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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2022 from OUS - Department of Transplantation Surgery

13 publications found

Bjørnelv GMW, Zolic-Karlsson Z, Dueland S, Line PD, Aas E (2022)
Cost-effectiveness of liver transplantation versus last-resort systemic therapy for colorectal liver metastases
Br J Surg, 109 (6), 483-485
DOI 10.1093/bjs/znac022, PubMed 35576387

Dueland S, Smedman TM, Grut H, Syversveen T, Jørgensen LH, Line PD (2022)
PET-Uptake in Liver Metastases as Method to Predict Tumor Biological Behavior in Patients Transplanted for Colorectal Liver Metastases Developing Lung Recurrence
Cancers (Basel), 14 (20)
DOI 10.3390/cancers14205042, PubMed 36291826

Eshmuminov D, Studer DJ, Lopez Lopez V, Schneider MA, Lerut J, Lo M, Sher L, Musholt TJ, Lozan O, Bouzakri N, Sposito C, Miceli R, Barat S, Morris D, Oehler H, Schreckenbach T, Husen P, Rosen CB, Gores GJ, Masui T, Cheung TT, Kim-Fuchs C, Perren A, Dutkowski P, Petrowsky H et al. (2022)
Controversy Over Liver Transplantation or Resection for Neuroendocrine Liver Metastasis: Tumor Biology Cuts the Deal
Ann Surg, 277 (5), e1063-e1071
DOI 10.1097/SLA.0000000000005663, PubMed 35975918

Grut H, Line PD, Syversveen T, Dueland S (2022)
Metabolic tumor volume predicts long-term survival after transplantation for unresectable colorectal liver metastases: 15 years of experience from the SECA study
Ann Nucl Med, 36 (12), 1073-1081
DOI 10.1007/s12149-022-01796-8, PubMed 36241941

Haflidadottir S, Østensen AB, Matthews IL, Line PD, Almaas R (2022)
Mycophenolate mofetil use is associated with reduced incidence of food allergy in liver transplanted children
J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 75 (1), 138-144
DOI 10.1097/MPG.0000000000003509, PubMed 35666879

Hou J, Liavåg OMI, Færden IH, Martinsen ØG, Tønnessen TI, Line PD, Hagness M, Høgetveit JO, Pischke SE, Strand-Amundsen R (2022)
Utilization of dielectric properties for assessment of liver ischemia-reperfusion injury in vivo and during machine perfusion
Sci Rep, 12 (1), 11183
DOI 10.1038/s41598-022-14817-3, PubMed 35778457

Kjøsen G, Horneland R, Nordheim E, Aandahl EM, Line PD, Rydenfelt K, Jenssen TG, Tønnessen TI, Haugaa H (2022)
Validating the US pancreas donor risk index in a Norwegian population, a retrospective observational study
Scand J Gastroenterol, 57 (3), 345-351
DOI 10.1080/00365521.2021.2012590, PubMed 35130456

Line PD (2022)
Liver transplantation for colorectal secondaries: on the way to validation
Curr Opin Organ Transplant, 27 (4), 329-336
DOI 10.1097/MOT.0000000000000977, PubMed 36354259

Rydenfelt K, Strand-Amundsen R, Horneland R, Hødnebø S, Kjøsen G, Pischke SE, Tønnessen TI, Haugaa H (2022)
Microdialysis and CO2 sensors detect pancreatic ischemia in a porcine model
PLoS One, 17 (2), e0262848
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0262848, PubMed 35143517

Salcedo M, Vinaixa C, Javle M, Trapero-Marugán M, Bustamante J, Line PD (2022)
Evaluation and Management of Liver Transplant Candidates With Prior Nonhepatic Cancer: Guidelines From the ILTS/SETH Consensus Conference
Transplantation, 106 (1), e3-e11
DOI 10.1097/TP.0000000000003997, PubMed 34905758

Settmacher U, Ali-Deeb A, Coubeau L, Cillo U, Line PD, Guba M, Nadalin S, Rauchfuß F, Königsrainer A (2022)
Auxilliary Liver Transplantation According to the RAPID Procedure in Noncirrhotic Patients: Technical Aspects and Early Outcomes
Ann Surg, 277 (2), 305-312
DOI 10.1097/SLA.0000000000005726, PubMed 36226590

Smedman TM, Guren TK, Tveit KM, Thomsen M, Andersen MH, Line PD, Dueland S (2022)
Health-Related Quality of Life in Colorectal Cancer Patients Treated With Liver Transplantation Compared to Chemotherapy
Transpl Int, 35, 10404
DOI 10.3389/ti.2022.10404, PubMed 35707633

Solheim JM, Dueland S, Line PD, Hagness M (2022)
Transplantation for Nonresectable Colorectal Liver Metastases: Long-Term Follow-Up of the First Prospective Pilot Study
Ann Surg, 278 (2), 239-245
DOI 10.1097/SLA.0000000000005703, PubMed 36082986
