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Publications (original articles or review articles) published in 2019 from OUS - Immunotherapy against solid cancers (Kyte)

3 publications found

Bartolomé-Casado R, Landsverk OJB, Chauhan SK, Richter L, Phung D, Greiff V, Risnes LF, Yao Y, Neumann RS, Yaqub S, Øyen O, Horneland R, Aandahl EM, Paulsen V, Sollid LM, Qiao SW, Baekkevold ES, Jahnsen FL (2019)
Resident memory CD8 T cells persist for years in human small intestine
J Exp Med, 216 (10), 2412-2426
DOI 10.1084/jem.20190414, PubMed 31337737

Kyte JA, Fåne A, Pule M, Gaudernack G (2019)
Transient redirection of T cells for adoptive cell therapy with telomerase-specific T helper cell receptors isolated from long term survivors after cancer vaccination
Oncoimmunology, 8 (4), e1565236
DOI 10.1080/2162402X.2019.1565236, PubMed 30906659

Stiksrud B, Aass HCD, Lorvik KB, Ueland T, Trøseid M, Dyrhol-Riise AM (2019)
Activated dendritic cells and monocytes in HIV immunological nonresponders: HIV-induced interferon-inducible protein-10 correlates with low future CD4+ recovery
AIDS, 33 (7), 1117-1129
DOI 10.1097/QAD.0000000000002173, PubMed 30789356
