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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2024 from OUS - Department of Transplantation Surgery

12 publications found

Chávez-Villa M, Ruffolo LI, Line PD, Dueland S, Tomiyama K, Hernandez-Alejandro R (2024)
Emerging Role of Liver Transplantation for Unresectable Colorectal Liver Metastases
J Clin Oncol, 42 (10), 1098-1101
DOI 10.1200/JCO.23.01781, PubMed 38408289

Cillo U, Furlanetto A, Gringeri E, Bertacco A, Marchini A, Rosso E, Bassi D, D'Amico FE, Line PD (2024)
Advocating for a "shift-to-left" in transplant oncology: left grafts, RAPID and dual graft
Updates Surg (in press)
DOI 10.1007/s13304-024-01919-y, PubMed 39120859

de Boer E, Sokolova M, Jager NM, Schjalm C, Weiss MG, Liavåg OM, Maassen H, van Goor H, Thorgersen EB, Pettersen K, Christiansen D, Ludviksen JK, Jespersen B, Mollnes TE, Leuvenink HGD, Pischke SE (2024)
Normothermic Machine Perfusion Reconstitutes Porcine Kidney Tissue Metabolism But Induces an Inflammatory Response, Which Is Reduced by Complement C5 Inhibition
Transpl Int, 37, 13348
DOI 10.3389/ti.2024.13348, PubMed 39606689

Dueland S, Syversveen T, Line PD (2024)
Resection Details, Donor Segment Volume, and Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients With Colorectal Cancer and Liver Transplant-Reply
JAMA Surg, 159 (3), 350-351
DOI 10.1001/jamasurg.2023.5800, PubMed 37966832

Holmaas G, Hilton E, Foss S, Wathle GK, Kvåle R (2024)
Potential organ donors during two years at the second largest hospital in Norway
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 68 (8), 1041-1049
DOI 10.1111/aas.14455, PubMed 38801275

Kjeseth T, Line PD, Khan A, Solheim JM, Bjørk IG, Sundal J, Jensenius M, Yaqub S (2024)
Ex-situ liver resection for complex Echinococcus multilocularis infection: a case report
J Surg Case Rep, 2024 (6), rjae410
DOI 10.1093/jscr/rjae410, PubMed 38868544

Lindahl JP, Åsberg A, Heldal K, Jenssen T, Dörje C, Skauby M, Midtvedt K (2024)
Long-term Outcomes After Kidney Transplantation From DBD Donors Aged 70 y and Older
Transplant Direct, 10 (7), e1660
DOI 10.1097/TXD.0000000000001660, PubMed 38911276

Lopez-Lopez V, Lodge P, Oldhafer K, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Akamatsu N, Honda G, Pinna A, Balci D, Govil S, Cillo U, Schlegel A, Nadalin S, Di Benedetto F, Pratschke J, Aldrighetti L, Soubrane O, Scatton O, Wakabayashi G, Popescu I, Ramia JM, Ohtsuka M, Line PD, Troisi RI, Machado MA, Fusai GK et al. (2024)
Harmonizing Definitions and Perspectives in Extreme Liver Surgery: A Delphi Experts Consensus
Ann Surg (in press)
DOI 10.1097/SLA.0000000000006421, PubMed 38939929

Sjule HM, Vinter CN, Dueland S, Line PD, Burger EA, Bjørnelv GMW (2024)
The Spillover Effects of Extending Liver Transplantation to Patients with Colorectal Liver Metastases: A Discrete Event Simulation Analysis
Med Decis Making, 44 (5), 529-542
DOI 10.1177/0272989X241249154, PubMed 38828508

Stern NM, Mikalsen LTG, Dueland S, Schulz A, Line PD, Stokke C, Grut H (2024)
The prognostic value of [18F]FDG PET/CT texture analysis prior to transplantation for unresectable colorectal liver metastases
Clin Physiol Funct Imaging, 45 (1), e12908
DOI 10.1111/cpf.12908, PubMed 39358976

Wehrle CJ, Chávez-Villa M, Byrne M, Kusakabe J, Gross A, Mahajan P, Ruffolo L, Whitsett Linganna M, Sobotka A, Naffouje S, Khalil M, Pita A, Fujiki M, Tomiyama K, Schlegel A, Kwon DCH, Line PD, Miller C, Hashimoto K, Hernandez-Alejandro R, Aucejo F (2024)
Pretransplant metabolic tumor volume predicts recurrence following liver transplantation for colorectal metastasis: A multicenter study
Liver Transpl (in press)
DOI 10.1097/LVT.0000000000000535, PubMed 39526884

Waage A, Khan A, Labori KJ, Birkeland KI, Scholz H, Jensen TG, Tholfsen T, Line PD, Hagness M (2024)
Implementation of a nationwide program for total pancreatectomy and islet autotransplantation in chronic pancreatitis: A Scandinavian single-center observational study
Scand J Surg, 14574969241298985 (in press)
DOI 10.1177/14574969241298985, PubMed 39558154
