 (1), 76-86
DOI 10.1111/tri.13759, PubMed 33022814

Benoni H, Eloranta S, Dahle DO, Svensson MHS, Nordin A, Carstens J, Mjøen G, Helanterä I, Hellström V, Enblad G, Pukkala E, Sørensen SS, Lempinen M, Smedby KE (2020)
Relative and absolute cancer risks among Nordic kidney transplant recipients-a population-based study
Transpl Int, 33 (12), 1700-1710
DOI 10.1111/tri.13734, PubMed 32896035

Bjerre A, Mjøen G, Line PD, Naper C, Reisaeter AV, Åsberg A (2020)
Five decades with grandparent donors: The Norwegian strategy and experience
Pediatr Transplant, 24 (6), e13751
DOI 10.1111/petr.13751, PubMed 32485019

Chan J, Svensson M, Jenssen T, Schmidt EB, Eide IA (2020)
Marine n-3 fatty acid consumption in a Norwegian renal transplant cohort: Comparison of a food frequency questionnaire with plasma phospholipid marine n-3 levels
PLoS One, 15 (12), e0244089
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0244089, PubMed 33332416

de Gonzalo-Calvo D, Martínez-Camblor P, Bär C, Duarte K, Girerd N, Fellström B, Schmieder RE, Jardine AG, Massy ZA, Holdaas H, Rossignol P, Zannad F, Thum T (2020)
Improved cardiovascular risk prediction in patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis using machine learning modeling and circulating microribonucleic acids
Theranostics, 10 (19), 8665-8676
DOI 10.7150/thno.46123, PubMed 32754270

Egeland EJ, Witczak BJ, Zaré HK, Christensen H, Åsberg A, Robertsen I (2020)
Chronic Inhibition of CYP3A is Temporarily Reduced by Each Hemodialysis Session in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease
Clin Pharmacol Ther, 108 (4), 866-873
DOI 10.1002/cpt.1875, PubMed 32356565

Eriksen BO, Palsson R, Ebert N, Melsom T, van der Giet M, Gudnason V, Indridason OS, Inker LA, Jenssen TG, Levey AS, Solbu MD, Tighiouart H, Schaeffner E (2020)
GFR in Healthy Aging: an Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis of Iohexol Clearance in European Population-Based Cohorts
J Am Soc Nephrol, 31 (7), 1602-1615
DOI 10.1681/ASN.2020020151, PubMed 32499396

Flemmen HØ, Simonsen CS, Berg-Hansen P, Moen SM, Kersten H, Heldal K, Celius EG (2020)
Prevalence of multiple sclerosis in rural and urban districts in Telemark county, Norway
Mult Scler Relat Disord, 45, 102352
DOI 10.1016/j.msard.2020.102352, PubMed 32707528

Gjerde A, Lillås BS, Marti HP, Reisæter AV, Vikse BE (2020)
Intrauterine growth restriction, preterm birth and risk of end-stage renal disease during the first 50 years of life
Nephrol Dial Transplant, 35 (7), 1157-1163
DOI 10.1093/ndt/gfaa001, PubMed 32040151

Gjerde A, Reisæter AV, Skrunes R, Marti HP, Vikse BE (2020)
Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Risk of Diverse Forms of Kidney Disease during the First 50 Years of Life
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 15 (10), 1413-1423
DOI 10.2215/CJN.04080320, PubMed 32816833

Gustavsen MT, Midtvedt K, Robertsen I, Woillard JB, Debord J, Klaasen RA, Vethe NT, Bergan S, Åsberg A (2020)
Fasting Status and Circadian Variation Must be Considered When Performing AUC-based Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Tacrolimus in Renal Transplant Recipients
Clin Transl Sci, 13 (6), 1327-1335
DOI 10.1111/cts.12833, PubMed 32652886

Gustavsen MT, Midtvedt K, Vethe NT, Robertsen I, Bergan S, Åsberg A (2020)
Tacrolimus Area Under the Concentration Versus Time Curve Monitoring, Using Home-Based Volumetric Absorptive Capillary Microsampling
Ther Drug Monit, 42 (3), 407-414
DOI 10.1097/FTD.0000000000000697, PubMed 31479042

Haller MC, Wallisch C, Mjøen G, Holdaas H, Dunkler D, Heinze G, Oberbauer R (2020)
Predicting donor, recipient and graft survival in living donor kidney transplantation to inform pretransplant counselling: the donor and recipient linked iPREDICTLIVING tool - a retrospective study
Transpl Int, 33 (7), 729-739
DOI 10.1111/tri.13580, PubMed 31970822

Haugen AJ, Hallan S, Langberg NE, Dahle DO, Pihlstrøm H, Birkeland KI, Reisaeter A, Midtvedt K, Hartmann A, Holdaas H, Mjøen G (2020)
Increased long-term risk for hypertension in kidney donors - a retrospective cohort study
Transpl Int, 33 (5), 536-543
DOI 10.1111/tri.13576, PubMed 31958170

Hecking M, Sharif A, Eller K, Jenssen T (2020)
Management of post-transplant diabetes: immunosuppression, early prevention, and novel antidiabetics
Transpl Int, 34 (1), 27-48
DOI 10.1111/tri.13783, PubMed 33135259

Klaasen RA, Bergan S, Bremer S, Hole K, Nordahl CB, Andersen AM, Midtvedt K, Skauby MH, Vethe NT (2020)
Pharmacodynamic assessment of mycophenolic acid in resting and activated target cell population during the first year after renal transplantation
Br J Clin Pharmacol, 86 (6), 1100-1112
DOI 10.1111/bcp.14218, PubMed 31925806

Kramer A, Boenink R, Noordzij M, Bosdriesz JR, Stel VS, Beltrán P, Ruiz JC, Seyahi N, Comas Farnés J, Stendahl M, Garneata L, Winzeler R, Golan E, Lopot F, Korejwo G, Bonthuis M, Lassalle M, Slon Roblero MF, Kuzema V, Hommel K, Stojceva-Taneva O, Asberg A, Kramar R, Hemmelder MH, De Meester J et al. (2020)
The ERA-EDTA Registry Annual Report 2017: a summary
Clin Kidney J, 13 (4), 693-709
DOI 10.1093/ckj/sfaa048, PubMed 32897277

Kramer A, Boenink R, Stel VS, Santiuste de Pablos C, Tomović F, Golan E, Kerschbaum J, Seyahi N, Ioanou K, Beltrán P, Zurriaga O, Magaz Á, Slon Roblero MF, Gjorgjievski N, Garneata L, Arribas F, Galvão AA, Bell S, Ots-Rosenberg M, Muñoz-Terol JM, Winzeler R, Hommel K, Åsberg A, Spustova V, Palencia García MÁ et al. (2020)
The ERA-EDTA Registry Annual Report 2018: a summary
Clin Kidney J, 14 (1), 107-123
DOI 10.1093/ckj/sfaa271, PubMed 33564410

Krogstad V, Peric A, Robertsen I, Kringen MK, Vistnes M, Hjelmesæth J, Sandbu R, Johnson LK, Angeles PC, Jansson-Löfmark R, Karlsson C, Andersson S, Åsberg A, Andersson TB, Christensen H (2020)
Correlation of Body Weight and Composition With Hepatic Activities of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
J Pharm Sci, 110 (1), 432-437
DOI 10.1016/j.xphs.2020.10.027, PubMed 33091408

Lorentzen EM, Henriksen S, Kaur A, Kro GB, Hammarström C, Hirsch HH, Midtvedt K, Rinaldo CH (2020)
Early fulminant BK polyomavirus-associated nephropathy in two kidney transplant patients with low neutralizing antibody titers receiving allografts from the same donor
Virol J, 17 (1), 5
DOI 10.1186/s12985-019-1275-9, PubMed 31924245

Luis-Lima S, Mas-Sanmartin C, Rodríguez-Rodríguez AE, Porrini E, Ortiz A, Gaspari F, Diaz-Martin L, Åsberg A, Jenssen T, Jiménez-Sosa A, Martinez-Ros P, Gonzalez-Bulnes A (2020)
A Simplified Iohexol-Based Method to Measure Renal Function in Sheep Models of Renal Disease
Biology (Basel), 9 (9)
DOI 10.3390/biology9090259, PubMed 32878167

Nordheim E, Dahle DO, Halden T, Birkeland KI, Åsberg A, Hartmann A, Horneland R, Jenssen TG (2020)
Endothelial function after pancreas transplantation-A single-center observational study
Clin Transplant, 34 (3), e13815
DOI 10.1111/ctr.13815, PubMed 32027399

Pihlstrøm HK, Ueland T, Michelsen AE, Aukrust P, Gatti F, Hammarström C, Kasprzycka M, Wang J, Haraldsen G, Mjøen G, Dahle DO, Midtvedt K, Eide IA, Hartmann A, Holdaas H (2020)
Exploring the potential effect of paricalcitol on markers of inflammation in de novo renal transplant recipients
PLoS One, 15 (12), e0243759
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0243759, PubMed 33326471

Pippias M, Jager KJ, Åsberg A, Berger SP, Finne P, Heaf JG, Kerschbaum J, Lempinen M, Magaz Á, Massy ZA, Stel VS (2020)
Young deceased donor kidneys show a survival benefit over older donor kidneys in transplant recipients aged 20-50 years: a study by the ERA-EDTA Registry
Nephrol Dial Transplant, 35 (3), 534-543
DOI 10.1093/ndt/gfy268, PubMed 30203080

Thorsteinsdottir H, Christensen JJ, Holven KB, Tveiterås M, Brun H, Åsberg A, Bjerre A (2020)
Cardiovascular Risk Factors are Inversely Associated With Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Plasma Levels in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Recipients
J Ren Nutr, 31 (3), 278-285
DOI 10.1053/j.jrn.2020.06.002, PubMed 32792219

Wegler C, Prieto Garcia L, Klinting S, Robertsen I, Wiśniewski JR, Hjelmesaeth J, Åsberg A, Jansson-Löfmark R, Andersson TB, Artursson P (2020)
Proteomics-Informed Prediction of Rosuvastatin Plasma Profiles in Patients With a Wide Range of Body Weight
Clin Pharmacol Ther, 109 (3), 762-771
DOI 10.1002/cpt.2056, PubMed 32970864
