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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2021 from OUS - Section for palliative medicine

19 publications found

Abrahamsen CS, Lang-Ree HM, Halvorsen K, Stenbakken CM (2021)
Patients with COPD: Exploring patients' coping ability during an interdisciplinary pulmonary rehabilitation programme: A qualitative focus group study
J Clin Nurs, 30 (9-10), 1479-1488
DOI 10.1111/jocn.15700, PubMed 33555629

Balstad TR, Brunelli C, Pettersen CH, Schønberg SA, Skorpen F, Fallon M, Kaasa S, Bye A, Laird BJA, Stene GB, Solheim TS (2021)
Power Comparisons and Clinical Meaning of Outcome Measures in Assessing Treatment Effect in Cancer Cachexia: Secondary Analysis From a Randomized Pilot Multimodal Intervention Trial
Front Nutr, 7, 602775
DOI 10.3389/fnut.2020.602775, PubMed 33585533

Bong WK, Gaustadnes LM, Bergland A, Chen W, Bye A (2021)
Community-living older people's interpretation of the Norwegian version of older people's quality of life (OPQOL) questionnaire
Health Soc Care Community, 29 (6), 1695-1705
DOI 10.1111/hsc.13273, PubMed 33440057

Borchgrevink PC, Glette M, Woodhouse A, Butler S, Landmark T, Romundstad P, Dale O, Stiles TC, Bonaa KH, Thorsvik D, Thünte S, Kaasa S (2021)
A Clinical Description of Chronic Pain in a General Population Using ICD-10 and ICD-11 (The HUNT Pain Examination Study)
J Pain, 23 (2), 337-348
DOI 10.1016/j.jpain.2021.08.007, PubMed 34551343

Brenne AT, Løhre ET, Knudsen AK, Thronæs M, Lund JÅ, Kongshaug N, Neverdal MN, Rystad K, Johansen MH, Braseth TI, Kaasa S (2021)
Implementing a Standardized Care Pathway Integrating Oncology, Palliative Care and Community Care in a Rural Region of Mid-Norway
Oncol Ther, 9 (2), 671-693
DOI 10.1007/s40487-021-00176-y, PubMed 34731447

Gullhaug A, Hjermstad MJ, Yri O, Svestad JG, Aass N, Johansen S (2021)
Use of radiotherapy in breast cancer patients with brain metastases: a retrospective 11-year single center study
J Med Imaging Radiat Sci, 52 (2), 214-222
DOI 10.1016/j.jmir.2021.01.002, PubMed 33549504

Habberstad R, Frøseth TCS, Aass N, Bjerkeset E, Abramova T, Garcia-Alonso E, Caputo M, Rossi R, Boland JW, Brunelli C, Lund JÅ, Kaasa S, Klepstad P (2021)
Clinical Predictors for Analgesic Response to Radiotherapy in Patients with Painful Bone Metastases
J Pain Symptom Manage, 62 (4), 681-690
DOI 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2021.03.022, PubMed 33794301

Hjermstad MJ, Hamfjord J, Aass N, Dajani O, Lundeby T, Wester T, Kaasa S (2021)
Using Process Indicators to Monitor Documentation of Patient-Centred Variables in an Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care Pathway-Results from a Cluster Randomized Trial
Cancers (Basel), 13 (9)
DOI 10.3390/cancers13092194, PubMed 34063594

Karlsson AT, Hjermstad MJ, Omdahl T, Aass N, Skovlund E, Hellebust TP, Johansen S, Kaasa S, Yri OE (2021)
Overall survival after initial radiotherapy for brain metastases; a population based study of 2140 patients with non-small cell lung cancer
Acta Oncol, 60 (8), 1054-1060
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2021.1924399, PubMed 34032536

Larsen BH, Lundeby T, Gerwing J, Gulbrandsen P, Førde R (2021)
"Eh - What type of cells are these - flourishing in the liver?" Cancer patients' disclosure of existential concerns in routine hospital consultations
Patient Educ Couns, 105 (7), 2019-2026
DOI 10.1016/j.pec.2021.11.010, PubMed 34839995

Lilleheie I, Debesay J, Bye A, Bergland A (2021)
The tension between carrying a burden and feeling like a burden: a qualitative study of informal caregivers' and care recipients' experiences after patient discharge from hospital
Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being, 16 (1), 1855751
DOI 10.1080/17482631.2020.1855751, PubMed 33345749

Lærum-Onsager E, Molin M, Olsen CF, Bye A, Debesay J, Hestevik CH, Bjerk M, Pripp AH (2021)
Effect of nutritional and physical exercise intervention on hospital readmission for patients aged 65 or older: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act, 18 (1), 62
DOI 10.1186/s12966-021-01123-w, PubMed 33971901

Olsen CF, Bergland A, Bye A, Debesay J, Langaas AG (2021)
Crossing knowledge boundaries: health care providers' perceptions and experiences of what is important to achieve more person-centered patient pathways for older people
BMC Health Serv Res, 21 (1), 310
DOI 10.1186/s12913-021-06312-8, PubMed 33827714

Olsen CF, Bergland A, Debesay J, Bye A, Langaas AG (2021)
Patient Flow or the Patient's Journey? Exploring Health Care Providers' Experiences and Understandings of Implementing a Care Pathway to Improve the Quality of Transitional Care for Older People
Qual Health Res, 31 (9), 1710-1723
DOI 10.1177/10497323211003861, PubMed 34010082

Olsen SU, Hesseberg K, Aas AM, Pripp AH, Ranhoff AH, Bye A (2021)
A comparison of two different refeeding protocols and its effect on hand grip strength and refeeding syndrome: a randomized controlled clinical trial
Eur Geriatr Med, 12 (6), 1201-1212
DOI 10.1007/s41999-021-00520-5, PubMed 34086194

Olsen SU, Hesseberg K, Aas AM, Ranhoff AH, Bye A (2021)
Refeeding syndrome occurs among older adults regardless of refeeding rates: A systematic review
Nutr Res, 91, 1-12
DOI 10.1016/j.nutres.2021.05.004, PubMed 34130206

Røen I, Brenne AT, Brunelli C, Stifoss-Hanssen H, Grande G, Solheim TS, Kaasa S, Knudsen AK (2021)
Spiritual quality of life in family carers of patients with advanced cancer-a cross-sectional study
Support Care Cancer, 29 (9), 5329-5339
DOI 10.1007/s00520-021-06080-5, PubMed 33661369

Skaarud KJ, Hov JR, Hansen SH, Kummen M, Valeur J, Seljeflot I, Bye A, Paulsen V, Lundin KEA, Trøseid M, Tjønnfjord GE, Iversen PO (2021)
Mortality and microbial diversity after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: secondary analysis of a randomized nutritional intervention trial
Sci Rep, 11 (1), 11593
DOI 10.1038/s41598-021-90976-z, PubMed 34078971

Winther RR, Vik-Mo EO, Yri OE, Aass N, Kaasa S, Skovlund E, Helseth E, Hjermstad MJ (2021)
Surgery for brain metastases - real-world prognostic factors' association with survival
Acta Oncol, 60 (9), 1161-1168
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2021.1930150, PubMed 34032547
