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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2024 from OUS - Section for gastrointestinal oncology

20 publications found

Brown LR, Sousa MS, Yule MS, Baracos VE, McMillan DC, Arends J, Balstad TR, Bye A, Dajani O, Dolan RD, Fallon MT, Greil C, Hjermstad MJ, Jakobsen G, Maddocks M, McDonald J, Ottestad IO, Phillips I, Sayers J, Simpson MR, Vagnildhaug OM, Solheim TS, Laird BJA, Skipworth RJE, Cancer Cachexia Endpoints Working Group (2024)
Body weight and composition endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic Review 4 of the cachexia endpoints series
J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle, 15 (3), 816-852
DOI 10.1002/jcsm.13478, PubMed 38738581

Elvebakken H, Venizelos A, Perren A, Couvelard A, Lothe IMB, Hjortland GO, Myklebust TÅ, Svensson J, Garresori H, Kersten C, Hofsli E, Detlefsen S, Vestermark LW, Knappskog S, Sorbye H (2024)
Treatment outcome according to genetic tumour alterations and clinical characteristics in digestive high-grade neuroendocrine neoplasms
Br J Cancer, 131 (4), 676-684
DOI 10.1038/s41416-024-02773-w, PubMed 38909137

Hamfjord J, Guren TK, Glimelius B, Sorbye H, Pfeiffer P, Dajani O, Lingjærde OC, Tveit KM, Spindler KG, Pallisgaard N, Kure EH (2024)
Exploring Early Kinetic Profiles of CEA, ctDNA and cfDNA in Patients With RAS-/BRAF-Mutated Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Clin Colorectal Cancer (in press)
DOI 10.1016/j.clcc.2024.11.004, PubMed 39743478

Hanekamp BA, Virdee PS, Goh V, Jones M, Hvass Hansen R, Hjorth Johannesen H, Schulz A, Serup-Hansen E, Guren MG, Muirhead R (2024)
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging as an early prognostic marker of chemoradiotherapy response in squamous cell carcinoma of the anus: An individual patient data meta-analysis
Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol, 31, 100618
DOI 10.1016/j.phro.2024.100618, PubMed 39188809

Hjermstad MJ, Jakobsen G, Arends J, Balstad TR, Brown LR, Bye A, Coats AJS, Dajani OF, Dolan RD, Fallon MT, Greil C, Grzyb A, Kaasa S, Koteng LH, May AM, McDonald J, Ottestad I, Philips I, Roeland EJ, Sayers J, Simpson MR, Skipworth RJE, Solheim TS, Sousa MS, Vagnildhaug OM et al. (2024)
Quality of life endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic review 3 of the cachexia endpoints series
J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle, 15 (3), 794-815
DOI 10.1002/jcsm.13453, PubMed 38553255

Labori KJ, Bratlie SO, Andersson B, Angelsen JH, Biörserud C, Björnsson B, Bringeland EA, Elander N, Garresori H, Grønbech JE, Haux J, Hemmingsson O, Liljefors MG, Myklebust TÅ, Nymo LS, Peltola K, Pfeiffer P, Sallinen V, Sandström P, Sparrelid E, Stenvold H, Søreide K, Tingstedt B, Verbeke C, Öhlund D et al. (2024)
Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX versus upfront surgery for resectable pancreatic head cancer (NORPACT-1): a multicentre, randomised, phase 2 trial
Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol, 9 (3), 205-217
DOI 10.1016/S2468-1253(23)00405-3, PubMed 38237621

Lordick F, Mauer ME, Stocker G, Cella CA, Ben-Aharon I, Piessen G, Wyrwicz L, Al-Haidari G, Fleitas-Kanonnikoff T, Boige V, Lordick Obermannová R, Martens UM, Gomez-Martin C, Thuss-Patience P, Arrazubi V, Avallone A, Shiu KK, Artru P, Brenner B, Buges Sanchez C, Chau I, Lorenzen S, Daum S, Sinn M, Merelli B et al. (2024)
Adjuvant immunotherapy in patients with resected gastric and oesophagogastric junction cancer following preoperative chemotherapy with high risk for recurrence (ypN+ and/or R1): European Organisation of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 1707 VESTIGE study
Ann Oncol, 36 (2), 197-207
DOI 10.1016/j.annonc.2024.10.829, PubMed 39542422

Maggadottir SM, Dueland S, Mensali N, Hamre H, Andresen PA, Myhre MR, Juul HV, Bigalke I, Lundby M, Hønnåshagen TK, Sæbøe-Larssen S, Josefsen D, Hagtvedt T, Wälchli S, Kvalheim G, Inderberg EM (2024)
Transient TCR-based T cell therapy in a patient with advanced treatment-resistant MSI-high colorectal cancer
Mol Ther, 32 (6), 2021-2029
DOI 10.1016/j.ymthe.2024.04.009, PubMed 38582964

Nome RV, Flatebø Ø, Bøe SL, Klaasen RA, Aamdal E, Normann M, Bolstad N, Warren DJ (2024)
A simple automated assay format for measuring multiple immune checkpoint inhibitors
J Pharm Biomed Anal, 255, 116657
DOI 10.1016/j.jpba.2024.116657, PubMed 39756153

Os SS, Skipar K, Skovlund E, Hompland I, Hellebust TP, Guren MG, Lindemann K, Nakken ES (2024)
Survival prediction in patients with gynecological cancer irradiated for brain metastases
Acta Oncol, 63, 206-212
DOI 10.2340/1651-226X.2023.34899, PubMed 38647023

Puco K, Fagereng GL, Brabrand S, Niehusmann P, Støre Blix E, Samdal Steinskog ES, Haug Å, Fredvik Torkildsen C, Oppedal IA, Meltzer S, Flobak Å, Johansson KAM, Bjørge L, Hjortland GO, Dalhaug A, Lund JÅ, Gilje B, Grønlie Cameron M, Hovland R, Falk RS, Smeland S, Giercksky Russnes HE, Taskén K, Helland Å, InPreD Consortium et al. (2024)
IMPRESS-Norway: improving public cancer care by implementing precision medicine in Norway; inclusion rates and preliminary results
Acta Oncol, 63, 379-384
DOI 10.2340/1651-226X.2024.28322, PubMed 38779911

Ree AH, Høye E, Esbensen Y, Beitnes AR, Negård A, Bernklev L, Tetlie LK, Fretland ÅA, Hamre HM, Kersten C, Hofsli E, Guren MG, Sorbye H, Nilsen HL, Flatmark K, Meltzer S (2024)
Complete response of metastatic microsatellite-stable BRAF V600E colorectal cancer to first-line oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy and immune checkpoint blockade
Oncoimmunology, 13 (1), 2372886
DOI 10.1080/2162402X.2024.2372886, PubMed 38952672

Ree AH, Šaltytė Benth J, Hamre HM, Kersten C, Hofsli E, Guren MG, Sorbye H, Johansen C, Negård A, Bjørnetrø T, Nilsen HL, Berg JP, Flatmark K, Meltzer S (2024)
First-line oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy and nivolumab for metastatic microsatellite-stable colorectal cancer-the randomised METIMMOX trial
Br J Cancer, 130 (12), 1921-1928
DOI 10.1038/s41416-024-02696-6, PubMed 38664577

Samuel R, Knight SR, Adams R, Das P, Dorth J, Finch D, Guren MG, Hawkins MA, Moug S, Rajdev L, Sebag-Montefiore D, Renehan AG, Fish R, plus the CORMAC-2 collaborators (2024)
International consensus to define outcomes for trials of chemoradiotherapy for anal cancer (CORMAC-2): defining the outcomes from the CORMAC core outcome set
EClinicalMedicine, 78, 102939
DOI 10.1016/j.eclinm.2024.102939, PubMed 39720423

Slørdahl KS, Balto A, Guren MG, Wibe A, Kørner H, Norderval S, Gjelsvik YM, Myklebust TÅ, Larsen IK (2024)
Patient-reported outcomes after treatment for rectal cancer-A prospective nationwide study
Colorectal Dis, 27 (1) (in press)
DOI 10.1111/codi.17231, PubMed 39515999

Sodergren SC, Hurley-Wallace A, Vassiliou V, Alkhaffaf B, Batsaikhan B, Darlington AS, Fleitas-Kanonnikof T, Guren MG, Honda M, Kim YW, Kim S, Krishnamurthy MN, Loh SY, Turhal NS, Zhou J, Dennis K, Krishnatry R, Terashima M, Tsironis G, Yoshikawa T, Terada M, EORTC Quality of Life Group (2024)
Revisiting the use of the EORTC QLQ-STO22 to assess health-related quality of life of patients with gastric cancer: incorporating updated treatment options and cross-cultural perspectives
Gastric Cancer, 27 (4), 722-734
DOI 10.1007/s10120-024-01492-8, PubMed 38668819

Sorbye H, Hjortland GO, Vestermark LW, Sundlov A, Assmus J, Couvelard A, Perren A, Langer SW (2024)
NETest in advanced high-grade gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms
J Neuroendocrinol, 36 (11), e13428
DOI 10.1111/jne.13428, PubMed 38937137

Urrizola A, Dajani O, Aass N, Bjerkeset E, Hjermstad MJ, Kaasa S, Klepstad P, Pirnat A, Raaness I, Steinsheim H, Bye A (2024)
Nutrition impact symptom monitoring and weight loss outcomes: a longitudinal radiotherapy study
BMJ Support Palliat Care (in press)
DOI 10.1136/spcare-2024-004939, PubMed 38862183

Westgaard A, Pirnat A, Hjermstad MJ, Aass N, Kaasa S, Dajani OF (2024)
Prognostic Value of Performance Status, Albumin, and CRP in Last-Line Chemotherapy for Pancreatic vs. Other Gastrointestinal Cancers-Simple Tools Matter
Curr Oncol, 31 (9), 5462-5471
DOI 10.3390/curroncol31090404, PubMed 39330032

Willmann J, Balermpas P, Rimner A, Appelt AL, Vasquez Osorio EM, Rønde HS, Day M, Embring A, Gabryś D, Guren MG, Hoskin P, Massaccesi M, Mayo C, Murray L, Nieder C, Guckenberger M, Andratschke N (2024)
Ongoing prospective studies on reirradiation: A systematic review of a clinical trials database
Radiother Oncol, 202, 110624
DOI 10.1016/j.radonc.2024.110624, PubMed 39532233
