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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2022 from OUS - Breast tumor evolution (Sørlie)

3 publications found

Bergholtz H, Lien T, Lingaas F, Sørlie T (2022)
Comparative analysis of the molecular subtype landscape in canine and human mammary gland tumors
J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia, 27 (2), 171-183
DOI 10.1007/s10911-022-09523-9, PubMed 35932380

Langille E, Al-Zahrani KN, Ma Z, Liang M, Uuskula-Reimand L, Espin R, Teng K, Malik A, Bergholtz H, Ghamrasni SE, Afiuni-Zadeh S, Tsai R, Alvi S, Elia A, Lü Y, Oh RH, Kozma KJ, Trcka D, Narimatsu M, Liu JC, Nguyen T, Barutcu S, Loganathan SK, Bremner R, Bader GD et al. (2022)
Loss of Epigenetic Regulation Disrupts Lineage Integrity, Induces Aberrant Alveogenesis, and Promotes Breast Cancer
Cancer Discov, 12 (12), 2930-2953
DOI 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-0865, PubMed 36108220

Staaf J, Häkkinen J, Hegardt C, Saal LH, Kimbung S, Hedenfalk I, Lien T, Sørlie T, Naume B, Russnes H, Marcone R, Ayyanan A, Brisken C, Malterling RR, Asking B, Olofsson H, Lindman H, Bendahl PO, Ehinger A, Larsson C, Loman N, Rydén L, Malmberg M, Borg Å, Vallon-Christersson J (2022)
RNA sequencing-based single sample predictors of molecular subtype and risk of recurrence for clinical assessment of early-stage breast cancer
NPJ Breast Cancer, 8 (1), 94
DOI 10.1038/s41523-022-00465-3, PubMed 35974007
