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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2022 from OUS - Section for Breast Oncology

12 publications found

Brunvoll SH, Flote VG, Halset EH, Bertheussen GF, Skjerven H, Lømo J, Thune I, Hjartåker A (2022)
Normal and unusual days for dietary intake during the 12 months after a breast cancer diagnosis in women
Eur J Nutr, 61 (8), 3873-3885
DOI 10.1007/s00394-022-02925-9, PubMed 35750881

Lofterød T, Frydenberg H, Veierød MB, Jenum AK, Reitan JB, Wist EA, Thune I (2022)
The influence of metabolic factors and ethnicity on breast cancer risk, treatment and survival: The Oslo ethnic breast cancer study
Acta Oncol, 61 (5), 649-657
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2022.2053573, PubMed 35348396

Merklinger-Gruchala A, Jasienska G, Thune I, Kapiszewska M (2022)
Joint effect of particulate matter and cigarette smoke on women's sex hormones
BMC Womens Health, 22 (1), 3
DOI 10.1186/s12905-021-01586-w, PubMed 34996432

Mo T, Brandal SHB, Köhn-Luque A, Engebraaten O, Kristensen VN, Fleischer T, Hompland T, Seierstad T (2022)
Quantification of Tumor Hypoxia through Unsupervised Modelling of Consumption and Supply Hypoxia MR Imaging in Breast Cancer
Cancers (Basel), 14 (5)
DOI 10.3390/cancers14051326, PubMed 35267636

Nilssen Y, Brustugun OT, Eriksen MT, Guren MG, Haug ES, Naume B, Schlichting E, Møller B (2022)
Compliance with recommended cancer patient pathway timeframes and choice of treatment differed by cancer type and place of residence among cancer patients in Norway in 2015-2016
BMC Cancer, 22 (1), 220
DOI 10.1186/s12885-022-09306-9, PubMed 35227226

Rimstad R, Løkkevik E, Juul-Hansen KE, Holtan A (2022)
Patient needs in evacuation of a tertiary oncology center
J Emerg Manag, 20 (3), 267-272
DOI 10.5055/jem.0626, PubMed 35792815

Røssevold AH, Andresen NK, Bjerre CA, Gilje B, Jakobsen EH, Raj SX, Falk RS, Russnes HG, Jahr T, Mathiesen RR, Lømo J, Garred Ø, Chauhan SK, Lereim RR, Dunn C, Naume B, Kyte JA (2022)
Atezolizumab plus anthracycline-based chemotherapy in metastatic triple-negative breast cancer: the randomized, double-blind phase 2b ALICE trial
Nat Med, 28 (12), 2573-2583
DOI 10.1038/s41591-022-02126-1, PubMed 36482103

Stalsberg R, Bertheussen GF, Børset H, Thomsen SN, Husøy A, Flote VG, Thune I, Lundgren S (2022)
Do Breast Cancer Patients Manage to Participate in an Outdoor, Tailored, Physical Activity Program during Adjuvant Breast Cancer Treatment, Independent of Health and Socio-Demographic Characteristics?
J Clin Med, 11 (3)
DOI 10.3390/jcm11030843, PubMed 35160292

Stikbakke E, Wilsgaard T, Haugnes HS, Pedersen MI, Knutsen T, Støyten M, Giovannucci E, Eggen AE, Thune I, Richardsen E (2022)
Expression of miR-24-1-5p in Tumor Tissue Influences Prostate Cancer Recurrence: The PROCA-life Study
Cancers (Basel), 14 (5)
DOI 10.3390/cancers14051142, PubMed 35267449

Staaf J, Häkkinen J, Hegardt C, Saal LH, Kimbung S, Hedenfalk I, Lien T, Sørlie T, Naume B, Russnes H, Marcone R, Ayyanan A, Brisken C, Malterling RR, Asking B, Olofsson H, Lindman H, Bendahl PO, Ehinger A, Larsson C, Loman N, Rydén L, Malmberg M, Borg Å, Vallon-Christersson J (2022)
RNA sequencing-based single sample predictors of molecular subtype and risk of recurrence for clinical assessment of early-stage breast cancer
NPJ Breast Cancer, 8 (1), 94
DOI 10.1038/s41523-022-00465-3, PubMed 35974007

Svestad JG, Heydari M, Mikalsen SG, Flote VG, Nordby F, Hellebust TP (2022)
Surface-guided positioning eliminates the need for skin markers in radiotherapy of right sided breast cancer: A single center randomized crossover trial
Radiother Oncol, 177, 46-52
DOI 10.1016/j.radonc.2022.10.017, PubMed 36309152

Aamdal E, Skovlund E, Jacobsen KD, Straume O, Kersten C, Herlofsen O, Karlsen J, Hussain I, Amundsen A, Dalhaug A, Nyakas M, Hagene KT, Holmsen K, Aamdal S, Kaasa S, Guren TK, Kyte JA (2022)
Health-related quality of life in patients with advanced melanoma treated with ipilimumab: prognostic implications and changes during treatment
ESMO Open, 7 (5), 100588
DOI 10.1016/j.esmoop.2022.100588, PubMed 36116420
