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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2022 from OUS - Centre for National and Regional Mental Health Services

37 publications found

Andreou D, Jørgensen KN, Nerland S, Ueland T, Vaskinn A, Haukvik UK, Yolken RH, Andreassen OA, Agartz I (2022)
Herpes simplex virus 1 infection on grey matter and general intelligence in severe mental illness
Transl Psychiatry, 12 (1), 276
DOI 10.1038/s41398-022-02044-3, PubMed 35821107

Andreou D, Jørgensen KN, Nerland S, Yolken RH, Haukvik UK, Andreassen OA, Agartz I (2022)
Cytomegalovirus Infection Associated with Smaller Total Cortical Surface Area in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
Schizophr Bull, 48 (5), 1164-1173
DOI 10.1093/schbul/sbac036, PubMed 35388401

Bell C, Tesli N, Gurholt TP, Rokicki J, Hjell G, Fischer-Vieler T, Melle I, Agartz I, Andreassen OA, Ringen PA, Rasmussen K, Dahl H, Friestad C, Haukvik UK (2022)
Psychopathy subdomains in violent offenders with and without a psychotic disorder
Nord J Psychiatry, 77 (4), 393-402
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2022.2128869, PubMed 36260740

Bjørkly S, Laake P, Douglas KS (2022)
The safe pilot study: A prospective naturalistic study with repeated measures design to test protective factors against violence in and after discharge from forensic facilities
Psychiatry Res, 320, 115017
DOI 10.1016/j.psychres.2022.115017, PubMed 36610319

Bøhle K, Otterholt E, Bjørkly S (2022)
Is There an Association Between Salivary Cortisol and Dropping Out of Inpatient Substance Addiction Treatments? A Prospective Repeated Measures Study
Subst Abuse, 16, 11782218221106797
DOI 10.1177/11782218221106797, PubMed 35800884

de Lange AG, Anatürk M, Rokicki J, Han LKM, Franke K, Alnaes D, Ebmeier KP, Draganski B, Kaufmann T, Westlye LT, Hahn T, Cole JH (2022)
Mind the gap: Performance metric evaluation in brain-age prediction
Hum Brain Mapp, 43 (10), 3113-3129
DOI 10.1002/hbm.25837, PubMed 35312210

Eielsen HP, Vrabel K, Hoffart A, Rø Ø, Rosenvinge JH (2022)
Reciprocal relationships between personality disorders and eating disorders in a prospective 17-year follow-up study
Int J Eat Disord, 55 (12), 1753-1764
DOI 10.1002/eat.23823, PubMed 36214278

Engen MJ, Vaskinn A, Melle I, Færden A, Lyngstad SH, Flaaten CB, Widing LH, Wold KF, Åsbø G, Haatveit B, Simonsen C, Ueland T (2022)
Cognitive and Global Functioning in Patients With First-Episode Psychosis Stratified by Level of Negative Symptoms. A 10-Year Follow-Up Study
Front Psychiatry, 13, 841057
DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.841057, PubMed 35401286

Faerden A, Rosenqvist C, Håkansson M, Strøm-Gundersen E, Stav Å, Svartsund J, Røssæg T, Davik N, Kvarstein E, Pedersen G, Dieset I, Nyrud AQ, Weedon-Fekjær H, Kistorp KM (2022)
Environmental Transformations Enhancing Dignity in an Acute Psychiatric Ward: Outcome of a User-Driven Service Design Project
HERD, 16 (2), 55-72
DOI 10.1177/19375867221136558, PubMed 36567605

Flaaten CB, Melle I, Gardsjord E, Bjella T, Engen MJ, Vaskinn A, Åsbø G, Wold KF, Widing L, Lyngstad SH, Haatveit B, Simonsen C, Ueland T (2022)
Course of intellectual functioning in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: a 10-year follow-up study
Psychol Med, 53 (6), 2662-2670
DOI 10.1017/S0033291721004645, PubMed 35256030

Folmo EJ, Langjord T, Myhrvold NCS, Stänicke E, Lind M, Kvarstein EH (2022)
Pedagogical stance in mentalization-based treatment
J Clin Psychol, 78 (9), 1764-1784
DOI 10.1002/jclp.23335, PubMed 35263445

Frans N, Braeken J, Veldkamp BP, Paap MCS (2022)
Empirical Priors in Polytomous Computerized Adaptive Tests: Risks and Rewards in Clinical Settings
Appl Psychol Meas, 47 (1), 48-63
DOI 10.1177/01466216221124091, PubMed 36425285

Gröning L, Haukvik UK, Morse SJ, Radovic S (2022)
Remodelling criminal insanity: Exploring philosophical, legal, and medical premises of the medical model used in Norwegian law
Int J Law Psychiatry, 81, 101776
DOI 10.1016/j.ijlp.2022.101776, PubMed 35101774

Halmøy A, Ring AE, Gjestad R, Møller M, Ubostad B, Lien T, Munkhaugen EK, Fredriksen M (2022)
Dialectical behavioral therapy-based group treatment versus treatment as usual for adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a multicenter randomized controlled trial
BMC Psychiatry, 22 (1), 738
DOI 10.1186/s12888-022-04356-6, PubMed 36443712

Halvorsen IM, Rø A, Nilsen JV, (2022)
Unge med anoreksi og deres søsken: Hvordan sykdommen påvirket dagliglivet i akuttfasen og ved oppfølging etter cirka 4,5 år
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening, 59, 366-373
DOI 10.52734/Tt7787P5, PublikaID 415

Hansen UI, Larsen K, Sundberg H, Munkhaugen EK (2022)
Remote Teaching and School Refusal Behavior - Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Scand J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Psychol, 10 (1), 134-143
DOI 10.2478/sjcapp-2022-0014, PubMed 36687261

Heltne A, Braeken J, Hummelen B, Germans Selvik S, Buer Christensen T, Paap MCS (2022)
Do Flexible Administration Procedures Promote Individualized Clinical Assessments? An Explorative Analysis of How Clinicians Utilize the Funnel Structure of the SCID-5-AMPD Module I: LPFS
J Pers Assess, 105 (5), 636-646
DOI 10.1080/00223891.2022.2152344, PubMed 36511879

Hummelen B, Ulltveit-Moe Eikenæs I, Wilberg T (2022)
Is the alternative model for personality disorders able to capture avoidant personality disorder according to Section II of the DSM-5? A systematic review
Personal Disord, 13 (4), 412-417
DOI 10.1037/per0000553, PubMed 35787131

Kessler U, Kleppe MM, Rekkedal GÅ, Rø Ø, Danielsen Y (2022)
Experiences when implementing enhanced cognitive behavioral therapy as a standard treatment for anorexia nervosa in outpatients at a public specialized eating-disorder treatment unit
J Eat Disord, 10 (1), 15
DOI 10.1186/s40337-022-00536-7, PubMed 35123583

Kolskår KK, Ulrichsen KM, Richard G, Dørum ES, de Schotten MT, Rokicki J, Monereo-Sánchez J, Engvig A, Hansen HI, Nordvik JE, Westlye LT, Alnaes D (2022)
Structural disconnectome mapping of cognitive function in poststroke patients
Brain Behav, 12 (8), e2707
DOI 10.1002/brb3.2707, PubMed 35861657

Lockertsen Ø, Løvhaug L, Davik NK, Bølgen BR, Færden A, Skarstein S (2022)
Second-year undergraduate nursing students' experiences with clinical simulation training in mental health clinical practice: A focus group study
Nurse Educ Pract, 66, 103534
DOI 10.1016/j.nepr.2022.103534, PubMed 36563598

Løvgren PJ, Laake P, Reitan SK, Narud K (2022)
Use of assessment instruments in forensic evaluations of criminal responsibility in Norway
BMC Psychiatry, 22 (1), 235
DOI 10.1186/s12888-022-03831-4, PubMed 35365096

Mathisen TF, Sundgot-Borgen C, Anstensrud B, Sundgot-Borgen J (2022)
Intervention in professional dance students to increase mental health- and nutrition literacy: A controlled trial with follow up
Front Sports Act Living, 4, 727048
DOI 10.3389/fspor.2022.727048, PubMed 36213449

Nysaeter TE, Hummelen B, Christensen TB, Eikenaes IU, Selvik SG, Pedersen G, Bender DS, Skodol AE, Paap MCS (2022)
The Incremental Utility of Criteria A and B of the DSM-5 Alternative Model for Personality Disorders for Predicting DSM-IV/DSM-5 Section II Personality Disorders
J Pers Assess, 105 (1), 111-120
DOI 10.1080/00223891.2022.2039166, PubMed 35285763

Pedersen G, Wilberg T, Hummelen B, Hartveit Kvarstein E (2022)
The Norwegian network for personality disorders - development, contributions and challenges through 30 years
Nord J Psychiatry, 77 (5), 512-520
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2022.2147995, PubMed 36409693

Reas DL, Wisting L, Lindvall Dahlgren C (2022)
Co-occurrence of nonsuicidal self-injury and eating disorder pathology in adolescents
Int J Eat Disord, 56 (2), 439-445
DOI 10.1002/eat.23826, PubMed 36524669

Rokicki J, Kaufmann T, de Lange AG, van der Meer D, Bahrami S, Sartorius AM, Haukvik UK, Steen NE, Schwarz E, Stein DJ, Nærland T, Andreassen OA, Westlye LT, Quintana DS (2022)
Oxytocin receptor expression patterns in the human brain across development
Neuropsychopharmacology, 47 (8), 1550-1560
DOI 10.1038/s41386-022-01305-5, PubMed 35347267

Sahl AC, Rognlien HF, Andreassen OA, Melle I, Ueland T, Vaskinn A (2022)
Theory of mind in schizophrenia: a comparison of subgroups with low and high IQ
Nord J Psychiatry, 77 (4), 329-335
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2022.2106512, PubMed 35916656

Sundgot-Borgen C, Mathisen TF, Torstveit MK, Sundgot-Borgen J (2022)
Explanations for use of dietary- and muscle enhancing dietary supplements among university students: a national cross-sectional study
BMC Nutr, 8 (1), 17
DOI 10.1186/s40795-022-00510-1, PubMed 35209960

Sundgot-Borgen C, Trangsrud LKJ, Otterbring T, Bratland-Sanda S (2022)
Hiking, indoor biking, and body liking: a cross-sectional study examining the link between physical activity arenas and adults' body appreciation
J Eat Disord, 10 (1), 183
DOI 10.1186/s40337-022-00705-8, PubMed 36434702

Tesli N, Bell C, Hjell G, Fischer-Vieler T, I Maximov I, Richard G, Tesli M, Melle I, Andreassen OA, Agartz I, Westlye LT, Friestad C, Haukvik UK, Rokicki J (2022)
The age of violence: Mapping brain age in psychosis and psychopathy
Neuroimage Clin, 36, 103181
DOI 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.103181, PubMed 36088844

Trinh NTH, Semark BD, Munk-Olsen T, Liu X, Rø Ø, Bulik CM, Torgersen L, Lupattelli A, Petersen LV (2022)
Psychiatric visits during the postpartum year in women with eating disorders who continue or discontinue antidepressant treatment in pregnancy
Int J Eat Disord, 56 (3), 582-594
DOI 10.1002/eat.23877, PubMed 36524675

Ulvestad DA, Selsbakk Johansen M, Hartveit Kvarstein E, Pedersen G, Wilberg T (2022)
A borderline focused Reflective Functioning measure - Interrater reliability of the Mentalization Breakdown Interview
Nord J Psychiatry, 77 (4), 360-366
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2022.2123040, PubMed 36244024

Vaskinn A, Sundet K, Haatveit B (2022)
Social cognitive heterogeneity in schizophrenia: A cluster analysis
Schizophr Res Cogn, 30, 100264
DOI 10.1016/j.scog.2022.100264, PubMed 35832256

Vatnar SKB, Friestad C, Bjørkly S (2022)
Intimate Partner Homicides in Norway 1990-2020: An Analysis of Incidence and Characteristics
J Interpers Violence, 37 (23-24), NP21599-NP21625
DOI 10.1177/08862605211063508, PubMed 34982009

Walton E, Bernardoni F, Batury VL, Bahnsen K, Larivière S, Abbate-Daga G, Andres-Perpiña S, Bang L, Bischoff-Grethe A, Brooks SJ, Campbell IC, Cascino G, Castro-Fornieles J, Collantoni E, D'Agata F, Dahmen B, Danner UN, Favaro A, Feusner JD, Frank GKW, Friederich HC, Graner JL, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Hess A, Horndasch S et al. (2022)
Brain Structure in Acutely Underweight and Partially Weight-Restored Individuals With Anorexia Nervosa: A Coordinated Analysis by the ENIGMA Eating Disorders Working Group
Biol Psychiatry, 92 (9), 730-738
DOI 10.1016/j.biopsych.2022.04.022, PubMed 36031441

Zahl KE, Pedersen G, Eikenaes IU, Stänicke LI, Wilberg T, Baltzersen ÅL, Pettersen MS, Hummelen B, Arnevik E, Johansen MS, Hartveit Kvarstein E (2022)
Avoidant and borderline personality disorder patients during the first Covid-19 wave in Norway - a survey-based comparison of therapy changes and patients' accommodations
Nord J Psychiatry, 77 (4), 336-344
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2022.2110614, PubMed 35984379
