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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2023 from OUS - National Advisory Unit on Late Effects after Cancer Treatment

38 publications found

Albertsen PC, Bjerner LJ, Pasovic L, Müller S, Fosså S, Carlsson SV, Oldenburg J (2023)
Opportunistic prostate-specific antigen testing in Norwegian men: a public health challenge
BJU Int, 133 (1), 104-111
DOI 10.1111/bju.16211, PubMed 37869764

Baech J, Husby S, Trab T, Kragholm K, Brown P, Gørløv JS, Jørgensen JM, Gudbrandsdottir S, Severinsen MT, Grønbaek K, Larsen TS, Wästerlid T, Eloranta S, Smeland KB, Jakobsen LH, El-Galaly TC (2023)
Cardiovascular diseases after high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplant for lymphoma: A Danish population-based study
Br J Haematol, 204 (3), 967-975
DOI 10.1111/bjh.19272, PubMed 38155503

Bjerner J, Bratt O, Aas K, Albertsen PC, Fosså SD, Kvåle R, Lilja H, Müller C, Müller S, Stensvold A, Thomas O, Røe OD, Vickers A, Walz J, Carlsson SV, Oldenburg J (2023)
Baseline Serum Prostate-specific Antigen Value Predicts the Risk of Subsequent Prostate Cancer Death-Results from the Norwegian Prostate Cancer Consortium
Eur Urol, 86 (1), 20-26
DOI 10.1016/j.eururo.2023.04.028, PubMed 37169639

Bjerre Trent PK, Nordskar NJ, Wangen KR, Engeskaug MI, Opheim MLØ, Aune G, Staff AC, Thorsen L, Falk RS, Eriksson AGZ (2023)
Self-reported lower extremity lymphedema and quality of life after surgical staging of endometrial carcinoma: A population based cross-sectional study
Gynecol Oncol, 175, 72-80
DOI 10.1016/j.ygyno.2023.05.070, PubMed 37327542

Bøhn S, Oldervoll LM, Reinertsen KV, Seland M, Fosså A, Kiserud C, Skaali T, Nilsen TS, Blomhoff R, Henriksen HB, Lie HC, Berge T, Fjerstad E, Wisløff T, Slott M, Zajmovic I, Thorsen L (2023)
The feasibility of a multidimensional intervention in lymphoma survivors with chronic fatigue
Support Care Cancer, 32 (1), 22
DOI 10.1007/s00520-023-08204-5, PubMed 38095797

Dahl AA, Bentzen AG, Fosså SD, Hess SL, Kiserud CE (2023)
A study of modifiable factors associated with health-related quality of life in long-term cervical cancer survivors
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 102 (2), 218-225
DOI 10.1111/aogs.14490, PubMed 36683549

Dahl AA, Smedsland SK, Vandraas KF, Bøhn SK, Falk RS, Kiserud CE, Reinertsen KV (2023)
High neuroticism is associated with common late adverse effects in a nationwide sample of long-term breast cancer survivors
Breast Cancer Res Treat, 202 (1), 97-104
DOI 10.1007/s10549-023-07055-2, PubMed 37528264

Dahl AA, Smeland KB, Eikeland S, Fagerli UM, Bersvendsen HS, Fosså A, Kiserud CE (2023)
Work ability and work status changes in long-term Hodgkin lymphoma survivors with focus on late adverse effects
J Cancer Surviv, 18 (6), 1921-1930
DOI 10.1007/s11764-023-01432-y, PubMed 37526861

Eikeland SA, Smeland KB, Simensen VC, Fagerli UM, Bersvendsen HS, Kiserud CE, Fosså A (2023)
Chronic fatigue in long-term survivors of Hodgkin's lymphoma after contemporary risk-adapted treatment
Acta Oncol, 62 (1), 80-88
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2023.2168215, PubMed 36715320

Entrop JP, Weibull CE, Smedby KE, Jakobsen LH, Øvlisen AK, Glimelius I, Marklund A, Larsen TS, Holte H, Fosså A, Smeland KB, El-Galaly TC, Eloranta S (2023)
Reproduction patterns among non-Hodgkin lymphoma survivors by subtype in Sweden, Denmark and Norway: A population-based matched cohort study
Br J Haematol, 202 (4), 785-795
DOI 10.1111/bjh.18938, PubMed 37325886

Entrop JP, Weibull CE, Smedby KE, Jakobsen LH, Øvlisen AK, Molin D, Glimelius I, Marklund A, Holte H, Fosså A, Smeland KB, El-Galaly TC, Eloranta S (2023)
Reproduction patterns among classical Hodgkin lymphoma survivors treated with BEACOPP and ABVD in Sweden, Denmark and Norway-A population-based matched cohort study
Int J Cancer, 153 (4), 723-731
DOI 10.1002/ijc.34552, PubMed 37119033

Figlioli G, Billaud A, Wang Q, Bolla MK, Dennis J, Lush M, Kvist A, Adank MA, Ahearn TU, Antonenkova NN, Auvinen P, Behrens S, Bermisheva M, Bogdanova NV, Bojesen SE, Bonanni B, Brüning T, Camp NJ, Campbell A, Castelao JE, Cessna MH, Nbcs Collaborators, Czene K, Devilee P, Dörk T et al. (2023)
Spectrum and Frequency of Germline FANCM Protein-Truncating Variants in 44,803 European Female Breast Cancer Cases
Cancers (Basel), 15 (13)
DOI 10.3390/cancers15133313, PubMed 37444426

Flølo TN, Fosså A, Nedkvitne JIP, Waage JER, Rekdal M, Dankel SN, Fernø J, Mellgren G, Nedrebø BG (2023)
Long-term impact of gastropexy on use of acid-reducing medication, second operations for gastroesophageal reflux and subjective reflux symptoms after sleeve gastrectomy
Clin Obes, 13 (5), e12618
DOI 10.1111/cob.12618, PubMed 37583310

Fosså SD, Haugnes HS, Dahl AA, Kiserud CE, Fosså A, Skalleberg J, Myklebust TÅ (2023)
Adverse health outcomes and global quality of life in long-term testicular cancer survivors: a longitudinal 30-year perspective
Ann Oncol, 34 (12), 1165-1174
DOI 10.1016/j.annonc.2023.09.3101, PubMed 37739265

Franke FC, Damek A, Steglich J, Kurch L, Hasenclever D, Georgi TW, Wohlgemuth WA, Mauz-Körholz C, Körholz D, Kluge R, Landman-Parker J, Wallace WH, Fosså A, Vordermark D, Karlen J, Fernández-Teijeiro A, Cepelova M, Klekawka T, Attarbaschi A, Ceppi F, Hraskova A, Uyttebroeck A, Beishuizen A, Dieckmann K, Leblanc T et al. (2023)
Differentiation between rebound thymic hyperplasia and thymic relapse after chemotherapy in pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma
Pediatr Blood Cancer, 70 (8), e30421
DOI 10.1002/pbc.30421, PubMed 37243889

Gjerset GM, Kiserud CE, Wisløff T, McCarthy JB, Thorsen L (2023)
Perceived burden and need for support among caregivers of cancer patients
Acta Oncol, 62 (7), 794-802
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2023.2240008, PubMed 37540581

Gulbrandsen MS, Nøding AS, Smeland KB, Eikeland SA, Kiserud CE, Hjermstad MJ, Fosså A (2023)
Health-related quality of life, depressive symptoms, and chronic fatigue in long-term survivors of Hodgkin lymphoma
Leuk Lymphoma, 64 (6), 1139-1150
DOI 10.1080/10428194.2023.2198053, PubMed 37144290

Hiensch AE, Beckhaus J, Witlox L, Monninkhof EM, Schagen SB, van Vulpen JK, Sweegers MG, Newton RU, Aaronson NK, Galvão DA, Steindorf K, Stuiver MM, Mesters I, Knoop H, Goedendorp MM, Bohus M, Thorsen L, Schulz KH, Schmidt ME, Ulrich CM, Sonke GS, van Harten WH, Winters-Stone KM, Velthuis MJ, Taaffe DR et al. (2023)
Moderators of exercise effects on self-reported cognitive functioning in cancer survivors: an individual participant data meta-analysis
J Cancer Surviv, 18 (5), 1492-1503
DOI 10.1007/s11764-023-01392-3, PubMed 37160571

Hjelle LV, Sælen M, Aarsæther E, Knutsen T, Andersen S, Bentzen AG, Richardsen E, Wilsgaard T, Fosså SD, Haugnes HS (2023)
The Longitudinal Course of Prospectively Recorded Patient-reported Outcomes in Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Surgery and Salvage Radiotherapy
Eur Urol Open Sci, 53, 6-15
DOI 10.1016/j.euros.2023.04.005, PubMed 37441342

Holme IK, Hollund HA, Vandraas K, Kiserud CE, Reinertsen KV, Loge JH, Lie HC (2023)
Sexual Problems as Late Effects: Awareness and Information Needs Among 1870 Long-term Norwegian Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer Survivors (The NOR-CAYACS Study)
J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol, 13 (1), 203-212
DOI 10.1089/jayao.2023.0031, PubMed 37579257

Huynh TM, Dale E, Falk RS, Hellebust TP, Astrup GL, Malinen E, Edin NFJ, Bjordal K, Herlofson BB, Kiserud CE, Helland Å, Amdal CD (2023)
Radiation-induced long-term dysphagia in survivors of head and neck cancer and association with dose-volume parameters
Radiother Oncol, 190, 110044
DOI 10.1016/j.radonc.2023.110044, PubMed 38061420

Luminari S, Fossa A, Trotman J, Molin D, d'Amore F, Enblad G, Berkahn L, Barrington SF, Radford J, Federico M, Kirkwood AA, Johnson PWM (2023)
Long-Term Follow-Up of the Response-Adjusted Therapy for Advanced Hodgkin Lymphoma Trial
J Clin Oncol, 42 (1), 13-18
DOI 10.1200/JCO.23.01177, PubMed 37883739

Mauz-Körholz C, Landman-Parker J, Fernández-Teijeiro A, Attarbaschi A, Balwierz W, Bartelt JM, Beishuizen A, Boudjemaa S, Cepelova M, Ceppi F, Claviez A, Daw S, Dieckmann K, Fosså A, Gattenlöhner S, Georgi T, Hjalgrim LL, Hraskova A, Karlén J, Kurch L, Leblanc T, Mann G, Montravers F, Pears J, Pelz T et al. (2023)
Response-adapted omission of radiotherapy in children and adolescents with early-stage classical Hodgkin lymphoma and an adequate response to vincristine, etoposide, prednisone, and doxorubicin (EuroNet-PHL-C1): a titration study
Lancet Oncol, 24 (3), 252-261
DOI 10.1016/S1470-2045(23)00019-0, PubMed 36858722

Møller CT, Tafjord G, Blindheim A, Berge V, Fosså S, Andreassen BK (2023)
Initial management and survival of patients with primary metastatic bladder cancer before the immunotherapy era: a population-based study from Norway
Scand J Urol, 58, 101-108
DOI 10.2340/sju.v58.5923, PubMed 37953521

Opheim LØ, Engeskaug I, Bjerre Trent PK, Thorsen L, Staff AC, Nordskar NJ, Utne I, Hagen M, Eriksson AGZ (2023)
Associations between modifiable lifestyle factors and health-related quality of life among endometrial carcinoma survivors - A cross-sectional study
Gynecol Oncol, 179, 52-62
DOI 10.1016/j.ygyno.2023.10.012, PubMed 37924595

Otrebski Nilsson M, Aas K, Myklebust TÅ, Gjelsvik YM, Haug ES, Fosså SD, Johannesen TB (2023)
Do all prostate cancer patients want, and experience shared decision making prior to curative treatment?
Scand J Urol, 58, 133-140
DOI 10.2340/sju.v58.14730, PubMed 38116675

Sanchez VA, Shuey MM, Dinh PC, Monahan PO, Fosså SD, Sesso HD, Dolan ME, Einhorn LH, Vaughn DJ, Martin NE, Feldman DR, Kroenke K, Fung C, Frisina RD, Travis LB (2023)
Patient-Reported Functional Impairment Due to Hearing Loss and Tinnitus After Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy
J Clin Oncol, 41 (12), 2211-2226
DOI 10.1200/JCO.22.01456, PubMed 36626694

Skaali T, Blomhoff R, Lindemann K, Smeland S, Bruheim K, Seland M, Thorsen L (2023)
Self-reported distress and problems after treatment for gynecological cancer - Correlation between a short screening tool and longer measures of anxiety/depression and health-related quality of life
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 103 (2), 387-395
DOI 10.1111/aogs.14709, PubMed 37991142

Smedsland SK, Falk RS, Reinertsen KV, Kiserud CE, Brekke M, Bøhn SH, Dahl AA, Vandraas KF (2023)
Burden of late effects in a nationwide sample of long-term breast cancer survivors
Cancer, 130 (1), 140-149
DOI 10.1002/cncr.35019, PubMed 37776533

Smedsland SK, Vandraas KF, Falk RS, Horn J, Reidunsdatter RJ, Kiserud CE, Dahl AA, Brekke M, Reinertsen KV (2023)
Sexual health in long-term breast cancer survivors: a comparison with female population controls from the HUNT study
Breast Cancer Res Treat, 201 (3), 479-488
DOI 10.1007/s10549-023-07021-y, PubMed 37490170

Solmunde E, Falstie-Jensen AM, Lorenzen EL, Ewertz M, Reinertsen KV, Dekkers OM, Cronin-Fenton DP (2023)
Breast cancer, breast cancer-directed radiation therapy and risk of hypothyroidism: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Breast, 68, 216-224
DOI 10.1016/j.breast.2023.02.008, PubMed 36868138

Storås AH, Tsuruda K, Fosså SD, Andreassen BK (2023)
Time trends in systemic treatment for patients with metastatic prostate cancer: a national cohort study
Acta Oncol, 62 (12), 1716-1722
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2023.2257876, PubMed 37725527

Sælen MG, Hjelle LV, Aarsæther E, Knutsen T, Andersen S, Bentzen AG, Richardsen E, Fosså SD, Haugnes HS (2023)
Patient-reported outcomes after curative treatment for prostate cancer with prostatectomy, primary radiotherapy or salvage radiotherapy
Acta Oncol, 62 (6), 657-665
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2023.2224051, PubMed 37353983

Thorsen L, Courneya KS, Steene-Johannessen J, Gran JM, Haugnes HS, Negaard HFS, Kiserud CE, Fosså SD (2023)
Association of physical activity with overall mortality among long-term testicular cancer survivors: A longitudinal study
Int J Cancer, 153 (8), 1512-1519
DOI 10.1002/ijc.34625, PubMed 37334652

Upreti RP, Mmbaga E, Haugnes HS, Kiserud CE, Del Risco Kollerud R (2023)
Most common health problems in general practice among adolescents, and young adults' survivors of lymphoma: a register-based cohort study in Norway
Acta Oncol, 62 (12), 1607-1615
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2023.2273894, PubMed 37897712

Vandraas K, Reinertsen KV, Smedsland S, Bøhn S, Kiserud C, Falk RS, Lie HC (2023)
Fear of cancer recurrence eight years after early-stage breast cancer - results from a national survey
Acta Oncol, 62 (6), 635-641
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2023.2224052, PubMed 37337306

Wedde TB, Smaastuen MC, Vatne K, Schulz-Jaavall MB, Fosså SD, Lilleby WL (2023)
External beam radiotherapy of prostate cancer with or without high dose-rate brachytherapy: the Norwegian experience with long-term urinary and bowel adverse effects
Scand J Urol, 58, 68-75
DOI 10.2340/sju.v58.9571, PubMed 37644904

Åsberg RE, Nilsen M, Hjermstad MJ, Reinertsen KV, Karlsen J, Giskeødegård GF, Reidunsdatter RJ (2023)
Norwegian general population normative data for the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer questionnaires: the Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30, the Sexual Health Questionnaire QLQ-SHQ22 and the sexual domains of the QLQ-BR23/BR45
Eur J Cancer, 190, 112943
DOI 10.1016/j.ejca.2023.112943, PubMed 37515905
